It was a dark and early morning when I got up to run. Am I the only one that forgets that it is a new year? Guess when you stick to the same schedule it will feel that way. Definitely not running outside! I snagged a Vanilla Almond Luna bar as a pre-run snack.
Gym still not crowded this morning. There were a few people there, but they were regulars. I was wondering if it was people moving to a different gym. A Planet Fitness opened up in our mall and it is only $10 a month, so maybe people from my gym (whose memberships expire in January) moved there.
I hopped on the treadmill and ran for 5 miles at an 11:00 pace with a bit of speed work in the middle. I thought about taking a walking break in the middle when I changed soundtracks on my mp3, but I just kept going through the whole thing. Sometimes it can be precarious doing that while running, at least for me.
One thing about running longer is watching people come and go – and somebody *always* has to make a comment about how long I am on the mill. You know, I never comment on other peoples’ workouts, and yet everybody feels the need to comment on mine?
I was quite hangry when I got home. I made up a bowl of banana custard cream of wheat topped with PB and jam.
Good thing is was really hot or I would have just poured it down my throat in one shot!
Lots of work today. Things are all back to what passes for normal around here.
Since I cannot satisfy my blueberry fix anymore, I can at least get another berry fix for lunch! I pulled out an old standby of greek yogurt, cereal, and strawberries.
Cereal is in the house and I am doing okay with it. It’s not even up high.
As I am sitting here typing this, I am noticing that my chest muscles are sore today. That almost never happens. Must be from doing different exercises now that my shoulders are better. Normally 15# DB flyes don’t cause soreness, but with a several-month layoff, guess that is another story. It’s a good sore, though.
Afternoon snackage:
and some of these because I was hungry:
John won the last week of football picks. Boooo! I ended up 1 game up for the whole season, though (go me!). Of course, this week’s defeat, which was a flaming defeat by 5 games, meant dinner out tonight. John chose 99.
John in celebratory Heissman pose:
Not amused:
99 serves popcorn to munch on, which is kind of fun and different.
I created a meal of things I wanted off the menu from the side items and asked that they be brought as a single meal.
I chose a side salad:
With some broccoli
and some of the jammin’ crab chowder:
Nice to get everything I wanted and nothing I didn’t! The soup was very good, too.
I was not too full after dinner. We walked around a bit and headed across the street for an apertif!
I have a decaf americano. That is a good way to order decaf as it is made fresh.
It’s so nice to have an evening where I don’t have to work!
I would never comment on someone’s workout. And luckily no one has ever commented on mine. I would be highly offended and probably snap at them.
My Weight Watchers meeting was not all that busy on sunday. I was expecting a large crowd.
.-= Carlee´s last blog ..Trying Stuff You Read About on Blogs =-.
I love The Pose and The Pout!
I cannot imagine commenting on someone’s workout.
.-= Roxie´s last blog ..Practicing =-.
Delicious looking food!
I’m a little surprised the gym wasn’t crawling with all the New Year’s Resolution-ers, lol.
.-= blubeari´s last blog ..Winter Wonderland Warriors- Week 1 =-.
Hah! I loved those photos, too.
And good heavens, people comment on your workouts? I can’t imagine doing that, either. Other than a “good job” now & then from an instructor after class, but I don’t mind that.
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Am I the Only One =-.
Hi! I found your site through Diane Fit to the Finish’s site. How irritating that someone would comment on your workout. The pose and the pout are quite comical!
.-= Jenn @ Cooking Aweigh the Pounds´s last blog ..Kimchi =-.
Belated Happy New Year!
I misread “hangry” the first time….thought you came home angry! I was thinking that’s too bad the comments got you that ticked off!
I find myself ordering sides for a meal as well for similar reasons and also to be able to have more variety.
at the heisman pose!!!
he’s so so so like my husband.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..BornFit Windom top review-giveaway =-.
I love piecing together meals from side items. Restaurants get a bad rap, and some deserve it, but most of them are more than willing to work with you to get exactly what you want on the table. Or maybe it’s just our charming personalities?
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Loose Ends =-.
Those strawberries look so good! They are $4.99 a lb here and I just can’t bring myself to spend that much.
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..A New Exercise Plan and Free Coupon for You! =-.
I really like that flavor Luna bar. I usually eat one of those before my outside Sunday run. My gym has time limits for the cardio equipment so that people have to get off after 20 minutes during busy times.. that is just a warm up for me! I go when that is not a prob & nobody is bothering me.. that is why I am willing to work out when I do….. I can be selfish!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Consistency- Choices- Change =-.
