Do you ever have one certain day a week that always ends up crazy or out of order? Wednesdays always seem that way for me. I woke up and did some work while waiting for John to get up so we could bike to breakfast. I was getting hungry and a little cranky and was ready to go on my own when John got up. He told me from now on to wake him up, so you heard it people! I will get him up at 7 (or earlier), no matter what time he went to bed. I had a protein drink before setting out.
We headed out to North Country Cafe. It was a nice biking morning. Maybe 60 degrees or a bit warmer. We zipped along, too!
The cafe was out of wheat bagels. Booo…. However, the baker there had just made up an apricot orange coffee cake. I had to be the first one to have a slice of that.
A very different breakfast for me, don’t you think? It was still a bit warm, too. Yum, yum. Their baker is quite talented. We see her always mixing away when we are there. I was a little concerned about how long this would last me, but I was fine until noon. Not to mention getting in a good 12 mile ride today.
One of my goals for the month of September is to join a group or volunteer. Well – the local literacy group had an open house this morning, so I went to check it out.
This is something I have been thinking about doing for a while and the training starts at the end of the month. I am officially signed up! They were very excited that there would be a tutor in my little town as they need them there. They just opened an outreach office in my town, so that will work out well.
The orientation meeting is on the 29th of this month. I will decide what track I want to teach after orientation. Each week during October is a training class for what you are interesting in tutoring. You can choose ESL, basic literacy, writing or GED training.
I am kind of nervous. This is a big commitment. It is for a year and 2-4 hours per week. I have taught before for music, but it has been a long time. It’s good to step out of our comfort zones.
Question: Do you volunteer for anything?
What a wonderful way to volunteer!
Oh my, you’re making this retired woman feel a little guilty. Its definitely in the plans. Just giving myself a little more time to adjust. And oh yeah, I have a viable excuse right now–surgery!
So, question: did you get snacky in the afternoon after the coffee cake in the morning? Just gathering scientific data :))
Yes, I felt snacky. Dammit.
I was volunteering at a food bank, but found it too hard on my feet and body to stand up for 4 – 4.5 hours, as well as all the moving boxes, stacking shelves, packing and carrying bags etc.
The Boss still goes though.
This sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Enjoy and I am sure you will be great!
Cool! That’s the kind of volunteering I’m thinking about doing someday. I love reading.
I used to volunteer for Cat Adoption Team here in Portland. I volunteered there for about 2 years and I loved it. I’d spend so much time with the kitties, cleaning them, cleaning the cages, feeding them, helping them get adopted. I also worked in the hospital helping the sick kittens. Poor babies. It’s amazing I don’t have 20 cats. I wanted to adopt them all.
The only reason I am not one of those crazy cat ladies is because I have John and he is allergic. So I only get 1 kitty
Oh my, that coffee cake looks amazing – and still warm? YUM.
You need to fix it so I can reply one more time to your reply! I just wanted to say something like: “chuckle. We are still twinsies.”
First that cake: JUM!
I think it’s fantastic that you signed up for this Lori! And you will be great at it too.
I don’t volunteer but it’s always in the back of my mind. My excuse at this point in my life is that I don’t have the time but I know that’s nonsense, there’s always time. But I’m not sure what I want to do and before I even start I need to find out the possibilities in my town.
Have fun at this!
Good for you! I always thought it would be very rewarding to help someone else learn to read – and see a whole world open up for them.
Hi Lori! The commitment is for a whole year, but the hours per week is small. So, to me, it sounds better than that all day long kind of volunteering–as far as fitting it into your life. You’ll help somebody(s) too.
I love it that you have volunteered for the literacy group. I don’t currently donate my time like this, but I have a couple of opportunities at which I have been looking.
Thank you for volunteering. Sounds like a wonderful organization.
I have volunteered in the past – my organization of choice is Habitat For Humanity.
Lori, with your love of reading & learning & the library, I think this is great! I would be scared too but as you said, out of the comfort zone. I am better at doing that in the fitness arena!
OK, that coffee cake looks just to decadent & delish! YUM!
I have volunteered for Make a Wish in the past but right now, I am not volunteering.
I just ate a fabulous breakfast and yet, I now want that coffee cake. With the cool weather coming this way, I feel a coffee cake making session coming on too!
Good for you! I have been looking for something volunteer near me that would be interesting. I’m starting to get a bit bored with my empty nest:(
Inspiring me to find something to volunteer for. I’ve actually wanted to find something for my entire family. I think it helps kids realize all that they have to be thankful for. Puts the emphasis on how much we have and not what we don’t.
I used to really enjoy all the volunteer work I used to do. Lately I can’t find the time and try to multi-task with charity run/walks, etc… I’d like to get back in it though.
I made your banana breakfast pudding this morning. Mixed it all up, took it to work, and popped in the microwave. Yum! I think next time I’ll add some protein powder so it has a bit more staying power but it was delicious.
I don’t volunteer and I’m a terrible teacher. I feel so bad when I have to explain a process to anyone! Poor soul leaves more confused than helped!
That’s great about your volunteer work!! I volunteer at our church – helped serve a breakfast this morning. Years ago I volunteered at a Crisis Pregnancy Center. As soon as the background check and fingerprints are processed I will be volunteering at my kids’ school regularly – either helping in class or in the media center.