The reindeer cat

Welcome to new readers from Womans Day!

I was lucky enough to be asked to particpate in this article in Woman’s Day on blogging and losing weight.  Lynn (one of my maintainer idols) is also featured in there.  I feel honored to be in very good company indeed!

2 years and counting of keeping it off.  Something to be mindful of as I am eating cookies this week! 😀

The weekend went by awful fast.  Or the one day I have off at any rate.

I ended up having my football meal at a new place that opened up called Orange Cat Cafe!

It used to be in an old candy shop, and they kept the old soda fountain and marble counters.

I ended up having an egg sandwich because I was in the mood for breakfast for lunch (surprise, surprise).

I had biked 25 miles on the trainer that morning, so I was pretty hungry.  It was a tasty sandwich, although the home fries on the side were a pretty dinky portion for $2.  They bake their own items there as well, as evidenced by the pastry case!

Didn’t get anything out of here today, though.

I definitely want to come back and try some of their sandwiches.  Good luck to this new place!

Work has been surprisingly busy today.  I was kind of hoping to get a start on some cookie baking.  John did his part with making some fudge and granola.  Having a no-added sugar day this week is going to be extremely challenging.  Extremely.  I am going to try to add 30 minutes of extra exercise to several days this week to help combat the extra goodies that will be appearing.

We received a box from my in-laws, and they included some pipecleaners for Pixie!  How sweet.  That is one of her favorite toys

I then fashioned them into reindeer antlers and put them on her.

I am sure she is plotting my death as we speak.

I have to finish up work and then get started cookie baking for the week!  Hope you all had a great weekend 😀

31 thoughts on “The reindeer cat

  1. Kelly

    “I am sure she is plotting my death as we speak.” LOL! 😀 She is so cute.

    Your transformation is really amazing. You’re a true inspiration.

    We have a new bakery that opened up here that I’m tempted to try but not sure I could resist the croque monsieur (or however you spell it) and chocolate croissants. Maybe when I’m biking 25 miles I’ll have it as a treat. 🙂

    Happy holidays to you and John and your furry family.
    .-= Kelly´s last blog ..Weigh In =-.

  2. Cilla

    Congrats for the article; that’s wonderful. You’re an amazing inspiration 🙂

    Cats are always plotting evil doings. Mine (Jax) usually comes up with a new way to wake me up earlier than the birdies on Sunday mornings.
    .-= Cilla´s last blog ..Rain Rain Rain =-.

  3. Heidi

    Looks like Pixie likes pipe cleaners as much as my boys do. We love to twirl them into springs and bounce them off the floor for them – it shocks me how high they will leap after those silly, cheap toys! Completely giggle-worthy and so cute!

    Looks like the pastries at your new find are so yummy! I always root for new, independently owned places too and hope they do well. Maybe you can talk them into making some different bagels for you 😉

  4. Mabelle

    omg! Congratulations on being included in Women’s Day. And two years keeping your weight off?! wow Do you realize that means you’re in the very small 10% of people that actually manages to maintain the weight the’ve lost?! What an accomplishment> 😀 Congrats Lori!
    .-= Mabelle´s last blog ..The Cool Mini-Pan =-.

  5. Amy

    Congrats on another article – I’ll have to see if my mom can pick up a copy for us to read while I’m in TX.
    Yes, Pixie looks rather annoyed with the reindeer antlers – you better watch out!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Go and change yourself =-.

  6. debby

    Congrats on the article! You are in good company.

    Have you joined the National Weight Control Registry? Just wondering. I finally filled out the information online today for the first time.
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Countdown to Africa =-.

  7. Roz

    Hi Lori, BIG congrats on the Women’s Day article!!! VERY well deserved, you ARE an inspiration! OMG, pipe cleaner antlers?! HILARIOUS!!!!!! (a friend of ours gave our Neva cat sized anters that have tiny lights on them to wear. Nope, she won’t wear them…) Have a great day!
    .-= Roz´s last blog ..I was in denial… =-.

  8. Helen

    Congratulations! Lynn is probably impressed to be in your company too 🙂

    I made cookies over the weekend and fully intend to eat a couple of them.

    You are a hot mess with your Pixie Reindeer Antlers! Pixie definitely looks like she’s cooking up a plan!
    .-= Helen´s last blog ..Whirlwind Weekend =-.

  9. Leslie

    Hi Lori – I’ve read zillions of comments from you on other blogs, and visited here a few times, but had no idea until the Womans’ Day article how huge your accomplishment or how much weight you lost. I’ll be trying to peruse your archives over the holidays. Thanks for what is always a positive and optimistic comment and post! You’re amazing!
    .-= Leslie´s last blog ..The pause that refreshes =-.

  10. Fran

    Congrats on the article, you deserve it to be published, you’re amazing!

    Seems to me you had a great weekend.
    After two years at Christmas time in blogland I’m still amazed how much you all bake for the holidays. It’s not really custom here to do that. But I am going to bake Friday, going to make an apple pie for Christmas.

  11. Biz

    The kitty looks like its ready to pounce at you at any second!! OMG, my broccoli gratin? I took a serving of it, put it in a 4 inch oven safe round dish, poured 1/2 cup egg beaters over the top and baked it at 350 for my breakfast this morning – it was almost like eating a broccoli gratin souffle – so good! 😀
    .-= Biz´s last blog ..Weekend Recap and First WW Weigh In! =-.

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