Bring on the bagel

Hump Day! I was ready to lift today as I did not go on Monday. Bottom’s up on the protein!

I almost rode my bike to the gym today, but there was frost on the car window. That is a bit cold, even for me.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Stiff-legged deadlift/Row combo 3 sets of 10 at 55# Full Body
Dumbbell Pull Over 3 sets of 12 at 20# Back
Pliet Squat 3 sets of 12 with 35# DB Lower Body
Barbell chest press 3 sets 12 with 45# bar Chest
Decline Sit ups 3 sets of 10 Core
Face Pull 3 sets of 15 with at 30# Shoulders
Seated calf raise 3 sets of 12 at 140# Calves

I worked this hard today. The deadlift/row combo is one of my favorites.  It is a great full body move.  Old video here – bet long time readers remember this one:

Not sure why that ad pops up on this video.  Anyone know how to get rid of that? I did supersets with all the other exercises. I finished in 25 minutes with this workout!

Then I came home to get John and head out for Bagel Day jr. (Sunday is the original Bagel Day).  Maybe I should call it gluten day now LOL!

Whole wheat bagel with some Moose Crossing coffee, which I think is some sort of chocolate flavor.

The sun is out today and mid 40s coming up today.  Maybe it is getting to be spring.  Another sign of spring – no beard!

Lunch time!  I cooked up an omelet with broccoli and laughing cow.

Plus cantaloupe!  It was really good melon, too.  Melon is really hit or miss sometimes, so it was nice to have a hit 😀

Took a nice 2 mile walk to the bank and back this afternoon.  It felt good to get outside and see some sun! For real vitamin D instead of in pill form. The front garden is now all clear from snow.  Time to prune and trim.

The side garden will be buried for a little while longer.  I did shovel some snow off it, but it is all heavy and icy.

Afternoon snackage when I got back of an almond milk latte with more of the macaroon that John got me!

I must recreate the macaroon at home.

Had a quick dinner tonight of salad with chicken, feta and parmesan dressing.

I am going to work some more tonight while John is out and try to finishing catching up for the week.

I also made a batch of the coconut bread, only did them as biscuits.  I will revamp that page with the biscuit addition at some point.

You’ll be seeing these grain-free/gluten free beauties this week.

I have settled in with a sweet/salty snack to finish up work:

Have a great evening!

18 thoughts on “Bring on the bagel

  1. Lisa

    Does the Deadlift ever bother your back? I’ve tried it a few times and could feel a strain. Plus Michael hurt his back back in December because of Deadlifts. His doc said “Never do them” and properly scared us both. Especially since it’s taken him months to recover from the pain.

    I was just wondering because you had back issues…

  2. Lori Post author

    I have never had a problem with any type of deadlift. If you notice, my back is always slightly arched. The only time you will feel it in your back is if you have it rounded or your head down (which you shouldn’t feel), so keep the back slightly arched.

    Funny, I was able to get back to deadlifts pretty quickly after herniating my back, too.

    I always say the squat is king and the deadlift is queen!

  3. Shelley B

    My cantaloupe rolled to the back of the fridge before I got a chance to cut it – when I finally did, about 1/4 was translucent, frozen…and that seemed to suck all of the juices out of the rest. 🙁 Next time I will use my fruit drawer! Agreed, melons are a crapshoot when it comes to taste. You must be out of blueberries?

    1. Lori Post author

      Yes, blueberries shot up in price and are only available in the half clamshell (aka single Lori portion) size. Why all winter they were at such a great price and now not so is really weird.

  4. Kelly

    I could go for some good cantaloupe.

    That first picture’s lighting creates a sort of optical illusion making it look like your squeezing the glass and it has a dent. Now that’s some muscle!

    Waiting semi-patiently for your macaroon recreation. 🙂

  5. Fran

    I’m not a huge melon fan, don’t like most flavours except for the Cantaloupe. Seeing it here reminds me I need to buy it sometime soon again.

    Your meals look delicious as always. I love it how much you bake and try new things. Also need to do that more.

  6. Jody - Fit at 53

    I was going to ask about the glass too! I agree with you on the deadlift too. A great exercise if done with proper form which many don’t do…

    Lori, do you feel different or your tummy feel different when you have a gluten day vs. the no gluten.. just curious. Those biscuits look great!

    1. Lori Post author

      Jody – I will talk about the gluten grain thing next week some time. I am not sure if I am noticing anything or not.

  7. Bethlin

    I love me some sweet/salty snacks – yours looks good. I’ve actually had to stop buying the MnM’s + peanuts type trail mixes because I eat single servings for a day or two, then end up scarfing the rest of the bag on day 3. I need to find a way to buy very small amounts and just keep two or three servings in the house at any one time.

  8. Roz

    HI Lori, it REALLY does look like spring is finally upon you!!! So glad, because I know its been a VERY long winter!!!

  9. Joanne

    I love seeing the sunshine coming through the windows in photos. *Your 3rd photo – the delish bagel and coffee.
    Good workout and SO good eats. Just my style 🙂

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