My tulips are bursting this year! We had some warmer sunny weather this week, which made the garden go bananas.
I leaned over the side of the porch and the perfume of lily of the valleys just wafted up and I saw a big cluster of them. I am just amazed how how fragrant such tiny fairy flowers can be!
Our house is over 100 years old, so there are some old fashioned flowers that were in existence here, like the LOTV. I just let them grow wherever they feel like popping up. I am kind of a casual gardener
My tulips:
The Shirley. This is a new one for me.
The purple blush starts at the very tip and spreads further down the petals each day. I am very taken with this one! This one is amidst the Apricot Impressions.
The Queen of the Night and Ice Princess. The Ice Princess are still a bit yellow looking until they mature a little bit.
The Queen of the Nights are not really black, but the deepest, darkest color of purple, which looks pretty much black.
For the life of me, I cannot find the name of these, which I have had for a few years now. They are such a lovely deep red color.
Orange Princess:
Another new one is the Passionale.
For those that want to get bulbs, I buy mine from John Scheepers, which come from Holland. I have never, ever been disappointed with the quality or price.
Seeing these just makes me want to dance around. Maybe I was some kind of garden nymph or butterfly in the past or something
There is one more set of tulips that haven’t opened yet. I don’t know if they are more of the ones already open or something different. Guess we will find out in a few day!
And we now have a pocket door in the half bath! Hooray for privacy
Hope you enjoyed the tulip tour!
Love them! They are one of my favorite flowers.
OMG! You have SUCH a beautiful array of flowers. You’re so lucky to have such a green thumb. I try but then tend to forget to take care of the flowers and weeds take over. Just beautiful. Can’t wait to see more flower picks as the weather warms and the garden grows.
The tulips are lovely, but I’m seriously salivating over that pocket door.
Tulips are my favorite!!
Bea-utiful! I do not plan my meals daily. I plan four to five main meals for the week and then keep extra stuff for lunches and snacks in the house.
Your tulips are all gorgeous. Every one of the colours is beautiful.
The tulips are beautiful! I like the Queen of the Night and the Ice Princess best. Enjoy the spring. I sure am!
I love your tulips. You as an American girl has a lot more of them in your garden as a Dutch girl
Are the bulbs expensive to buy for you? Otherwise I should try to buy them here and ship them to you for next year.
I think the bulbs are reasonable. The price varies on the variety, but John Scheepers has the best price and variety. I think because they come direct from Holland instead of through a broker.
Wow….your tulips are GORGEOUS!!! (REALLY like those dark purples that almost look black – so unusual!) Have a great day Lori.
Your tulips are beautiful. I only have red ones and they are finished for the season. I, too, enjoy the lovely scent from lilies of the valley.
I like how they spread too.
Yeah! I love blooming edition!!
Those lily’s are so cute!!
Beautiful tulips. I really love the LOTV as it reminds of my grandmother. She loved that scent.
Great job on the pocket door! You guys should have a TV show!
I think if we did a Pixie show, there would be more viewers LOL!
Lori – BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thx so much for all the pics! How wonderful for you to enjoy! I sent to my friend that loves tulips along with your post on the tulip festival!
Beautiful – isn’t spring exciting?! We have lots of squirrels here who love to dig up the bulbs for their little snacks…but I do have some daffodils and a few other bulbs coming up. I keep trying! We live on the spot where a farm used to be, years ago – I find it so exciting to think of the past here! I love that kind of history.
LOVE pocket doors too! We don’t have any here though.
I was just thinking yesterday about how much I wanted some tulips! These are beautiful. I love the pictures.
First of all, thanks for posting your thoughts…they make my day!!! Maybe one day I’ll be able to get as healthy as you are!!
Secondly, so, soooo jealous that you can grow “lily of the valley” where you are. I live in Georgia, and it’s WAY too warm here for such lovely flowers. You are right…the smell that wafts up from those tiny flowers is too beautiful for words. You just have to experience it!!
Enjoy spring!!!
How wonderful that you have a tulip festival right outside your front door! And after having seen Kate Middleton’s bouquet with the lily of the valleys, I am smitten with that sweet, delicate flower – so neat that you have them popping up in your garden!