I’ve given a “good for you” and a smile when I’m on the elliptical by the door and people are leaving but I would never make a rude comment or disturb someone midflow. I hate when people interrupt me when I’m working out and it does happen sometimes.
.-= Andra´s last blog ..Juice Fast Day 2- Reliving Our Anniversary =-.
LOL @ the pose and pout.
Very nice run.
gotta try one of those luna bars. Looks tasty.
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..a Duathlon of sorts =-.
Were they waiting to use the treadmill?? So i take it they didn’t have nice things to say??? How rude!
Your running has improved so much girlfriend. 5 miles! Awesome! At an 11mim mile pace too! Today is a 4 mile hill run for me. And a trip to the recycling center! Woohoo!
Thanks so much for the comments on my blog. It means alot to have you stop by.
No – not waiting to use it. Just commenting on my workout itself.
Aha! Planet Fitness! As soon as they started opening in our area, the other gyms definitely lost members.
Does your gym have a time limit for the machines? Were you holding them up? The only way I’m commenting on the length of time someone is on a treadmill is to say something complimentary about how great they’re doing by running for that long. Sheesh! (Although when I belonged to the gym, we had an anorexic girl who would stay on the treadmill for HOURS. She would be there when I arrived at 4:30 and still be on it when I left at 6:00. Running hard and fast. I never said anything, but I wanted to hug her and tell her that she was worth more than that.)
I think I may challenge Mr. Helen to a football pick thing next year. You guys always seem like you have so much fun between the picks and the dinner.
.-= Helen´s last blog ..Hitting the Refresh Button =-.
There were 4 treadmills open next to me. Just comments about my workout itself, not that I was taking too long on the machine.
Football picks are fun – and it is an excuse to go out to eat
I love that “unhappy” photo! It’s such a good strike between irritated and pouty face. And to be able to order a la carte exactly what you want, definitely not a bad way to “lose.”
I can’t tell it’s new year here either. Our gym is expensive so everyone makes full use of it year round. Hasn’t really been any more or less crowded. Hope your gym stays nice and quiet!
.-= Amanda @ bakingwithoutabox´s last blog ..Southern Cornbread & My First Video =-.
LOVE the pics of you and John. So fun. Have a great day!!!!
.-= Roz´s last blog ..For the birds… =-.
LOL, I LOVE both the pictures – you and John are too funny!
What a great run you had! Maybe people come up to you because you look so nice and approachable? Practice that face you made at dinner…that’ll keep them away, haha!
A gym for $10/month? I would be there. So I guess that’s good to keep the crowds away at your gym, right?
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update – With an Apology to GU =-.
I hear you sister on the comments! A few weeks ago I was running on the dreadmill and this guy whom I used to work with came up to me. First he tried to look how long I already was running, then he started talking to me. He said “though workout? you’re sure sweat a lot” Now you have to know about me that when I’m in the gym I don’t want to talk to people, I just want to do my thing and go home. So I wasn’t very friendly to him.
Question: do you have a video of the incline dumbbell press? I had to do it today and had a picture of it but am not sure if I did it the right way.
I don’t have the incline press, but I do have the incline fly:
Hmmmm I never comment on other people hogging machines. I just angrily curse them in my mind. Tell them to buzz off.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..January Weigh In =-.
Hmmmmm I never comment on other people hogging machines. I just angrily curse them in my mind. Tell them to buzz off.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..January Weigh In =-.
The treadmill comment makes me laugh: Ted and I met at a gym. I went over to the calf raise machine, changed the weights and proceeded to use it. He came over and said something like “We can share the machine”. I said “OMG! I thought you were done!” He said “No, but that’s ok”….. and now, 13 years later….
As for the treadmill, if it has a sign up sheet and no one’s signed up – run on! If it doesn’t have a sign up sheet – even better. Stay there all day. You pay your dues.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Healthdesigns and Angell Bars =-.
When I used to frequent the gym, one day a week (usually Fridays) I would do an hour on the elliptical and someone would always comment on that. I don’t get it either! I would never comment on someone else’s workout!!!
Love the pout picture ;0
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Ringing in 2011 =-.
Thanks Lori! I watched it and searched after that for the incline version. I didn’t do it exactly right yesterday but next time I will.
by the way I forgot in my previous comment to tell you how much I love the pics of you and John.