Hooray for Friday! Had a lot to do today, that is for sure. I started with my workout this morning. The furnace was out at the gym and it was very cold in there! It was probably 55 degrees. I don’t mind it being a little cooler because I get sweaty, but my nose was running!
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Barbell Dead Lifts | 3 set of 10 at 70# | Lower body |
Underhand Lat Pulldown | 3 sets of 10 at 60# | Back |
Calf Raise | 3 sets of 10 at 140# | Calves |
Plank | 3 sets 1-minute holds | Core |
Pushups | 3 sets of 10 | Chest |
Face Pulls | 3 sets of 12 at 30# | Shoulders |
Triceps Pull down | 3 sets of 15 at 30# | Shoulders |
Single leg deadlifts | 3 sets of 10 each leg with 15# DBs (30# total) | Hammies and balance |
Low Back Extension | 3 sets of 10 at 100# | Low back |
My legs are still a little sore from the squats the other day. Working up to the 100 pounds really fries them. I was so ready for a hot breakfast after this! I had a coupon and tried a new breakfast cereal – Wheatena. Ever had it?
I did it banana custard style, topped with PB and some nog honey.
It was good. Kind of tasted like a cross between oat bran and cream of wheat with more of a nutty taste. Very filling, too.
This week’s Hot 100 Update. I can’t believe there are only a couple weeks left in 2010!
- Maintain my weight. I am up 1 pound after the Colorado visit today, but down from when I first got back. Must concentrate this week…
- No eggnog lattes until Thanksgiving day! This goal is done.
- Do the duathlon and at least 1 more 5K race before the end of the year. This goal is also done for the year.
- Do stretching exercises 4 days a week at least. Did 5 days.
- Visit one new blog each week that is participating in the Hot 100 Challenge and cheer them on. I need to catch up on blog reading after my trip.
- Do one no-added sugar day each week. Fail. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but at a Balance bar right when I got up.
An okay week. Will do better the week prior to Xmas.
I did some work and ate a bit of an early lunch because I had shopping/errands to run. It’s the return of the BBQ chicken salad! I didn’t have feta, so I had some sharp cheddar on it.
Loaded that up with 4 oz of chicken, too, cause of the lifting
I hit the library and finally found this book:
We shall see if it holds my interest.
I had texted John on my way home so that he would have lattes ready when I got back. Don’t you love how I order him around??
Paired with a Luna Bar. I really like the toasted nuts and cranberry one.
Little more work and I almost forgot about dinner! John hadn’t started cooking anything and I didn’t note the time. I wasn’t starving either. Maybe the Wheatena?
Hot sauce making its appearance today
Today has gone by really fast, I have to say. I will have a wee bit of chocolate for a snack while working. I have about an hour of work left, then tomorrow is off!
Need to find something holiday to do – and have John take me out for my football meal. Yes – after 5 weeks, I finally won the picks!
Question: Have you read Women, Food, and God?
Nope, haven’t read it, probably won’t. Unless I find it for free. I wanted to tell you that because of your challenge to yourself to stretch more often, I have made it a regular part of my gym visits! So thank you for that encouragement.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Faded Pajamas =-.
Yay for stretching! I really think it is making a difference for me and I am going to keep doing it now even after my challenge is over.
Haven’t read it and really don’t have a desire to, for some reason. I’ll await your report.
I fried my legs today, too, by spending too much time on the crossramp before weights. I think I need to leave my tunes off in the pre-workout cardio. Or maybe lower the resistance. Or both.
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Simple Joys =-.
Woohoo, congrats on winning the football picks!!!
Haven’t read that book, don’t plan to…it just doesn’t interest me.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Mishmash =-.
I haven’t read it although everyone recommends it, because I read her other books in the 90’s and was pretty unimpressed. I tried her intuitive eating but unlike her, I never got tired of eating cookie dough balls for dinner.
.-= Lyn´s last blog ..This Sucks! =-.
Haha – yeah, I don’t do well with the ‘have tons of the food around and you won’t want it’ as well.
