Are you ready for some football??? Yippee!!
The day didn’t start so well for one member of the household. I went to get a new can of Pixie’s wet food out and realized that I must have forgotten to pick some up at the store! She gets dry food and her daily treat is 1/4 can of the wet, which she adores. Me, not so much on smelling that first thing in the morning.
I felt bad about that. Poor kitty.
I was able to make breakfast for myself, though! I made the banana bread breakfast pudding topped with coconut butter.
Along side my Broncos mug to kick off football season!
This rain is something else. I grew up in the Southern Tier of NY and seeing all that under water is very sad. WTF is up with the weather this year?
We did get a break in the rain and I went out for my C25K workout today. This is week 6 day 2, which was a 5 minute warm up, 10 minute run, 3 minute walk, 10 minute run and cool down. Took 25 minutes. Leg is still doing okay, but I am not running very fast. I think it will just have to stay that way, which is fine (sort of…).
Lunch break for me. I really love peanut flour! It is packed with protein and I can make it however I want. I can make it thick and spreadable or thinner like a dip. I can sweeten it or not. Good stuff. I get mine from Netrition.
Not to mention it is pretty good on homemade sourdough!
After lunch, we walked up the street to Agway to get a can of wet food for the crackhead Pixie. They did not have any Friskies, which is her favorite. She is very picky. Morris has got nothing on her! I did try the 9-lives and she wasn’t thrilled, but she ate it.
I think she forgave me.
Work slowed down this afternoon and I made up a latte for myself:
Topped with honey drizzle and nutmeg. Delicious! Funny how yesterday I was so snacky and today I am totally fine. Interesting thing is that I felt very satisfied this morning. Sometimes after I eat a lot like that the next day I feel a food hangover. Today, I was fine. Weird.
I decided against leftovers again for dinner and opted to cook up some chicken!
Served with a mix of strawberries and cantaloupe on the side. I am not sure those 2 fruits go together very well.
Tonight is football! I am so excited for the real season. Hopefully as a Broncos fan I won’t have to wear a bag over my head this year. It’s also the return of football dinner picks where John and I do picks each week and the loser has to buy the winner dinner of her choice that week.
My prediction for this year’s superbowl? Saints vs the Ravens. Watch and see
I am so rooting for the Saints tonight. Geaux Saints! Sorry Ali!
Question: What’s your superbowl prediction this year?
Repeat of last year’s Superbowl but with a Steelers win
I was having such a bad day and then I look at the pictures of your cat and laugh. Thanks for that
Okay, I will pull for the Saints for you. In fact I want the Saints to get so far ahead that they put in their backup quarterback, Chase Daniel. He was the quarterback while at Mizzou and I thought he was great. He didn’t have the height that they expect for an NFL quarterback, but he was just a really hard worker.
I dunno, Lori, I think Pixie’s packing a grudge. I’d be careful where I step for the next few days.
For the Super Bowl, my prediction is: it will not get here soon enough.
Oh that poor, poor kitty. Thank goodness you got her some canned food! We give our cats 1/4 of a can each of wet food every morning (to lure them into coming home after the night spent outside)…so far it works, although I agree with you on the smell – ick.
Love your kitty pics.
Superbowl prediction: Cher will sing at halftime LOL. For years (when I had a TV) that is the only thing I turned the tv on to see. Somehow I always turned it on at the right time–weird.
Too funny about Pixie and the cat food. I have gotten lazy and my one cat gets a whole can of food and I don’t bother with the dry. She is thrilled.
I agree==strawberries and canteloupe just don’t go together that good.
I’m gonna have to get some of that peanut flour to try. I got some dried pineapple tonight!!
Debby – you need to put up at least one picture of your kitty!
I hope you already have made a long list of the restaurants you want to go
I’m on team Lori on this one.
You probably won’t be surprised I don’t watch football
I love Pixie, the pics are so funny, especially with your comment.
Starting today Bella gets fresh food and I mean really fresh. The doggy day care deliver that too and they make it all themselves. This means Bella gets 5 days of meat or chicken or fish with vegetables and 2 days of dry food. This morning she got her first meal and she almost eat her food can too
There’a a whole lot of Saint love on here. That’s ok, since they LOST. HA HA HA
(I’m die-hard Packer, what can I say?)
Sooo glad you posted the link for the peanut flour. I just do not like coconut flour. Not sure why but everything I’ve cooked with it tastes off somehow. I was considering trying some PB2 but I like the peanut flour idea.
Can I say again how jealous I am of your C25K success. I may just not be a runner. My 5K is TOMORROW and I so wish this year’s training had gone a bit better. Oh well, always next year!
I think coconut flour can have a bit of a salty taste to it, so maybe adjusting the recipes might help with that. I love coconut flour!
I wouldn’t say I am having C25K success yet. I used to regularly run, so this is just relearning all that if I am able to. I’ve never really considered myself much of a runner
Cracks me up that you let your kitty guilt you into buying a can of wet food – and you probably paid more than you usually do too, right? LOLOL.
We’re in full football mode at the Helen household and Mr. Helen is super excited because we just upgraded our cable to include both the NFL channel in HD and a DVR. Since he works on Sunday he usually misses games. I think he’s trying to set up a season pass on the DVR to record all the Giants games!
I need to buy some more peanut flour, been wanting peanut butter lately!
Your breakfast looks delicious and I am sure Pixie thought so too!
I don’t follow football-just not into sports I guess.
I know what you mean if i forgot Jinx’s can food he wouldn’t let me back in the house! He has dry available all the time and gets one can of Fancy Feast a day first thing in the morning. And you know sometimes he’ll take one bite and walk away and take a nap other times he woofs it down. Silly cats.
I don’t have a Superbowl pick but i’am glad football is starting. I’m ready! Not a huge fan but i do like a good game now and then.
It’s funny how particular cats are about their food. I normally get Purina for Preston, but I ran out and had to get it from Hannaford at the last minute this week and it was like $6 a bag!!! So I picked up what you actually have pictured in hopes that Preston would eat it, he doesn’t seem to be sticking his nose up at it so I guess that means success!
I know I am in the minority but I hate football! Ugh! I usually leave the room and do something else when Michael watches. Catch up on netflix, hang out with friends.
OK, just started to read this & saw all the pics so I had to quickly tell you I LOVE already but I am going back for more & read it now!
I will comment but since Friday is a sleep in day for me, I get to reading posts later. 
OK, I am back! First, I am sending this post to my Pixie loving friend who is outside Washington DC on business. She travels back there all the time for work & she was telling me about the rain & how it took her almost 3 hours to get home last night for a 3 mile drive. Kind of like the people here that get stuck in the power outage yesterday – not me thankfully! Anyway, Pixie pics will make her feel better!
I want to come over for Pixie & homemade bread & a slice of Lori too!
OK, John too!
Hope your leg survives the running.. I know you are iffy on it…
Poor kitty. No one likes an empty tummy.
Rumor has it, New England and Green Bay will be around come Super Bowl time. Personally, I’m a Cowgirl
This is going to sound really dumb but what do you mix with the peanut flour?
Also, I LOVE your one minute muffin. Thanks for the recipe!
You can actually mix it with different things like milk or water or even yogurt! I tend to go for just water and a pinch of salt with a little honey.
New England all the way. Go Pats!!!