Well, we made it through Irene. Lots of rain. Lots and lots of rain! Plus wind There is flooding in our area and poor Vermont is just heartbreaking. The water levels will continue to rise for the next day or so. Cleanup starts today. Power outages in the area, but luckily our power stayed on. Not sure how we managed that. My sister was without power for most of yesterday. My garden bed came through pretty well. Just the asters have problems and those were the ones I thought would get bent like this because they were at the leading edge of the wind.
Also one coneflower went over.
So thankful that is all the damage we had.
I also made it through my 21 days grain-free challenge! It went by fast. I will talk more in detail in a couple days when I do my monthly wrap up. Now, I am not going to dive into a grain silo or anything. I am introducing 1 serving of grain back a day and actually will continue with some grain-free days. My grain to come back to?
Pumpkin oats! Helen was right.
It was a very chilly morning at 53 degrees, so I put oats on the menu. These were quite good! It was definitely weird eating oats after 3 weeks without.
I was surprised to be able to log into work this morning. The company I work for is in Lake George, and they had flooding yesterday. My beloved lake! Hopefully that is better now.
Moving on to lunch…Lunch included some tuna. I bought a couple cans not knowing if we were going to have power or not, so may as well eat them up.
Pixie did fine during Irene. She didn’t like when the wind was really blowing hard in gusts and that got her antsy, but slept through a lot of it. It’s cold today so she is heat seeking again. I got up for lunch and came back to find her stealing my seat.
She’s so funny – I just use 2 hands to scoop her out of the seat in this position and move her to the couch. She doesn’t care and falls right back asleep.
My favorite time of day!
I should paint my nails. I think I am the only woman in blogland that doesn’t paint her nails.
Finished up work really early today – yay! So, I joined John for a walk to the post office. We had a lot of boxes going out. It is about 3/4 of a mile to the post office from our house. While there, we checked out the river downtown.
It’s very high. I wonder if it was over the bank yesterday?
We came back to make dinner. I had roasted up a chicken yesterday so that we could snack on it all week. Hope you like chicken, because you will be seeing it this week!
I also raided John’s chocolate stash for dessert:
It’s annoying that each little miniature has 42 calories. I could scarf 10 with no problem (and have).
On tonight’s agenda? Getting some frozen stuff. We did not buy any in case we lost power, so I am almost out of broccoli (noooooooo!!!!), and I need my Wyman’s blueberries.
Might be sneaking in a decaf coffee, too
So glad you’re okay!
I bought a chicken to roast today too!
And I don’t paint my fingernails, just my toenails. And those are naked right now too!
Awesome – glad you faired so well during Irene. I don’t paint my fingernails either, but I do paint my toenails. Seems like the toenail polish will last much longer and isn’t as fussy.
Wow, there are more of us with nudie nails than I thought! I get mine done every once in a blue moon, or when my daughter wants to do them, but toes and fingers usually stay bare. (And Kim’s right, toenail polish lasts a lot longer than fingers, especially when you’re not used to coddling a manicure!
I could scarf a bunch of those bars too and what’s on the chicken? and glad you’re safe after the storm – and what was my other thought? Oh yah – PUMPKIN! I need to make something with it too! I’m in a pumpkin mood. (sorry for the run-on sentences LOL)
Glad your grain-free went well!
PS Oh yah – I like polish-free nails – mine are too soft without it though. I’d love to get a french manicure sometime…
It’s just BBQ sauce on the chicken
I am so in a pumpkin mood as well. I have been wanting an excuse to dip into my stash!
Hi Lori! I just love that picture of Pixie! Is she your blog mascot? What a furry ball of fabulous!
I’m really glad you didn’t have too much serious damage. Our previous house flooded in 2008. Our office flooded last year. I have MUCH sympathy for people who were flooded.
Yeah, Pixie loves being on the blog. I think she is really the reason a lot of people read it LOL!
I only paint my toenails. If I did my fingernails I would need to touch up every hour or two.
Congrats on the 21-day grain challenge! You did so impressively well.
I also think it’s pretty impressive that you weathered a hurricane with only very minor damage to your plants. What a blessing.
Congrats on the challenge! That’s huge!!
And your garden came through so well considering.
Pumpkin and Pixie – all in one post. So much goodness!
Congrats on completing the challenge and thanks for the update on storm damage. I kept watching the radar during the worst of it hoping all was well.
