Okay – I guess I am not alone leaving my nails buff nekkid! It just seemed like I read a lot about manicures, but then after thinking about it, why would one announce that they were *not* doing their nails? (lightbulb moment).
Today was the start of week 5 for Couch to 5K. I can’t believe it is week 5 of that already! This week has 3 different workouts. Today was a 5 minute warm up, then 5 minute run/3 minute walk with 3 repetitions. Sometimes the walking irritates me because I am one of those persons who will plow through something until it is done and hates to stop.
I came in and started a banana bread breakfast pudding and got a pot of coffee brewing. It was 50 degrees out for my run today! I love the mornings at this time of year here in the Adirondacks
Also a note on my pumpkin. I stash pumpkin. After the shortage a couple years ago, I totally learned my lesson. I can’t believe I am going to share a secret, but check the little mom and pop grocery stores for pumpkin. That is where I get a majority of my pumpkin stash from when the big stores are out.
My grain for the day was included in lunch. I got this box at Aldi’s and it was only $2.
I forgot this stuff is cracknola. I think it might have been a mistake to buy it as I forgot how much I loooooooove this stuff.
I had half a serving with some Fage 2% and strawberries. Yummers.
I was having a hard time focusing on work today. You know the kind of day I mean. A little work… a little email… a little work… a little facebook.
Then it was latte time!
The rest of the afternoon crept by. I just was not motivated to work, but I pressed on and finally finished. Just in time for dinner!
The big BBQ chicken salad with feta cheese. Nom, nom.
I spent the better part of the evening after dinner making up some orange marmalade. I hope this comes out as it is for my jam exchange. Damn this was a lot of work!
I thought peach jam was a lot of work, but this was definitely more. That’s why I like making the berry jams. Much easier
If this cools down and sets up enough, I might be having some on top of ricotta cheese for a snack! It’s either that or ice cream down the street
Tomorrow is bagel day! Bagel day! I haven’t had a bagel in over 3 weeks.
Marmalade?? I love marmalade!! I made seville marmalade once and it was so good I don’t know why I haven’t made any more.
Oh yes, that cracknola was the first (and best) granola I ever bought. I am having fun making my own granola now. It only took me three years to figure out how to do it!
I love marmalade. But not enough to make it LOL.
I bought some Nature’s Path Pumpkin-n-Spice granola bars – they are pretty tasty too!
“…and then it was latte time!” keeps making me giggle, I don’t know why. Maybe because it came after your work focusing issue – sure is cracking me up!
Enjoy that bagel tomorrow!
Before gluten freedom, that was my favourite cereal.
Hope your marmalade turns out the way you want it…it looks great!
I love pumpkin and orange marmalade!
Omg was that pumpkin shortage not the worst thing in the world???!! ugh…. I still get paranoid.
There was a pumpkin shortage? What rock have I just crawled out from under?
Yes- 2 years ago crops were ruined and Libby’s ran out of pumpkin by Thanksgiving. I stockpiled that year!
I actually looked for pumpkin today and couldn’t find it. Maybe it was in the seasonal section of my grocery store. I’m going to look in a different store tomorrow because I want to try the pumpkin 1-minute muffin desperately! I added some blueberries to it today- I needed to nuke it about 15 seconds more, but it came out great! I’ve since passed the recipe along!
Woohoo: bagel day returns! Missed that one, same as I missed the cupcakes during bike rides.
I know what you mean by the workday you had. Sometimes it’s hard to focus on work, had such a day yesterday too and can’t really afford that because work is really busy this week. That said: time to get back to work!
I remember your dismay when the pumpkin was out and how overjoyed you were whenever anyone was able to find a few cans somewhere for you.
Week 5 already? Where does the time go! I am super super envious too.
Enjoy your bagel. There is something fun about the structure of knowing on Wed mornings while I’m typing away at work that you’re biking your way to a nice thick bagel somewhere
Isn’t it funny how we know other blogger’s routines?
Yahoo for bagels!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not had one in a few months I think. I best get to the bagel shop!!!
No granola type anything in my house – I even stopped buying that Kashi cereal – higher protein granola stuff not too soon after I tried it a few years ago – just too dang good! I understand your thoughts on that granola in your pic!
Thank goodness I can get pumpkin year round, it has been a savior for Tally’s delicate stomach. I found a crock pot pumpkin pudding recipe that I’m dying to try but it’s still hot and humid here, so it may have to wait just a bit longer.
I don’t know about other parts of the USA but around here our “drug” stores like CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid have turned into mini grocery stores. You can find pumpkin there too, although you might not like the price you pay.
I’m not really a latte drinker – think it has to do with taking my coffee black. But every time I see yours, I find myself wanting one.
I also recall the great pumpkin drought of ’09! Awful, and so I have a stash myself. I first tried the pumpkin granola at Costco – so it was a big double box. Simply can’t have it in the house.
I’ve never tried jams or jellies, but always admire those who make them, and have often been the happy recipient of their toils!
Jams are really easy, not intimidating at all!
You should do a post when you make your berry jams!! I’d be interested in how you do it!!
I’ve wanted to make my own jam but it seems overwhelming to me!! I even went the easy route and bought a package to make freezer jam and I still haven’t done it!
I should do that. It’s quite easy following the pectin packet instructions LOL!
Pumpkin!!! I buy it year round. I’m seriously going to have to try your pumpkin oats this year…it’s almost “that” time. HOORAY!!! (Yea, I’m a seasonal eater…only like the spice stuff in the autumn, but then I love lots of it., ahem, in proper portions. :D)
LOVE marmalade but haven’t ever made it. I don’t think I would either – just too easy to eat it then. Now it’s just a treat once in a while. I love the jam exchange idea though!
I stash pumpkin too – so you’re not alone! It’s so handy to have on hand – when a baking spree gets into my head. I’d like to make some Crustless Pumpkin Pie soon. Mmmmm.
Have you ever made your own pumpkin – from real pumpkins? Quite easy to do.
We do make our own pumpkin when the pie pumpkins come in season. It never gets saved for some reason. We just use it immediately for pie
here in my area there is still a pumpkin shortage. In the past 2 yrs I’ve only seen it on the shelf a few times but it’s been a long time now. I have ordered it online several times now but it’s gotten more expensive. I don’t know if I have any mom and pop grocery stores, maybe one so will look there and maybe just some of the other stores that I don’t usually shop in, thanks for the idea. Marie said your banana bread pudding looked good so I have a feeling we might try it here soon