Busy! I was thinking it wouldn’t be so bad today, but you just never know. I was up for an early ride and of course, being Wednesday and all, I had to stop for breakfast!
This was a banana nut bagel. Num! Had a nice chat with the cafe owner this morning. I don’t mind eating out alone.
Then I figured I would get an early start on my day. Good thing I did, because work and the business were both busy this morning! John owes me big time. At least I managed a 14.5 mile ride today.
I took a quick break for lunch. Nothing exciting on the food front today.
I put items up high while John is gone. I do tend to want to snack a lot when I get busy and stressed, so I moved the cereal and cashews up high. It’s too easy for me to nibble my way through the day. I also pushed the chocolate chips (John’s favorite snack) to the back of the fridge so they are out of my line of sight. They would be up high, but it is hot, so they are in the fridge now. I have given myself permission to snack on extra fruit today if I really want to eat.
Speaking of snacks, I made up an interesting drink today. Using some coffee from Godiva as part of the Foodbuzz tastemakers program. This was the chocolate truffle flavored coffee:
- 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk
- 4 ounces of cold chocolate truffle coffee
- 15 grams of peanut flour
- sweetener to taste (I used a little honey)
- 4 large ice cubes.
Blended in my new bullet blender and I got a chocolate peanut butter protein smoothie! I think you could just use PB2 in place of the peanut flour and not use a sweetener at all.
Slushy and good! And 9 grams of protein. Yay!
One thing about being really busy – the day goes by super fast. I was ready for dinner for sure! I nibbled on a coconut flour cookie (will post recipe tomorrow) and assembled a quick salad.
Then it was back for more work. I am done with my job for the day, so I am nibbling on some blueberries from this giant bowl:
After I hit publish, I need to go out and pack orders to ship out tomorrow. I hope John gets me a nice present (hint, hint) for doing this
I have not opened my Google reader since last night. I apologize for not getting to any blogs today. I hope to catch up by tomorrow night or Friday.
Question: Do you eat out alone?
I really don’t like going out to eat alone. I haven’t done it in many, many years. I will go grab something on the go but I will not sit and eat alone.
I do eat out alone and I enjoy it. Guess I got used to it back in my career days because I had to travel so much. And even now, I enjoy traveling alone and don’t mind eating alone at all. Especially when I can eat at outdoor tables.
I have no problem with eating out alone. I love to watch people!!!
What is your other business?
Good idea re: hiding the snacky foods…if you can’t see them, they must not be there.
the business is our soap supply business. symphonyscents.com
We have had that for over 10 years. I just don’t normally do much with it nowadays unless John is gone.
You’ve been a busy girl yesterday Lori. Don’t worry about the blogs, you’ll read them when you have time.
Actually I’ve never been out for dinner alone but for lunch I have and I don’t mind it. It gives you the opportunity to watch people
Being single, I eat out alone sometimes. As a matter of fact, last night on my way home from work I got a craving for Mexican food. I stopped at my favorite restaurant for dinner and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s nice to eat alone sometimes and just watch people and really enjoy your food without getting distracted by conversation.
I rarely eat out alone, but I almost always have my lunch at home alone (except now in the summer vacation).
I love reading your blog everyday at work.. your cat posts/comments are too cute too
It depends. I’ll grab breakfast or lunch but not dinner. I always feel like I need a companion for that.
That drink sounds great Lori – you are so creative!!!!
I really don’t mind going out alone or eating alone – no worries here.. I lie the solitude at times!
I have not had a bagel in a long time – I need one!
I don’t mind eating out alone as long as I have a good book for company.
you know sometimes eating out alone feels so medeterrean to me
like i am a tourist in france or something 
Looks like a tasty day. I’ve been enjoying a similar prtoein shake using coffee, almond milk, and a little PB2. Like drinkig a Reese’s cup.
Chocolate. Peanut Butter….
Oh what was the question you asked??
No, I HATE eating alone. For years I would never go out anywhere except grab something mega unhealthy from a drive-thru because I was so self conscious of being the loser sitting alone. Now I know it wouldn’t have been a big deal, and most likely no one would have given me a second glance, but it’s amazing the mental games you play on yourself when you feel fat and want to hide from the world, ya know?
I eat out by myself. I am more apt to bring a book, but not because I am uncomfortable being alone, more that I want the quiet time to read and enjoy myself.
I like to bring a book as well just so that I don’t eat too fast.
Wow Lori….it was a “go, go, go” kinda day!!!! I like eating out by myself. I also like going to movies by myself and shopping for clothes alone. Pretty strange, given I’m not particularly a solitary woman. Take care, have a good day!!!
Your smoothie looks dang delicious!
I will on occasion eat out alone, depending on the restaurant. I have no problem eating at Panera or a similar restaurant by myself. Some other restaurants (more upscale), I usually like to have a companion. I do however, really like to go to an afternoon matinee movie by myself. I see it as a treat–and a day to myself!