I thought about running this morning, but when I got up I just didn’t feel like it, so I lifted instead. Still out of day order on the lifting, but it’s all good!
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Barbell Split Squats | 3 set of 10 at 65# | Lower body |
Bent over dumbbell row | 3 sets of 8 with 25# DBs (50# total) | Back |
Barbell Bench Press | 3 sets of 10 at 60# | Chest |
Captain’s Chair | 3 sets of 10 | Core |
Seated Calf Raise | 3 sets of 10 at 140# | Calves |
Bench Dips | 3 sets of 10 | Triceps |
Good Mornings | 3 sets of 10 at 55# | Low back and hammies |
YTWL | 3 sets of 4 (each letter) with 8# DBs | Shoulders |
Just kind of a light workout today to end up the year. I have gained some good strength back this year. Yippee! I came home to make some custard style cream of wheat!
I am really liking the Teddy peanut butter, although I hate having to measure it out. I think it really is less expensive to buy peanut butter and make the other nut butters myself. Think I will put making cashew butter on the agenda for this weekend.
The sun actually came out today :b That does wonders for the mood. It even feels pretty warm at 33 degrees. That is above the wincing level outside
Work was slow in the morning, and there was a special farmer’s market today since the market won’t be open Saturday:
It has moved inside for the winter, so I decided to pop on over. I saw brussels on stalks!
I would have gotten one, but I don’t think I could eat the whole stalk before it went bad. So I just got a few loose ones, plus some parsnips and jerusalem artichoke! That is going to be a GVE next week. I haven’t done one of those in forever.
I took a work break for lunch. Egg wrap. You know there is hot sauce in there.
I really do like the Joseph’s pitas. Actually much better than flatout wraps, too! They are nice and soft and if you toast them, they get crispy instead of chewy.
I noticed today that Shape.com had put my article online in a story about 25 days of inspiration. I am day 16! Diane is also in this group. If only I could parlay all of this press into some extra money, I would be all set LOL! Hey, a girl has to be a capitalist sometimes…
Snack attack!
I am doing good with this little bag of truffles. I have had 2 pieces out of this bag since Christmas, so it should last a while provided I don’t sleep eat. Moderation is something I can do if I put my mind to it.
Had to take this picture of Pixie sleeping today. If only I could bottle the cuteness that she exudes.
Sleeping in my lap while I was working. It’s nice having a personal warming unit for cold weather, too.
Cooked up said brussels for dinner along with some ground pork (BBQ style).
I am going to have to start rationing my cinnamon. We purchase it in 1-pound bags and we are almost out (the horror!!). I eat probably 2 tsp a day. Between that and hot sauce, I am not prissy with my condiments.
I have about another half hour of work tonight, then it’s J and L time at the coffee shop! A pseudo-date
Question: Do farmer’s markets go year round near you?
Our markets are only open from May to November, sadly. Your little Pixie is a cutie. We’re expecting temps in the mid 50’s tomorrow and the next day and we’re planning to get out for a couple long rides–yipee. DH promised me a new road bike for Xmas. We’ll start shopping soon to try to get a dead-of-winter deal. Happy New Year.
.-= Tish´s last blog ..A Day in the Life- WI =-.
I had to chuckle at this: “Just kind of a light workout today to end up the year.” I’d like to be able to call that a “light workout” someday!
No year-round farmer’s market in my town; they’re just May-October. But we do have several farm stands, so there are plenty of fresh veggies to be had.
I love cinnamon, too. I put some on a cappuccino I got today, and the foam tasted sweet. I like adding it to yogurt and fruit.
Hope you & John enjoy a great New Year’s weekend!
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Yes- Im Still Here! =-.
Our markets are open year-round, although it gets a bit rainy and miserable during wintertime here.
That workout looks great; you’ve just motivated me to get on with getting ready for the gym this afternoon
Happy New Year!
.-= Cilla´s last blog ..2010 quickshot review =-.
Would love to see how you can make your own butter so I can try it too!!! I’ve been meaning to buy almond butter for the past several months but around my way they never go on sale. Prices are ridiculous (IE: $12 for a jar at my local stop and shop…crazy!!!). Is that how much almond butter cost?? hahaha. And PS: Great job on eating only 2 of those truffles since xmass. Those are soooo good.
.-= Mabelle @ dance, love, dine´s last blog ..Expensive Eyebrows – =-.
Oh that picture of Pixie just makes smile! She’s so cute.
Wishing you, John and Pixie a Happy New Year!
.-= suzanne´s last blog ..Back to work tomorrow! =-.
Love the photo of the brussel sprouts on stalks. I never met a brussel sprout I didn’t like!!!
I haven’t seen any year round farmers markets around here- I wish we had some!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Too Many Delicious Dinners =-.
Awww, the Pixinator is so cute! Love that she is a cuddler.
Very cool about the Shape online thing! I totally agree – it would be WONDERFUL to actually make money from blogging. We can hope…
I love cinnamon and can’t imagine rationing it – to me, it’s one of the yummy freebies in life.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update – Running WITH Earphones! =-.
No year round farmer’s markets in East TN – Bummer! They are all May-November. We are leaving Florida tomorrow morning and I plan to take a stash of “goodies” from the market here along with huge bags of oranges and grapefruits! That should last a while!
.-= Sharon´s last blog ..Help Me Explain! =-.
Truffle balls are my favorite! I told the husband to not buy me any this year, because I have 0 self control when it comes to them, especially the white chocolate ones!
Happy New Year! Here’s to an amazing 2011
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Two Special Gifts =-.
No Farmers markets around here in the winter… although it is 52 degrees here this morning and raining….
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Merry Christmas =-.
How nice that you have so firmly established yourself in exercise that if you don’t feel like running, you just do some lifting. Fantastic!
Happy New Year. I’m looking forward to seeing where Lori goes in 2011.
I had my last ST workout yesterday too! Went out with a bang (and an owwww), which was perfect. I’ll have my first ST workout of 2011 tomorrow, thanks to my mixed up schedule. A little bit of serendipity in that!
Happy New Year, Lori! It’s going to be awesome!
Oh, and cutest Pixie-pic EVER!
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Out With The Old =-.
Great last workout of 2010!
We don’t have farmer’s markets like you have but we have weekly markets where you can buy all kinds of stuff: vegetables, fruits, cheese, meat, clothes, jewelry, nuts, chicken, and so on. That market is on Saturday in my village but I hardly ever go there. Maybe something to start the new year with again, especially for the fruits and vegetables that are a bit cheaper than at the supermarket.
Pixie is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending to my Pixie lover friends now that I have introduced them to her!
Lori, congrats to you & Diane on the Shape thing… yes, too bad $$ don’t come with that!
Good to end the year with a workout & a farmers market too! Have a safe & happy one!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Happy New Years Words of Wisdom =-.
Happy New Year Lori! Most go from May to October but there are a few that are all year round
Happy New Year!
I haven’t heard of that brand of tortillas before. I like that they are soft. I know there are a few indoor farmers markets by me, I just have to find out where.
I’ve heard that cinnamon keeps your blood sugar down and blood pressure lower, so that’s a good thing!
.-= Jenn@slim-shoppin´s last blog ..Happy last day of the year! =-.
Lucky! No, our farmers market rarely make it past Halloween, and then its just pumpkins.
I hope you have a wonderful New Years and can’t wait to see what your next challenge is going to be in 2011!
Hi Lori,
Happy New Year to you, John and Pixie. We have a fantastic Winter Farmers Market here in Vancouver. There is a surprising amount of good local produce there…
All the best for 2011!!!
.-= Roz´s last blog ..New Word Wednesday 20 =-.