So you all really are looking forward to me doing a video playing guitar at the end of the year? I hope you know what you are in store for…
I did not want to get up this morning. I have to say that going to the gym in the dark is not my favorite thing. I am okay once I get there, but I will be glad when it is lighter out!
My gym was surprisingly uncrowded today. Not even all the regulars were there and those of us that were commented about how empty it was. Weird, although I really liked it
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Cable Squat to Row | 3 set of 10 at 60# | Full body |
Dumbbell Pull Over | 3 sets of 10 with 25# DB | Back |
Dumbbell Lying Fly | 3 sets of 12 with 15# DBs (30# total) | Chest |
Decline Sit Ups | 3 sets of 10 | Core |
Triceps Pull down | 3 sets of 10 at 40# | Triceps |
Stiff-legged Deadlifts | 1 set of 10 at 75#
1 set of 8 at 80# 1 set of 6 at 85# 1 set of 6 at 90# |
Lower Body |
Seated Calf Raise | 3 sets of 10 at 140# | Calves |
Upright Row | 3 sets of 10 at 30# | Shoulders |
Lower Back Extension | 3 sets of 10 at 100# | Low Back |
I can do different chest moves now! My shoulder is almost fine now, so I can do flyes and incline presses again. Not back to full weight, but at least I am not stuck with pushups and bench presses only anymore. Yay! I was feeling really strong today. I think because I had an extra day off since I lifted last Thursday.
Headed home for a warm breakfast.
I soaked steel cut oats overnight and cooked them up this morning.
In the mix: 1/2 cup of pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, 7 grams of toasted walnuts, 14 grams of crystallized ginger, 1 tablespoon creamed honey. (Total calories – 360).
Slow work morning, which is pretty typical for Monday, so I made sure to be productive instead of sitting and reading blogs all morning and practiced guitar and rode my trainer. Since I knew I would be working at night, I actually got my evening stuff done early. Now that is managing my time better, which I tend to be terrible at. Good start to the year.
Lunch time. We have a bunch of bananas to use up, so I decided on something very different for lunch. A banana protein shake! A little on the cold side, but still good.
These blueberries are so awesome, too. We normally don’t find blueberries up here in the winter except for tiny packages that cost as much as a small car. These pints were on sale yesterday for $2.99.
I told John to pick me up some more when he went out to play poker since I was going to eat these so fast. His response? “I am not spending money to support your blueberry habit.”
Work schedule still a bit whonky. It will take a couple days to settle out with the doctors having appointments and dictating again. Until then, it will be swinging my hours around. No football on tonight (omg – the season is over, waaahhhh!!), so I should be able to work uninterrupted… Of course, then I am going out of town for a couple days on Thursday. It just never ends.
John made lattes, which I paired up (tripled up?) with some clems.
It’s a fruit and veggie kind of day! Especially considering my dinner:
We grocery shop on Sundays, so there is always a plethora of fresh produce at the beginning of the week. I have such a hard time deciding what to have.
Tonight’s planned snack? Girl’s gotta have some chocolate!
I really have been on a good eating streak since the day after Christmas. I have had 1 Christmas cookie from the freezer all week, although I did have a bite or 2 from ones on John’s plate. I have not had the urge to have them. I will have one or 2 nutmeg logs before they are totally gone, but it is nice that they are not calling to me.
Tomorrow I will be back at the gym on the treadmill for a run. I wonder if the uncrowdedness will continue?
Question: If you belong to a gym, has it been hellaciously crowded this week?
I avoided my gym Saturday because of the crowds (or so I thought). Sunday the pool was empty–which was weird! I was happy to have a calm, crowd-free swim. I have no idea if this week will be different though.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..January Weigh In =-.
In addition to the guitar serenade I want to hear a duet with Lori on french horn and John on tuba:)
Me too!!!
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Am I the Only One =-.
I only popped in to pick up the new schedule, but it didn’t seem too crowded. Then again, it’s never too crowded during the lunchtime and early afternoon hours. I’m so excited, they added a new half-hour strength class during the Monday lunch hour – woot! Many people in my Wednesday class have been asking about this for awhile, so I know they’ll be excited, too.
You have had a great eating streak! You do so well with that. The holiday food is gone from our house (whew!), so things seem to be settling back down a bit.
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Am I the Only One =-.
I went back to the gym today for the first time since July! Santa brought me a new membership! You’re right though, wasn’t as crowded as I thought it would be.
That creamed honey looks decadent!
Not hellaciously crowded, but definitely more busy. Lots of faces I didn’t recognize at 5:30 a.m. I bet it starts to get more crowded in the middle of January–people are probably just joining up now.
.-= Laura I.´s last blog ..Another Year- Another Opportunity for Self-Improvement =-.
Those are some awesome choices today! I’m jonesing for those oats.
I love that you guys are so active. John’s playing poker (and not supporting your blueberry habit LOL!) and you’re playing guitar, lifting weights AND training with the bike. You guys are too neat. Love it.
I NEED not want NEED some more Attune bars.
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Before & After Pictures of the scale =-.
I have a blueberry “habit” also – ask the recycling men (I hate those clear plastic containers…) … the last pint that I bought (last week) weren’t tasty at all though. Made me think I should stick with frozen ones, but fresh are (usually) so yummy!
Life was quiet around here today – seems that a lot of people aren’t going back to work until Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Maybe they’re not into their routines yet?? Enjoy! (what are they usually called? “tourists”??!!)
