Happy Monday to all! I took a rest from the gym today. See, I can be a good girl if I put my mind to it. My foot feels so much better. It actually only hurts if I press on the top of it, so obviously I will not be doing that anymore.
Mondays are grain-free days, so I opted for the banana bread pudding.
I topped it with peanut flour and orange marmalade. John peered over at my plate and said, “That will make a pretty picture.” It tasted even better.
I have been taking some anti-inflammatories twice daily per the Urgent Care visit to help with both my foot and my wrist. Know the funny thing? It actually relieves pain! I almost never take anything, ever. The last antibiotics I took were about 7 years ago. Not that I wouldn’t take them, but I have not needed them. I think I must have a higher threshold for pain because it just doesn’t occur to me to take anything except when I have a headache. Sometimes I might take a tylenol PM if my back is acting up, but only a half dose.
Part of it is just fear of overdoing it if I take something. I am one of those that if it doesn’t hurt, I must be fine and then I go do things. When I first hurt my back last year, I took an advil gel cap right when I hurt it and then proceeded to get on the bike. By the time we were almost home, I couldn’t even pedal with my left leg and had to do it all with the right. Then I couldn’t stand up straight and had to basically crawl up the stairs. Kind of scary. I wonder if I hadn’t dulled the initial pain if I would have gotten on the bike at all. I don’t know if I did harm by riding, but the damage was probably already done and I will never know.
Anyway, with taking the anti-inflammatories regularly, my wrist doesn’t hurt and my foot feels good. How nice to have it be that way! For someone who is pretty intelligent, sometimes I am surprisingly slow.
Lunch time:
What is that frothy stuff you ask? Soup. My roasted red pepper and tomato soup. For some reason I had the brilliant idea of adding whey protein isolate to it. Now I had tried that before with oatmeal and figured soup would be different. Not! Also, brilliant Lori mixed it in with our milk frother. So, not only was the whey protein curdled, but foamy as well. The taste was fine, so I ate it anyway. I just didn’t look at it.
The bread on the side was a recipe from Elana’s Pantry for a grain free bread. Quite tasty, I might add.
I took a shorter, slower walk today to not overly stress my foot, and if felt fine. Especially in my new walking shoes! They are so comfie. They have an elastic top and strap in the back, so there is absolutely no pressure on the top of my foot like with regular shoes. This will be one of 2 pairs I will take for walking around Disney come January.
I got back just in time for lattes!
It was a fairly busy work day. Things will probably slow down a bit as we get closer to the holiday, so I will just make sure I work hard now. I am still waiting to see the bill for the Urgent Care visit.
Dinner time and I had the same thing I did last night because I enjoyed it! Baker with laughing cow and some ground turkey cooked with BBQ sauce.
Plus sauteed brussel sprouts. That was 2 veggies today with the veggie soup and the brussels! Doing pretty well on that challenge. Weekends seem to be the hardest.
Done with work tonight and since I am also done with chores, that means relaxing and football with my snack, which is a pear and some cashews.
Plus my lap warmer.
I hate to get her up to get my pear!
I had to giggle over your pain reliever response, because I’m pretty much the same way. When I’m complaining about an ongoing headache, my friends will ask, “Did you take anything for it?” And then they’ll shake their heads because they know I didn’t. LOL
I actually bought 3 whole brussels sprouts today! There was a recipe in our local paper that involved thinly-sliced b-sprouts, kosher salt, walnuts, and cranberries, so I decided to invest %0.64 in trying them out.
I have done the brussels that way. Alton Brown has a recipe for them. He cooks them in butter, but the sweet and savory is very good!
Laughing at Cammy’s big brussel sprouts purchase!
And you crazy girls. Take those anti-inflammatories–you will actually heal faster. Lots of tasty looking food on here today. Did you do the stats on Elena’s bread? Those paleo people don’t seem to worry too much about calories.
Pixie looks very content. I’m like you. I hate disturbing them for my evening snack. It ALMOST makes me skip eating LOL.
The stats are a bit scary on the bread, which is good because it keeps me from wolfing it down. It is really good.
Sometimes I am on the “Slugger” diet. He is on my lap on the couch and I hate to move him to get my pre-planned snack. I appreciate him saving me some calories. I laughed at your comment about not taking any pain medication because I’m the same way. I guess Lori, Cammy, and Kim are not keeping the pharmaceutical folks in business.
Great job on skipping the gym…feels strange to type that. Glad you are not in too much pain.
I have finally graduated from gluten free to grain free…and I like it!
Awwww..that is for Pixie!
I’m a big fan of Motrin…glad you are taking some and I hope you do heal quickly! Very nice that your new walking shoes are so comfy!
Glad you are on the mend. It’s no fun to be in pain and not be able to be as active as you would like. Patience goes a long way in helping with recovery!
I looove the picture of kitty. Just like a sleepy newborn.
And I love your new shoes 
Been following your website for a a little while now. Very Inspiring.Get well soon
Glad you’re taking the pills and they help. I’m like you when it comes to pain medication but sometimes it really helps.
Don’t you love those lap warmers
I actually hate it on cold days when Bella is lying against me and she decides to find another spot -> it’s cold LOL.
Good to hear that your foot and wrist are feeling better!
Good to hear your foot was doing ok on the walk! Also good of YOU not to keep pushing it just because it felt ok.
Judging from that picture of you and Pixie, it’s clear who runs things over at your house.
Lori – so glad you are feeling so much better!!! YES to that! I am like you with pain relievers & pain too. Thus the craziness when I had the reaction to Advil when I had to take so much after the tooth stuff. Now I have a prescription for the hard stuff when I get tooth work done again so I don’t have to take so much. I just an weird about taking that stuff.. We all learn our lessons!
OK – that Pixie is just the cutest cat ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are not alone in “suddenly” realizing that one really can feel better taking some Motrin! I do that all the time…. wait and wait and then I take it, feel better, and think why did I wait so long? Silly.
That grain free bread looks good enough that I might be willing to buy the stuff needed to make it…. hmmmmmmm why yes, I am missing my breads!
You just never know what protein powder is going to do. LOL My mom puts hers in her coffee and says it works fine. Haven’t trie it yet.
Pixie is the cutest lap warmer!
Hi Lori, yay for the healing R&R!!!! Pixie makes an excellent hot water bottle too! Take care.