Schedule craziness

I am glad you all liked the 2010 recap.  I have enjoyed reading about them on other blogs as well.  I find those posts so much more interesting than resolution posts.

My schedule is all flippitty-flopped this week.  Is it the same for any of you?

The snow kept me home Monday, so I didn’t lift.  Instead I went yesterday.  That meant today was not a lifting day.    I decided to hit the bike trainer this morning instead.  I rode for 16 miles today after having a protein drink.  All I could think about during the ride was a bagel, too.  It is Wednesday after all!   I showered before we left the house, which was really weird. Normally I am all scuzzed out on Wednesday for breakfast after working out.  And here I thought no men hit on me because John was with me…

We stopped at North Country Cafe and I had a wheat bagel with coffee (egg nog flavor).

Those are coffee beans in big candy jars.  How cute.

Work is also weird this week.  It is light, so that means there is very little morning work and I am having to work evenings to get in my lines.  One would think I could be more productive with those free morning hours, but that is not the case for some reason.

One thing that is not topsy turvy this week is my eating.  I am really focused this week.  Getting on the scale the day after Christmas raised an eyebrow… Okay, it raised both eyebrows.  I know what to do.  No freak outs, just get back to routine.

Now that I have said that, I will show you my odd lunch 😀

I didn’t realize until after I plated it that all the food was in slices.  That is a Balance Bar.  I wanted protein, but could not decide what to have and didn’t feel like cooking up the pork that was thawed out.

I am doing some reading during the down time.  I am working through the WGAD by Geneen Roth.  I hate to say that I am not really liking it all that much so far and I am about halfway done.  I’ll review more once I finish.

Snack time!

It looks like my latte is in Morse code.  What would it say, I wonder?

I won the football picks again this week.  Poor John.  He doesn’t complain very much when he loses.  I, on the other hand, gripe and moan about it and feel very competitive.  I think we can see who is the better person in this relationship at times 😳

So that meant dinner!  I chose to go back to Rock Hill.

Our table had lovely decorations.

Check out all the books available to read here.

I really wanted some soup, but they were out of the kind I wanted.  So  I had a havarti grilled cheese sandwich.  Rock Hill does the best bread.

Yum.  Will have to try to win again this weekend 😛

Time to work tonight.  Sigh…  At least I can work in my PJs.

17 thoughts on “Schedule craziness

  1. Lisa

    What a good idea to cut the protein bar like that. I started slicing up my apples and eating them in slices because it takes so long to eat them that way! I get fuller faster, too. I should try that with the bars.
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Cheddar Garlic Bread =-.

  2. Pubsgal

    Our schedule is a bit topsy-turvy, mainly because the kids are still out of school, I think. Luckily work is quietly busy…the calm before the storm! Ack!

    Oooo, I just love grilled cheese sandwiches! Nice choice in lieu of your soup! Havarti works really nicely for that, doesn’t it? I’m going to have to try that with the hunk of pesto jack I bought the other day…unless the Mr. eats it this week. 😉
    .-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Yes- Im Still Here! =-.

  3. Marisa @ Loser for Life

    HA! I have spent morning, noon and night in pj’s since Sunday! That’s bad, isn’t it? I have showered and put on clean ones 🙂

    I hear ya about being focused with normal eating. I felt that way today. Tired of all the random eats! Happy New Year, Lori! This is gonna be a good one!
    .-= Marisa @ Loser for Life´s last blog ..The Homestretch =-.

  4. Leah

    My first winter as an MT I never noticed the crazy hours because I worked Sun-Thurs 9pm-1am. Then I went to daytime hours and noticed how it fluctuated around holidays and such. It was a pain, but like you said at least you can work in pjs. I did many nights. 🙂
    .-= Leah´s last blog ..Beware the Gain =-.

  5. Fran

    I had to laugh at your lunch, very special combination.

    I thought about your comment yesterday evening when we were at We will rock you, which was great by the way, I loved every minute of it.

    You mentioned about your signing. Well there was this guy behind me who probably thought he was a much better singer than the people on stage. Man you could hear him sometimes above the singers and no he wasn’t a good singer, just a Queen fan I suppose. People started to look backwards where this annoying noise came from and hearing him sing I thought of you 😆

  6. Susan

    First, your not the only one with raised eyebrows when they stepped on the scale:( I am working hard to remove those pounds once again.
    Second, I didn’t care for Geneenes new book either it just didn’t resonate with me. I liked her other book about pulling up a chair when you eat at the refrigrator…that was a great book!

  7. Helen

    Hahahaha! Before I even read the line about the slices, I thought “She has a sliced lunch!”

    Can’t wait to read your GR review as I’m not a huge fan either but I always thought I was the only one 🙂

  8. Jody - Fit at 53

    You always plate your food so pretty! Me, I just throw it on there & eat! 🙂

    It has been raining here like crazy so I have had to watch & switch things up… luckily I can drive in it so the gym days have been fine & the holidays fell on days I take off so this year was good & did not have to switch around due to that!
    .-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Year in Review Start NOW! =-.

  9. cammy@tippytoediet

    I’m topsy turvy this week, too. I spent yesterday with the parents, which now puts me on a Mon-Thurs-Sat strength schedule.

    Love that cafe! We have something similar here (Republic Coffee), with books and board games and other nifty things to promote sticking around awhile.

    And that grilled cheese looks yummy! Haven’t had one in some time, but I think I can fix that! 🙂
    .-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Another Year Rolls By =-.

  10. Flo

    I am glad you are liking Rock Hill more. I recall one time that I mentioned we liked to go there when we visit Glens Falls and you didn’t care for it that much. I love their soups and sandwiches!

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