Snow today and I woke up wondering if I would be able to hit the gym. It had just barely started when I woke up – score! So I slugged some protein and headed out.
Backing up to yesterday, John and I donated blood in the afternoon, so this affected my workout today, surprisingly. I did 1 mile of jogging on the treadmill for a warm up, then lifted. The gym was crowded today. Looks like some new people joined, or at least shifted their hours.
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Seated Lat Row | 1 sets of 12 at 40#
1 set of 10 at 55# 1 set of 8 at 60# 1 set of 6 at 70# 1 set of 4 at 75# |
Back |
Barbell Squats | 3 sets of 8 at 75# | Lower body |
Decline Situps | 3 set of 10 | Core |
Pushups | 3 sets of 10 | Chest |
Single-leg Deadlifts | 3 sets of 10 each leg with 20# DBs (40# total) | Hammies and balance |
Calf Raise | 3 sets of 10 at 170# | Calves |
Face Pull | 3 sets of 10 at 30# | Shoulders |
Lower Back Extension | 3 sets of 10 at 100# | Low Back |
I was feeling a little lightheaded a couple times and lowered my squat reps. The blood donation just made me tired. I know it can sap energy for 5 days afterward, but normally I don’t have too much of a problem. Today was different. So, the plan to run again after lifting was nixed so I could go home and eat. The car was covered in snow during my workout as it started coming down fast and furious. I can’t even bear to take another picture of snow. I was glad to get home. Especially to this!
The return of pumpkin oats! One thing that I really miss doing my lower carb experiment is my oats. Not that I don’t love my other breakfasts, but I uber love the oats. And what a perfect day to have them. Snowy!
I received a lovely package from Pubsgal today just because:
It contained some Kona coffee, some kale chips (kinda scared here), a microwave dehydrator tray (my brain is spinning at possibilities) and a little toy for Pixie. This was so nice it about made me cry!
Pixie tore right into that toy. I didn’t even get the tag off of it.
She will probably disembowel it shortly…
Lunch break included the last of the magic rolls. These are definitely on my make again soon list. The one thing I really like about being an omnivore without a real particular food plan or allergies is that I can try anything – low carb, low fat, vegan, vegetarian, meatitarian, gluten free, gluten filled. It’s kind of nice.
Anyway, I did a BBQ chicken sandwich with laughing cow on this last bun. I haven’t had BBQ in a couple weeks and it was tasty!
On an interesting note, yesterday not only did we donate blood, but I went to my mom’s TOPS meeting upon request to talk about my weight loss. I am not much of a public speaker, although as a former musician I am used to being in front of people, just normally not talking. I brought in some before pictures and passed them around before I told them how much weight I lost. That was fun to hear their reactions. I babbled on about the long journey it took and what I do now to keep it off. People seemed most interested when I talked about pumpkin oats. Funny, isn’t it? We all love the food.
I didn’t really want to tell people what to specifically eat, since everybody there follows their own plan and everybody is different. I hope I just got out a message to get rid of processed/fake foods, to exercise, and to not expect perfection all the time. I think if people just take those 3 things out of it, they really can change their health and attitude for the better. Public speaking – here I come!
After round 2 of shoveling – I think we are going to approach a foot of snow today , it was time for lattes. John didn’t want one (what’s up with that?) so I had to make my own.
I paired it with a dark chocolate mint cup. I adore those things.
Work has been very slow this week, and today was really slow because not many people made it in for their appointments with the snow! This 2nd job just is not able to be full time for me. Oh well. I am assuming I won’t hear from the garden center as she was looking to fill her spot for the transplanting asap. I would have been good at that, so that is their loss, right? My resume is getting a few nibbles, so I just have to be patient.
I did work a little later to finish up what there was, so I had a rather uninspired dinner. Boca Chick’n patty.
Now I have an evening to relax, although I am really wanting to get working on the laundry room. We picked up more wood, so that is on the agenda for the weekend. I can’t wait! Dork alert!
Question: Have you ever spoken to a group about your weight loss or progress?
That’s really cool that you shared your story with the weight loss group. I’d be nervous about that too but I bet you inspired a lot of people!
My mom used to belong to TOPS. I have no idea what it is though.
I never have, which is surprising, since I don’t mind public speaking (about my hobbies, my faith, etc.) What a nice day of healthy food…can’t say the same about my food today…
I can’t believe the Garden Center isn’t welcoming you with open arms. Silly, silly, people!
Glad you got a chance to share your experience with others; you’re such an inspiration to us all!!
Yay for fun mail! Can’t wait to see what you do with that dehydrator!
Sorry about the garden center, but you’re right–they’re loss!
