I have gotten a few blog awards recently and have been remiss in getting them on here! So, here is the first one awarded to me by Steven – who is on an amazing journey himself.
The Honest Scrap award is for people who tell it like it is. I am actually scrapping some of the rules LOL! I am sharing the award, but no one has to feel obligated to share.
1. “The Honest Scrap” award should be shared!
2. The recipient has to tell 10 true things about themselves that most people don’t know.
3. The recipient may pass along this prestigious award to any number of bloggers and let them know.
10 true things about me:
1. I love, love, love coffee in all forms. (Oh wait, 10 things people *dont’* know!)
2. I was a member of the Lionel Ritchie fan club in high school in the 80s. ( I cannot even believe I am putting this in print).
3. I have a fear of going over bridges.
4. I kept my last name when I got married (offline people know this).
5. I actually was trying to decide between being a veterinarian or a psychologist for college before ending up in music.
6. Volleyball was my favorite thing in gym class. Pretty much the only thing I liked.
7. I weigh less now than I did in high school.
8. I actually used to think cream cheese was gross (what was I thinking???)
9. I have some electromagnetic field around me that makes technology go wonky (seriously).
10. I love 80’s music
It’s hard to narrow down passing this out, and I know some of you have already gotten this. Regardless – please check out these blogs for keeping it real!
1. MizFit
2. Diane
3. Lyn
4. Lynn
5. Annabel
6. Steve
Another award coming out tomorrow!
I used to want to be a psychologist too! Somehow I ended up as an accountant for a mental health clinic! lol!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Thursday in the Kitchen =-.
I enjoyed reading things about you. You know I never liked cream cheese either, still prefer the sweet kind though.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Need a rest =-.
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Haha, congrats on coming clean about the Lionel Ritchie fan club
If it’s any consolation, I was a member of both the Babysitters Club Fan Club and INXS fan club.
Oh, and I totally dig that you kept your last name! That’s something I think I may do. Even though it’s a really confusing name, I’ve grown kinda fond of it
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Looking for a brave soul (who likes free stuff!) =-.
Congrats on the award, Lori! I like your list.
.-= 266´s last blog ..What A Prick! =-.
Thanks for the award Lori. I happen to love this one because I am learning so many things about all the bloggers I read daily. I have already completed this one and the results are here.
.-= South Beach Steve´s last blog ..Friday Blog Spotlight =-.