I don’t paint my nails either. Haven’t since high school. I was a piano major in college and my teacher would have been HORRIFIED if I’d ever walked into a lesson with painted nails!
I actually used to have fake nails. My job is all typing now and that click-click-click would drive me insane!
So glad y’all came through relatively unscathed. Uh, both the hurricane and the grain-free days.
Those Hershey’s miniatures are dangerous! Another chocolate I have to keep in the freezer.
I’ve never had pumpkin oats…there’s something wrong with that!
I barely ever paint my nails either. I just hate that they chip within a day and then it drives me crazy!
Glad that your garden received minimal damage.
Polish free here too…you are not alone.
I thought for sure you would have a bagel…LOL! Oats…of course…I should have thought of that.
Congratulations on finishing your 21 day grain free challenge!!! Woohoo!
Pixie is so cute and furry!
I love chicken! You can never show too much chicken. I can’t paint my nails because it’s a no-no at work
I don’t paint my nails either so you’re not alone
Glad you kept power and your flowers. You reminded me that I’m out of pumpkin again. I used my last can yesterday. I looked it up and the prices keep going up $36 for 12 cans and that isn’t counting shipping, seems really pricey to me. I wonder when I will see it back in the stores. Seems like it’s been in short supplier forever now. Your coffee always looks so yummy
Yea those little candies do pack a calorie punch when they look like they should be about 15-20 calories a piece lol.
Check small mom and pop stores. That is where I found a lot of mine. I have a total stash!
I don’t paint my fingernails. Only once in awhile. Being a swimmer means nail polish lasts about 2 days. Tops.
First you’re not the only one in blogland who hasn’t has painted nails. I’ve got lots of nailpolish but I’m too lazy to put it on. I used to have fake nails too and paint stayed on for a week or so. Now I’ve got my own nails after 1 or 2 days there are already damages and I don’t want to sit down and wait for an hour to dry every 3 days or so.
Well done on sticking to the no grain challenge. I knew you would do that. Once you set your mind to something, you do it.
And I’m glad you and John and Pixie (who’s adorable) stayed safe during Irene and you have no damage.
it is so so so trite but DANG that is NOT fun at all!
no bikes for us yet.
by analysis’ed
the husband is paralysis’ed
You can always upgrade your bikes. I think a hybrid is a good all around choice because you can go around town with it or longer rides and they are pretty comfie.
I really read you for other stuff Lori but I love when you put pics of her on here!!!! She is just the most adorable cat!
Welcome back to your grains & a nice one. How does it feel? Is it like you want more or are you fine with the slow process. I think that is better anyway to get the bod used to them again.
Hey, I don’t paint my nails either! It comes off to fast with my gym workouts!
So glad you faired OK in the storm & everyone is safe & sound!
I knew you would like that Pixie picture!
I don’t paint my fingernails, just my toes. Fingernail polish is too distracting for this ADD-ish person (oh look, a squirrel!)
Glad the storm left you unscathed. What a relief!!!
Love a cat that you can scoop and cuddle.
Whew – so glad you and Helen didn’t get as much damage as was expected. And like Shelley, I don’t paint my fingernails either – just my toes for some reason!
Those oats look incredible – can you believe I went to buy pumpkin over the weekend and a sign said “coming soon!” WTF?!
Enjoy your day!
Congrats on surviving the grain-free challenge. I’m not sure I could make 21 days without grains even though I once went a year without white carbs. Still not sure how I was able to do that.
Glad you didn’t suffer any damage from Irene. We drove home from VT to Boston late Sunday afternoon and luckily didn’t run into any problems. Unfortunately, many of our neighbors in Vermont are dealing with massive destruction and it will be a long time before things get back to normal up there.
I love having my nails painted but as soon as it starts chipping I have to get it off. There is nothing more relaxing than a good pedicure. Ahhhh….
Good choice for your first post-grain-free breakfast! It looks delicious, and it’s definitely that time of year
I don’t paint my nails either–I’m too impatient to let them dry, and they wind up getting all smudged and chipped.
Hi Lori, Congrats on the challenge!!! And big, big AWWWWW to Pixie. I just want to reach through the screen and tickle that fluffy tummy! Have a great Tuesday.
I do get into that tummy a lot. She loves the belly rubs.
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Glad you made it through the storm safely.
I also do not paint my fingernails…sometimes get the acrylics done, but rarely. My toes are always painted in summertime though..I love flip flops and these white feet need all the help they can get.
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