Even though our 15th anniversary was on Wednesday, in the usual fashion of stretching out holiday/birthday/special occasion type things, we went on a champagne brunch cruise on Sunday. Sometimes it is nice living in a touristy area because there is always something going on.
Here are all the cruise boats waiting to go out:
Sunday was cool and gray, so really a nice day to be inside in a boat! We were on the Lac du Saint Sacrement. En francais everyone!
We were led right to a reserved table for 2 by the window.
Note we were still docked here LOL!
John and I cleaned up nicely for the day just for fun.
This is John’s pumpkin colored sweater, which I love.
We set sail:
The buffet had a lot of nice items on it. There were lunch type dishes, an omelet station, hot breakfast dishes and a fruit/pastry section.
My first plate. Lots of fruit! Plus some potatoes and a little bacon. I was somewhat protein lean today, but that was by choice.
Then came around the champagne!
Happy 15th anniversary!
The water was a little choppy, but we barely felt it.
I then got an odds and ends plate.
I ate about 1/3 of this bagel. I don’t care for untoasted bagels, so I didn’t want to eat the rest. And more fruit! I totally fruited out today
Then the server brought around some cheesecake for dessert:
I am not a huge fan of cheesecake, so I had a bite of John’s and went and got another muffin/cinnamon roll.
After we ate, we walked around the boat and looked at some of the memoribilia.
We went to the outside deck, having to pass through a bunch of smokers. They were all huddled outside… cough, cough.
It was really windy. Of course being on the boat is windy, but then it was also already windy. Silly us being at the front of the boat, too.
It really hurt to brush my hair later, I have to say.
There was a music group playing inside. Lounge music anyone?
The back of the boat was much nicer outside. Less wind!
Then we came in to watch the view from our table again. I had another mini muffin, too!
We passed by the Sagamore. A really expensive resort near Bolton Landing.
There was a wedding party taking pictures. The hotel is huge:
It was so peaceful riding home, too. Or fairly so on a busy boat. I loved just looking at the waves from the boat.
All too soon we were back at shore. It was a 2 hour cruise (are you singing??). Very enjoyable, too!
A lot of eating out and rich food this last week, I have to say. It will be good to get back to normal again.
The cruise looks like a wonderful time!
You both look great…the lovebirds pic is my fave!
Fun fun fun! Wow, it seems like you really controlled yourself at the brunch. No eggs???
Completely off topic, but your mention of the Sagamore (which I had never heard of) reminded me of my old dog showing days. There was a very famous Cocker Spaniel named Sagamore Toccoa from the east coast who was winnining all the shows when I first started showing dogs–I googled her name–it was 1971!
I don’t know as I controlled myself very well as I had a few little pastries. Mini or not, I didn’t need to eat several of them – and I seemed to get pretty full.
I decided I didn’t want to wait in the omelet line and the other proteins were meat, which I didn’t think was local, so I passed on it.
Looks like so much fun! Congrats on 15 years!
That front of the boat shot literally BEGGED for a Kate Winslet/Leo DiCaprio “King of The World” pose ala Titanic. And the candid shot of the two of you is wonderful. Frame it! What a great way to celebrate an anniversary.
Love that photo of you and John–definitely a keeper! (The photo AND John. :))
I wish I’d known they had those itsy-bitsy cinnamon rolls. I would’ve begged you to smuggle one to me. I’ve found a few teensy danishes and muffins on buffets, but no teensy cinnamon rolls. Hmmm, I might have just stumbled on an untapped local market.
You could open up a teeny tiny dessert shop for your next venture!
What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary!! I love the picture of the two of you.
Hi Lori! What a sweet picture of you two! You should put that up in your home.
It looks like a wonderful celebration. Congratulations!
That is a fantastic picture of you and John.
What a fun cruise! And my gosh, the Sagamore hotel is ginormous!!!
aw what a great time together!
What a lovely day! Thanks for posting so many pictures. It really makes your experience come to life for us readers. And Happy Anniversary.
What a great picture of you two!!
Happy Anniversary!
That is a fabulous picture of you both! The wind in your hair really suits you.
What a wonderful and great day. I love the boat and the photo of you and John is great!
Happy anniversary, Lori. I love, love, LOVE the lovebirds pic most especially of all! Seems like everybody does – you two just look SOOOO sweet. =)
ok so Im working not to say PLEASE ADOPT ME YOU TWO DO SUCH COOL STUFF!!
so Ill just say “I loved the pics. You two do clean up nice :)”
What a riot and you got some cute pictures of you and John too! Looks very similar to the cruise I went on except your boat (ship?) is MUCH bigger and there was fancy entertainment. Ooh la la!!
I love cheesecake. You could have packed that slice up and sent it to me.
(Ick on the smokers. Is NY not smoke-free?)
NY is smoke free inside. That is why they were all huddled outside
You & John are certainly the love birds!!
Love all the pics & how wonderful you “clean up”! 
Absolutely lovely and what a wonderful memory you made to add to your book of married life!
What a great cruise! I love being out on the water, just not IN the water so much. Again, congrats on your anniversary!
That looks like a fabulous time! The Sagamore is where hubby and I stayed years ago on a business trip -it was all paid for -and we loved every minute of it!
Congrats on your anniversary and wishing you many more happy years together.
You guys look great! And that food looks amazing.
Portland has the Spirit Cruises…brunch, lunch or dinner. I’ve always wanted to try it. Someday!
Hi Lori, what a perfect way to celebrate 15 years!!!!!!! Love the lovebird picture – that is one for a frame! Have a wonderful week!!!