.-= Lay Down My Idols´s last blog ..Stats n Stuff =-.
New Year’s morning at 7:30, there were only a handful of people in my gym. It was awesome! Sunday afternoon was pretty crowded on the floor, but I was doing cross-ramp so I didn’t care. Today was ST again and I had to share “my” space with another woman. She was nice though, so it worked out. Lots of new-to-me faces, but they may just be people coming in at different times.
I found blueberries yesterday for $3. They’re not bad for mid-winter blueberries, especially when they’re smothered with Chobani.
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Feeling Lucky Giveaway =-.
Gym? What’s a gym???
I bought a huge container of blackberries for super-cheap the other day – it was strange and wonderful to have a fruit salad with berries in the winter! Tell John you could have worse habits, lol!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Bring It ON- 2011! =-.
My gym was fairly empty Saturday and Sunday, but tonight at 6:30pm was ridiculously crowded. People everywhere… people I’ve never seen before. I hope they stay for their health’s sake, but I’ll also be grateful when it clears out by the end of the month.
My gym is upstairs in my house. And I can tell you it has been MUCH more crowded than usual. One exerciser instead of zero!
.-= Deb´s last blog ..2010 2009 Lite =-.
I think people aren’t ready to get back into their routines after the holidays. By the end of the week, things will be back to normal. Good for you regarding good eating since Christmas. Take care…
.-= Jane´s last blog ..The Precarious Time Between Christmas and the New Year =-.
I want some Blueberries!
I went to the gym on Sunday and it was not crowded, only about 8 new people from the normal group on Sundays. I went to the gym at 5:30 tonight and the Zumba class I take had a ton of new people. I imagin it will be like every year it will slow down by the beginning of February. I am hoping the weight lifting class tomorrow and Yoga are not crowded. Cause Tuesday is MY Favorite day!
.-= Julie´s last blog ..I am making a differnence to someone! =-.
My gym was packed to the rafters with newbies the day after Christmas. Then it went dead as a doornail. Then it was packed again the day after new years. Then quiet again the next day. I suspect the regulars are away on holidays (it’s summer here) and the newbies are filled with post-celebratory good intentions that hit them particularly after periods of mass consumption!
.-= Jo´s last blog ..Best ever flavour combinations =-.
I skipped the gym this weekend for that very reason…today? Im heading back.
I shall report back.
If I never return it was so crowded I got lost.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..BornFit Windom top review-giveaway =-.
Those BB look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucky you with a quiet gym. Some years I notice new peeps show up a couple weeks in, others right away…. for me, yesterday was fine but today, not so much, even at my crazy time… plus some people just coming in earlier than normal. Well, being honest like my post today, it is always quiet at my workout time but I want it to myself!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Weight Loss is HONESTY! =-.
There are worse habits than blueberries… maybe you should remind John of that!
I am so not a gym girl – finally gave up my membership as a matter of fact. I have to say I don’t miss the January rush. There was no one crowding me in the family room this morning while I was attempting some ST
.-= Helen´s last blog ..New Year- Day 1 =-.
You’re still killing me with those awesome breakfasts you come up with. And your smoothie looks so good I may have to go have one for lunch today! Congrats on your shoulder feeling better!
.-= Susan@Home Workouts´s last blog ..Cold Exposure For Fast Fat Burning =-.
I LOVEd the blueberry comment! I too have a habit, and it’s frozen berries! See? THAT’s one of the reasons I love coming here! Vee at
.-= Vee´s last blog ..BREATHE! =-.
I think I am steeling your strength workout at lunch today – although I’ll have to google half of the positions to see what I am actually doing!
The gym by my office is the usual fair – however, the new gym I got a family membership for at Christmas is REALLY busy, like I waited 10 minutes (while walking in the therapy pool) for a swim lane this morning, and one never opened up. I am hoping the novelty will wear off!
.-= Biz´s last blog ..Weekend Recap and Winner! =-.
Our gym is always busy but hasn’t been crowded yet. Still, dreading today after work to see how busy it can really get at the first of the year. I’m so glad yours wasn’t that busy and you got to get back to various chest exercises. So boring doin gthe same thing. Mmmm, blueberries.
.-= Amanda @ bakingwithoutabox´s last blog ..Southern Cornbread & My First Video =-.
I won’t be back to the gym until after the kids are back in school. It’s on a military base and I don’t think it’ll be any more full than normal.
Last year I was going to a little gym at a local church and it was much more full this time of year.
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Less Already =-.
I LOVE John’s comment about supporting your blueberry habit!!! That is hilarious!! Have a great day.
.-= Roz´s last blog ..For the birds… =-.
Ieks: clementines with coffee? Not my favorite combination
I laughed at John’s comment about the blueberries.
I haven’t been to the gym yet, will go tomorrow and see if it’s crowded. Usually it is in January as a lot of people have the New Year resolution of moving more.
Ummm…I haven’t been to the gym in a month or more. I am going to say they are crowded from what I’ve observed in past years. I need to get my butt back and join the crowd instead of paying them monthly to sit on my couch! lol
.-= Ang´s last blog ..New Year- New Dishes! =-.
That’s really weird about the gym non-crowd. Typically you get the New Year’s Resolution-ers trying out the new gym membership for at least a week. Maybe America spent their money on other things over the holidays?
Enjoy while you can, I’m sure members will make their way back as soon as pants won’t fasten, shirts get a but snug and the scale breaks.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Healthdesigns and Angell Bars =-.
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