How did it get to be Monday already? I do feel good and rested, th0ugh. My sleep has been good lately. Taking magnesium at night has helped my insomnia so much! Plus happy dreams with my 2 favorite teams moving forward in the playoffs.
As much as I am a Broncos fan, I do have to go on record that I am not that wild about Tim Tebow. I don’t see him as the long-term answer at quarterback, but then you just never know. He seems like a nice enough guy and I hope I am wrong about his skillz. That said – come on and beat the Patriots and Bellicheat!
Today was a non gym day, so it was just riding the trainer and a nice breakfast.
This is apple cranberry topping on coconut flour waffles. Good stuff.
I don’t think I mentioned yesterday, but I had a good weekend food wise, and I was really happy about that. I was within my calorie range (which I did bump up a couple hundred calories to compensate for the weekend *if I wanted*) and got in a lot of exercise. Funny how I actually can be really focused if I put my mind to it. I do it in other areas in my life quite regularly, but my eating is the area I struggle with until I get in a zone.
Lunchtime. This is sauteed pototao and sausage. This sausage is really lean, so it is hard to count calories for, but I do use venison sausage calories in Livestrong and call it good enough.
Plus blueberries! They are in big packages in the grocery store this week and pretty good price. I love blueberries. I remember last year they came into our stores in the winter as well. I’ll take it!
I had an almond milk latte in the afternoon along with one of my chocolate cookies.
These have about 120 calories each (by the size I made them) and really hit the spot.
The day went by pretty fast. Always good when work goes fast, isn’t it? I find it interesting in the clinics that I have been doing that a lot of people are coming in to get checked out before starting Medifast. I didn’t know that people actually took the suggestion to talk with a physician before starting any program (be it food or exercise)! It also surprised me a little bit that it is Medifast that I keep hearing about. Of course, it is only a small sampling of the visits in a day that I do, but I did notice that trend. Usually I hear more about Weight Watchers.
After finishing up, I cooked up a quick dinner. I had a taco redux. Turkey cooked with taco seasoning on top of tortilla chips with some sour cream (the real stuff, not fat free).
Now it is out with my hubby tonight for some tasty coffee!
Love the free Wifi – and catching up on blogs. No Pinterest tonight!!
Tomorrow is the review on Wheat Belly, which I got done in between messing around on Pinterest and the football games this weekend
Glad you had a good eating weekend, Lori! It’s so nice when that trend continues through the weekends since they are the hardest!
My sleeping has been super suckish lately. I must have gotten a whopping 4 hours total last night.
I be grouchy.
Your lunch looks so tasty! I’ve been craving sausage the past two weeks!
Yay for the Broncos! I was totally cheering them on for you! Now both of our teams are still in the running. So exciting! Considering where the Broncos were earlier in the season, you should love Tebow (for the moment).
Cannot decide what looks better – the gooey cookie or the sausage potato saute. Boy does that look wonderful!
Just checking in, Lori. Good to hear you’re focused. Have a great week!
Yum, a two-latte day…
I had a turkey taco salad tonight! And more than my fair share of coffee today. I am cold tonight. It must be 40 degrees (LOL)
Interesting to hear that people check in before starting a diet. Most diets suggest one does that but I’m not sure how many people here in Holland do it. I never done it.
Usually I sleep fine but the past 2 nights I couldn’t get to sleep and I was awake every hour. Hope tonight will go better because I know from experience I will get pretty tired otherwise.
does it not feel great to have the eating udner control?
I sooo need me a pinterest tutorial.
and lecture on why I should pinterest
Aren’t you finding Pinterest to be less of a time suck now that you’ve been using it a bit? Some days I don’t even look at it!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beating the Patriots! I was born in Mass!
I am personally a bit tired of this Tebow thing but whatever…. I think it comes from all the religious stuff I have to listen to with the election stuff & this adds to it. Yes, he seems like a nice guy but I am done with it. 
Honestly Lori, I can friggin figure out how to pin a pic. I am all set up & have the pin it button & a board ready to go & people following me but I just can’t figure out how to get the pic from a site to my board – nothing new with non-savvy me!
A co-worker of mine is actually getting a type of stomach stapling – our insurance company has her do a weight loss program for 6 months before they go ahead with the surgery – she’s doing WW with me. Er, well, she always says she’ll meet me for the meetings but for the last 16 weeks she’s had excuse after excuse – and I think she’s gained 20 pounds in anticipation of the surgery – so sad!
Oh the time lost to Pinterest. I’ll look up and think wait, what happened to the last 20 minutes.
That coconut flour waffle looks so good with the topping. Confession: I thought about pinning it.
Can I tag into Miz’s pinterest tutorial???
Can John please make us all lattes to sip while we learn? Have a great day Lori!!
Can I just say how much I love your meals? Seriously, that’s the way I eat when I’m in “the zone,” and I love it!!!
See how many of us need help on that dang Pinterest. I have the friggin button installed & still can’t figure out how to get the pics on my board!