I’ve only spoken about weight loss to a group of former co-workers, but on my list of things to do is to offer to speak at a local health center that serves the low-income community. They have an amazing fitness center and health program and are doing great things to reverse the effects of obesity in that community.
Wanna come & share at our TOPS group? I’m the current leader, but my 2 year term is just about over (looking forward to having a break). For those who don’t know, TOPS is a non-profit weight loss support group run by volunteers. At our Chapter, our yearly membership fee is $30 and our weekly dues is $2. VERY affordable, esp. for long term accountability. Our group is great! We have over 45 members who meet weekly for WIs and then a program.
Can’t offer you any warm weather – we got deluged w/ snow here too (Southern Ontario) – but SOON (I hope)!
About public speaking – I avoided public speaking like it was the plague for my whole life, THEN they asked me to lead TOPS. I refused and then they convinced me to try it – I’M SO GLAD THEY WERE PERSISTENT! It has been an amazing growing experience for me! I’ve gone from running away from any public speaking – even just commenting in a group – to leading our TOPS group, handing out awards at our Area recognition days as well as leading ladies at our church. I would never have believed that I could do this!! Sooooo…. Let me know when you’d like to speak at our club!!
BTW, I’ve never donated blood but when I have blood taken, it affects my workout for days usually. The last time I felt quite good, but usually that isn’t the case. I am usually low on iron and couldn’t donate anyway.
I would have to see how far you are from me
It was kind of fun to talk, although I really wish I had prepared a little bit more. It was different than I was expecting it to be.
We only got hit a bit with the snow. It is supposed to be 10 C (50 F)and raining on Monday. Hopefully all our snow will be washed away and that will be it.
Love that you received a surprise gift! So cool!
I don’t like to speak to groups at all. Sometimes I have to at work and it is like I am Charlie Brown’s teacher…waa…waa…waa.
I look up and people seem to be following what I am saying so it must be English. Not sure if I will ever come to enjoy it.
Sounds like a good day! I can do public speaking- but it’s not my favorite thing and I have to be extra prepared.
But I’ve never spoken about my weight loss- I’m still losing!
That’s cool you talked at your mom’s TOPS meeting. I need to try to get more speakers in to talk I know the members love hearing new stories. Yea, seems people tune out when they realize how much work it really takes to lose weight and keep it off. I think people want easy. Hope work picks up for you or something new comes along, whoever gets you will be lucky *smile*. That Pixie is just a cutey.
How cool that you spoke to TOPS & I love your 3 take away points! I want to do that but it kind of scares me – like I might bore them. Good for you!
Pixie is so darn cute. I guess she has many fans from blog land!!! I would not mind that Kona coffee you got too – of course going to Hawaii to get it would be nice!
Do you think the lower energy after the blood giving might have anything to do with the lower crabs days. Just curious on your thoughts. You are still eating really good on those days so..
I agree with the others, their loss for not picking you for that job!
I think half the people that read my blog read it because of Pixie…
I don’t think it had anything to do with the lower carbs, because I still consume about 100 g on lower carb days. Sometimes that just happens.
That’s so cool Lori that they’ve asked you to speak about your weight loss!
I have never done that and never will, I’m not a good public speaker and I haven’t lost that much weight. I spoke at my father’s funeral and that was the hardest thing I ever have done in my life.
i think that is so wonderful about your talk especially since you focused on the non processed food stuff. your cat is so cute! love the pics……enjoy the ret of your weekend
This is a close to “public speaking” as I get. I’m so tired of winter–I can’t imagine a foot of snow. We had what I hope is our last winter snowfall last week. On the other had we had a 70 degree day last weekend and I got out on my new bike. I found my “foamer” and have been enjoying some lattes with nice foamy skim milk “cream” on top. I thought of you. I must try your pumpkin oats. Maybe on the next “winter-type” day.
Darn about the garden job. But hang in, something even BETTER will come your way!!!!! LOVE Pixie!!! Have a great Sunday.
Not only have I spoken about it, but I was a WW leader for 5 years. Then after I left WW, I led a weight loss group at my church. Public speaking doesn’t scare me at all.
Your line about not being able to take one more picture of snow cracked me up. That’s exactly how I felt this morning when I got up and saw that we’d had snow overnight. Just a dusting, but still, I’m exhausted from looking at it. Sigh.
Oh, yeay! Glad the package arrived safely – Thing 2 and I loved the pictures of Pixie enjoying her new toy! She cracks me up. And don’t fear the kale…it might fall into that “Weird sh…whoops, *stuff* Pubsgal likes” category. I won’t be offended if it is.
I haven’t had to do a talk about my weight loss – don’t know how comfortable I’d feel about that – but doing the article for the hospital magazine was fun!