Dreary, dreary, dreary day! Our snow last night changed into rain this morning. Now everything is a mushy, slushy mess. I cannot remember a January that was so like March in terms of rain. Less shoveling, though, so that is good.
I wanted a nice comforting breakfast today, so I made up some protein waffles with warm apple topping.
After working for the morning, it was back to the eye doc today for a checkup on the old peepers!
I am about 95% back to normal and can start tapering down the steroid drops and be done in about a week. We may never figure out what could be causing the allergic reaction, but for now it is trial and error. I have been okay wearing my contacts, so it doesn’t appear to be an issue with that at least. Plus, my eyes are more red when I wake up. Pixie does not sleep in our bedroom due to John’s allergies, so that probably rules her out. Time to play detective. This whole episode has set me back a lot. The lab work alone was over $600, although I think I have a discounted pay on that for self-pay (I hope, if I read the bill correctly). Crazy. Guess I will be working a few Saturdays to catch that up. So, hair loss, dry skin, weight gain are all symptoms of perimenopause. Hooray…
I came home for lunch. Leftover Saag Paneer. I need to try to make this at home.
We are trying to eat up as much stuff in the fridge as we can before vacation! Work went by pretty quickly today. I took a break to make the lattes today. That meant a secret Friday ingredient!
Plus a couple pieces of chocolate.
Both of us had mishmash dinners tonight to use up leftovers. Mine was cooked beef that I mixed with some taco seasoning and topped with a little sour cream.
After dinner, I went out shopping looking for some capri length pants for Florida. I normally don’t buy capris unless they are for short people. Otherwise they just look like highwaters. Then, there is just the annoyance of shopping for something and getting frustrated finding the right fit. Ugh. I did not enjoy shopping so much tonight, but I did find a pair of capris for shorties! Thank goodness for JCPenney and their petite department -although I am feeling anything but petite in any form right now. Plus I got a top for $8 and another pair of comfy relaxing pants to wear.
Now is snack time and watching the rest of this season of Downton Abbey! John is enjoying it as well, so now we have a show to watch together.
So glad your eyes are getting better!!! Yahoo!
Amarula and dark chocolate…it is like you are already on vacation.
New clothes and a great deal! Love it.
Glad to see you got a good report (sorry about that bill though, yikes!)
I love my JCP pants. Not their tops so much though. I have trouble finding tops that fit.
Funny you should say that about the tops. I tried on a bunch that fit horribly, but then there was one that did.
Sounds like shopping was a success – for me, that’s always a crapshoot when it comes to finding pants. I forget about JCP’s petite department – thanks for the reminder.
Oh, a blood vessel (or two) burst in my eye yesterday and I immediately thought of you…red eyes, the new communicable disease in blogland, lol! Glad your eyes are getting better. I look like a zombie in that eye.
Yeah, nothing like going around looking you had a wild night, eh?
I am so thankful for our health care system here in Canada. It has it’s flaws, but I’ve had such good experiences, that I refuse to complain. I have no idea how much my recent doctor’s appointments and ultrasound, blood work, etc. would have set us back. Only my eye appointment cost $75 (every two years).
Glad your eye is improving. I wear contacts also so I totally understand your woes. The type of contacts bother me more – my doctor likes a certain type of contacts b/c they allow more oxygen into the eye, however, my eyes get all sloppy with those ones, so I’ve asked to go back to my “old” ones – and I don’t have an issue at all with the old ones. Strange, but I know it’s the issue. With my new prescription, she didn’t have samples in the kind that I like, so she gave me the kind that SHE likes, gloopy eyes again. Ugh. I will order the right kind – and she understands. She says some don’t work well for some people. (and with those contacts, my eyes become more goopy at the day goes on, and are even goopy in the am, and I don’t wear the contacts in the night.)
I hear you re perimenopause – Ugh, Ugh. Just make it over!!! (please)
((( hugs )))
I’m watching Downton Abbey tonight too! Found the second season on pbs.org!
Maybe it was a one-time thing with the eyes? You can always hope.
Your waffle looks scrumptious.
I hope it is a one time thing, but it went on so long there must be a trigger in the house somewhere.
Great that you found capri’s that you like. I actually hate shopping for clothes and buy most of my clothes online.
Good news that you’re eyes are getting better.
I’ve checked about Downtown Abbey and guess what: it’s already been on tv here the first 2 seasons boohoo. Now I’m hoping for a rerun someday.
I started watching last month when several people talked it up. I went back and began at the beginning. I’m not sure I even asked my husband if he wanted to watch! I like having some shows I can watch when I want to.
I do the same thing when I know I have to be out of town. We try and eat all of the “fresh” items before leaving. You can get some pretty crazy meals out of it!
So glad your eye is better! I had that pink eye thing not too long ago. I think it was an allergic reaction to some new detergent I had not used before & went back to my old kind but I never really found out.. hard to say…
So excited for you & your vacation! I bet we will see some fun pics!!! Lucky you!
Glad the drops are working – that’s great it was an easy fix. My husband has had that same problem with his eyes being red (but not itchy or painful). He was also given steroid drops and the redness went away. However, once he went off the drops the redness did come back from time to time. Interestingly, he has large eyes too (and they bulge a bit, but he’s still cute!). I wonder if there’s a link there?? Glad you had a successful shopping trip!
I think you’re probably on your way by now, enjoying the warm weather. Have a wonderful time. I appreciated the all ears link, we go to WDW every so often and it’s good to know that. Good job on finding petite capris in January. Give my love to Mickey & Minnie.
Is your warm apple topping recipe somewhere on your site? I’d LOVE to have it
And I’m so glad someone else knows the joy of Amarula! A friend of mine brought a bottle back for me from Africa.. life hasn’t been the same since!
I hope the allergy mystery is solved soon. I also don’t have insurance so I know how rough doing self-pay can be. You’re in my thoughts, Lori!
That recipe is here http://findingradiance.com/2010/08/03/easy-apple-cranberry-topping/
Ouch that is a hefty lab bill! I hope you can identify what is causing this. You can always have pants and Capri pants hemmed at a tailor for under $10 where I live. It does add to the cost of new clothes but is worth it to have clothes that fit.
I have vacation envy! We don’t have any vacation plans right now but I feel like getting away. Perhaps it is a little early Spring fever!
Cool that you found what you wanted shopping. I have yet to have a good shopping day. lol The food pics, as always are yummy!
I’ve had episodes of super dry eyes since I started my perimenopause phase. They can be really red and watery – no itching or discharge. And usually worse in the morning! My doctor told my all the dryness – everywhere – eyes, skin, ETC. – is a PM thing. UGH! So maybe the eyes are related to that. Enjoy your vacation!