We narrowly escaped the snow for the Northeast! We were predicted for a lot of snow, but it just skirted us and we only had a dusting. Thank goodness because twice in 1 week for October would have been too much to handle. I feel for the people a little south and east of us that were pounded.
It was a more quiet weekend around here. What better thing to do than to carve pumpkins right before Halloween?
We use the Pumpkin Master patterns and bought a new booklet this year for a change.
Pumpkin carving tip: Photocopy the pattern and reduce or enlarge to the size of your pumpkin so the pattern fits.
You put the pattern on the pumpkin and poke little holes through the pattern to transfer it to the pumpkin.
Then you can open the top and clean out the guts.
Thick pumpkin!!! I am saying right here and now that pumpkins stink when you open them up. I love pumpkins, love looking at pumpkins, love eating pumpkin, but they smell when raw.
We don’t save the seeds. I remember toasting pumpkin seeds and then never really liking them. The seeds aren’t the same as the pepitas anyway. Too fibrous.
Pumpkin carving tip: After you have transferred the pattern, wipe it with cornstarch so you can see the pattern.
Then cut out the pattern, making reference to the paper pattern so you don’t cut the wrong stuff. Not that I have ever done that!
You can take a break from the carving with some homemade kettle corn, too! Use oil to pop your corn (coconut is best!). When you put the kernels in to the hot oil, add 3 tablespoons of sugar to the kernels and pop as usual. Sprinkle with salt when it is done. Voila, homemade kettle corn super easy!
Optional, but tasty!
Pumpkin carving tip: Scrape the inner wall of the pumpkin thinner behind your pattern. This will make it easier to carve and easier to see when back lit.
This one is one of my new favorite patterns, it came out so cool!
This witch is stirring a pot, but John said she looks like she is rocking out with a guitar.
John did an ad lib with his pattern and added a couple things. He made the RIP headstone and added a crescent moon. He is such a rebel!
Who says kids get all the fun on Halloween?
Love the pumpkins & kettle corn recipe! Too cute & great instructions! Passing on!
I saw the snow on the news so glad you did not get that! We are in the 80’s today – sorry! It was 50 when I ran this morn!
Hi Lori! I agree with John, the witch is definitely rockin’ out on her guitar. The kids made ET last year.
I recognize a few of these! When we did pumpkins this year two of your designs were picked at our place too!
Wow! Y’all did a great job carving. I agree with John on the guitar-playing witch. LOL
Lord knows I love sugary things, but I’ve never developed a taste for sugar on my popcorn. Thank goodness!
I like the kettle corn because it is sweet and salty. Oh that combo I love so much!
Those pumpkins looks awesome! Glad you escaped the snow. Hopefully you will get in another bike ride or two before those snows come for real.
Great pumpkins!!! I think the witch looks like she is rocking out too…maybe playing a little Crazy Train?
I love the patterns…I didn’t know they existed. I always just thought people were very talented.
Homemade kettle corn looks really good too.
What a fun night!
I am really talented LOL! I love the Pumpkin Master patterns. They come with a took kit as well, which makes the carving really easy (not like using kitchen knives).
Lori you could always plant the pumpkin seeds and grow your own for next year !
Very cool pumpkins!!!!
I thought she was playing a guitar, too! The pumpkins look awesome – y’all did a great job with them!
Okay, the pumpkins are nice and all. But the KETTLECORN RECIPE!!! Wowza. How come I never knew how to do that? I bet I can make that one handed after surgery LOL!
Wow Lori, you and John make very cool pumpkins! Love them and I agree on the guitar playing witch
Glad to hear the snowstorm didn’t hit you. I was worried about you and Helen.
is that how people get such COOL CARVINGS?!
I really had no idea!
FUNNY – when I saw the witch I thought you picked it BECAUSE she had a guitar! Ha ha
So glad to hear you missed the snow. I wouldn’t have been able to handle that at all. Snow needs to stay far away from me for a long time.
I like the idea of making my own kettle corn though. Sounds just as easy as throwing sugar in the pot – I thought it was harder than that. Yay!
Hi Lori. LOVE your pumpkins!!!!!! They look wonderful. I saw the heavy metal rockin’ witch too! So fun. Dennis and I carved pumpkins yesterday too. Agree 100% – who says kids have all the fun at halloween. Have a great Monday.
LOL I thought the same thing!! It looks like she is squatting playing the guitar! I thought it was fitting since you play the guitar!
We carved pumpkins this weekend too. Also decorated cookies. Fun for all ages!
Love it! Brilliant!
Fun! Fun!
I’m about to help “thing1″ and ‘thing 2” get blue hair to go out…