The name of that cereal reminds me of Farina – have you had that before? I used to eat that when my grandmother babysat me, but it was a lot like fine-ground grits to me.
The Toasted Nuts and Cranberry is, by far, my fave Luna. It’s a perfect holiday season flavor.
I have not read that particular Roth book, but I did read Breaking Free from Emotional Eating by her. It was fabulous and really shone a light on my own habits. I have no doubt that her other book is just as good, but be sure to let us know what you think!
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..Homebound workouts =-.
I have not had farina, but I may have to put it on my breakfast list
Wheatena, that’s old school, my mother ate it as a kid and so did we. It’s too bad the company is now owned by Conagra.
.-= Andra Ruscoe´s last blog ..Eating Healthfully on a Small Budget- Part 2 =-.
That breakfast looked GOOD! I am going to look for that! Thanks!
.-= Debbi Does Dinner Healthy´s last blog ..Grilled Cheese and Apple Sandwiches =-.
I’ve not seen that cereal before. It looks really good in your bowl
.-= april´s last blog ..Hibernating =-.
Congrats on your goals Lori! So glad you are stretching. I really have done that all along BUT as I get older, it has been so more important & the older I get, the more.. we tighten up so much do to the hormone changes… And even with all I do, I am still fighting this back thing… which is better but still has a ways to go. Update on Monday.
Have not read that book. Not a big “God” person so I probably would pass it on by even if I saw it… maybe God has nothing to do with the book… let me know!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Saturday Funny – Christmas Edition =-.
I’ve heard alot about this book, but haven’t read it. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of it.
.-= Roz´s last blog ..End of my work week =-.
Nope, have not read it…. LOL and doubt that I will! LOL have a great day Lori!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Christmas shopping and good news =-.
I did read it, after all the Oprah buzz. I am curious to see what you think.
.-= Karen´s last blog ..Hot 100 – Week 12 Update =-.
I think you did great on your goals, don’t be too hard on yourself.
I don’t know the book but reading the title I don’t think it’s something I would read.
Congrats on winning this week, about time don’t you think?
Great goal setting and “stick-to-it-ness”. It’s the holidays so remember to allow yourself a little slack.
I’ve never heard of that book.
I just downloaded a couple of books on the Boston Marathon to my Kindle. Made it through “The Dual”. That was good. Now I have the other one to read along with the 4 books I’ve already started. Time is not my friend this time of year. There just isn’t enough of it.
.-= joanne´s last blog ..Party Time and 4 Ingredient Spiced Pumpkin Muffins =-.
I have read the book and actually own it! I was about 300th on the library wait list and with a Border’s 40% coupon decided to purchase it! I will be very anxious to read your impressions and considered withholding mine until after you wrote about it. I’ll say this: like any book, especially one with all the Oprah hype this one stirred up, you read it, take what is helpful and discard the rest. I am not a fan of “intuitive” eating – it does NOT work for me, however, the most valuable thing I gained from this book was on one of the very last pages. It was her list of eating guidelines. Those have stuck in my mind and I find myself asking, “what does my body want right now,” “am I truly hungry,” and “am I full?” Asking what sounds good and then putting that in my body has made a noticeable different in my satisfaction level. However, it doesn’t mean that I’m able to stop when full!! Maybe someday!
I value your opinion as a person who lost a lot of weight and has successfully maintained it – I will be very interested in your opinion of the book!
.-= Sharon´s last blog ..This Was The Week that Was! =-.
Love your list of 10 things you learned in 2010.
The Wheatena looks interesting. Hmm. At least it’s nice to decide to try something new AND find that you like it.
.-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..No more blank calendar =-.
I know how you love those clementines- so check out my blog this evening after I update.
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..California Rolls =-.
That cereal looks so good! Great job on meeting your goals!
Yes, I read the book. I’ve been a big fan of Geneen Roth for a while now, but I don’t agree with her ideas on Buddhism. She was the writer of articles that gave me a glimmer of hope when I started my weight loss journey.
.-= Leah´s last blog ..One Bit of Red =-.