I have decided that I am not calling them resolutions or even goals this year. They are just things to do and work for. A task list, if you will. I think I like that idea.
– We are going to do another 100 mile bike ride this year. I also would like to log 2000 miles on the bike. I almost did that last year, and provided I stay injury free, I should make this.
– Maybe do a half marathon. Why I cannot seem to commit to this definitely is beyond me, and that could be a good reason to go for it as it is obviously very much outside my comfort zone.
– I hope to do a different duathlon in May (5 K run, 20 mile (33K) ride, 5K run). That will be a real challenge since it is so early in the season.
– Definitely a few 5K races.
– Keep stretching. The stretching that I did for the Hot 100 challenge really noticeably helped me in general. I think that had a lot to do with how much more comfortable running became again.
Food and Weight:
– I don’t want to say I want to lose some weight. That is so lame to do on January 1st. However, the scale did pop up a little towards the end of the year and while it is starting to go back down, I really would like to get it to go down further. I am not shooting for a specific number, but I do have a pair of pants I would like to have less tight.
– I hope to do more cooking and food recipes on the blog.
– I am going to work on my classical guitar this year.
I really hope to practice 3 times a week and keep at it. I tend to go in cycles with this. In fact, to do this, I will commit to putting a video of myself on the blog playing something at the end of the year. It may be Mary Had a Little Lamb, but I will do it… gulp…
– Learn to do more than just basic plumbing so that we can install a water softener ourselves (after I save up for it), and possibly install a half bath in our laundry room.
– Tinker with the blog a bit.
– Earn more money. That will either by a new job in a different field, or with a different company doing what I do now.
– Just try to be a better person in general.
So, nothing really earth shattering. No huge changes. Funny how a lot of things that happened to me in 2010 were not planned, so I am curious as to what happens this year!
Here’s is to a fantastic 2011 for everyone!
I think this is a wonderful To Do List. Actually, it speaks loudly to where you are in your life… contented and satisfied so no big changes are desired. That’s something of which to be very proud.
Great list. I used to play the classical guitar as a kid and have been meaning to learn it again as an adult. Not this year though. I admire you for committing to pick it up again and I look forward to that video!
.-= Desert Agave´s last blog ..Free Weights =-.
So with you on the no resolution thing. I have some things that I “aspire” to. Maybe it will be 2011, maybe not. It’s all good.
.-= Helen´s last blog ..i am running into a new year =-.
I can’t wait to hear you playing the guitar!
I LOVE the idea of calling it a task list instead. I think the word resolution probably puts too much unnecessary pressure on people. Seems like you have a very well attainable list. Best of luck!! :0)
.-= Mabelle @ Dance, Love, Dine´s last blog ..Productive Sunday! =-.
I think a to-do list is a much better plan – good idea!
I’m waiting to see the video!
.-= D´s last blog ..Day 100 of FOCUS =-.
Great list Lori!!! Here’s to a great year!
I LOVE the idea of a to-do list! And I’m sure you’ll check everything off!
I’m sure 2011 will be a good year for you, you deserve it!!!
.-= Roz´s last blog ..Welcome 2011!! =-.
I like the idea of the the “to-do list.” Can’t wait to see you play that guitar!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Always on the Edge =-.
Looks like a great list, Lori! I don’t think I’m quite ready to jump in with mine yet. All that’s definite this point is my hula dance class in January.
I know I want to keep doing my quarterly events, but I haven’t really decided which ones.
It’s funny about the half-marathon. In looking back at my 2010 goals, I’d had it down as a “maybe,” too. So you see? You never know! What I learned from finishing a half-marathon was that it felt good to accomplish (albeit slowly), but anticipating it was kind of stressful. Maybe because, with travel and then needing new shoes and all, it turned out to be a more expensive event than I usually do. Plus, given the choice, I’d much rather spend an hour swimming or biking than running. Which may just be because I’m a such a slow runner. I like what running does for my fitness, and I like how I feel after I do it, and it’s an important leg in triathlon. But I’m not passionate about it.
Oh, and I hear ya about the tight pants.
I didn’t exactly end the year where I wanted, but that doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.
Best wishes for accomplished “to-do” items and lots of wonderful things in 2011!
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Happy New Years Eve-Eve! =-.
Nifty list. I can’t wait to see where you end up a year from now…perhaps entertaining customers in your bagel/froyo shop while playing the guitar?
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Bring It ON- 2011! =-.
Nifty list. I can’t wait to see where you end up a year from now…perhaps entertaining customers in your bagel/froyo shop while playing the guitar?:)
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Bring It ON- 2011! =-.
Oops, some funky error caught my comment in a vortex!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Bring It ON- 2011! =-.
Really good list. You are going to be a busy gal this year! Looking forward to following your continued athletic accomplishments and to hearing your guitar!!!
.-= Deb´s last blog ..2010 2009 Lite =-.
I love that you do both fitness and NON.
I will become far more fluent in spanish this year.
.-= Miz.´s last blog ..Flash forward…it’s 2012! =-.
I love your things to look forward to Lori! I am not a resolution person & I tend to go with the flow. I have things in my mind I want to accomplish but they may change depending….
The big thing – I do need to make some money or else…. that is a concrete thing to be done!
Happy 2011!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Resolutions – Not Here =-.
Sounds like you have some great to-do’s! I hate calling them resolutions so I stuck with Yearly Goals but I like to-do’s even more!
.-= Beth @ Beth’s Journey to Thin´s last blog ..January Plans =-.
I do a ‘task list’ too, and start with the first steps for getting them done. I like your to-do list. Practical & entirely possible.
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Feeling Lucky Giveaway =-.
I’d like to get healthier as opposed to skinnier in 2011!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..January Weigh In =-.
I love your to do list and look forward to follow your progress.
But I do think you already are a good person, you’re one of my sweetest blogger friends.
Love the list! You can cross everything off!!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Ringing in 2011 =-.
You’ve got some super goals You’ll do it!
As for the Half Marathon, if you can’t commit to that, why not
the 15K Boilermaker? It’s a fun race and you have all the way until July to train for it.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Healthdesigns and Angell Bars =-.
“To do”‘s sound so much more practical than resolutions. Since when do we resolve? Love the classical guitar hopes. That’s so awesome. Musician and soap maker! Good luck on the huge bike mileage. We picked a 1/2 marathon across the country and paid for the trip. That’s my motivator. And your stretching! I need to steal that for my to do list.
.-= Amanda @ BakingWithoutABox´s last blog ..Southern Cornbread & My First Video =-.
My husband’s been home, so he’s taken over the computer and I just saw this post….
I like your idea of a “to-do” list. Looks like a great one!
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Less Already =-.