I think I am still on mountain time or something. I overslept a little today. Normally I am at my gym by 7 am (no alarm) and today I woke up at 7:10! That’s pretty unusual.
I dressed quick and jetted on over. I did some unweighted moves for a warm up and then lifted.
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Barbell Squats | 1 set of 10 at 65#
1 set of 8 at 75# 1 set of 8 at 85# 1 set of 6 at 90# 1 set of 4 at 100# !!!!! |
Lower body |
Seated Lat Row | 3 sets of 10 at 55# | Back |
Barbell Chest Press | 3 sets of 8 at 60# | Chest |
Captain’s Chair | 3 sets of 10 | Core |
Stationary Lunge | 3 sets of 10 each leg with 35# plate | Lower Body |
YTWL | 3 sets of 4 (each letter) with 8# DBs (16# total) | Shoulders |
Nosebreaker | 3 sets of 12 at 25# | Triceps |
Good Morning | 3 sets of 10 at 55# | Hammies and low back |
There were 3 new people at they gym today, and one was a woman who did some serious lifting! She looked amazing and like she could kick my ass multiple times and not break a sweat. One of those times where you just feel totally inadequate standing next to someone, you know? I went up to her and said how nice it was to have another woman lifting in the free weight section. They apparently are switching to my gym and work out every morning. I probably won’t be able to make any videos at they gym now if that is the case.
I finished my workout and picked up John. Sometimes he starts walking to the gym to meet me, but it was 12 degrees this morning….brrrrrr…..
Stopped at Adirondack Coffee Cafe. I had a wheat bagel with cream cheese.
I was in a hurry this morning and didn’t eat anything before leaving for the gym, so I was pretty hungry for this puppy. I can get away with that on a lifting day, but not if I do cardio.
Now on to the Lifting Move of the Week! The Good Morning. I have been trying and trying to get this on video and none have worked out well (or I look terrible, truth be known). It is an awkward-looking move, so I doubt I will have more success – so here it is! This is great for the lower back and hamstrings. The key to this exercise is the pivot point you bend from. Always from the hips and not the waist. I show what not to do in the video as well.
I could probably straighten my legs a little more, but I tend to lock my knees, so I bend them a little more than other people might, FYI. The straighter your legs are, the more you feel it in the hammies. Enjoy!
Remember yesterday was pantry staple day? I was so happy to get fresh fruits and veggies last night that I think I might have gone overboard. Ooops!
I could not decide which fruit to have for lunch. Finally decided on some clems!
I also tried a different tuna. Chicken of the Sea. Normally I get Bumblebee, but trying a different kind (less $$). It seems more watery.
I finished with job #1 and job #2 didn’t have any work, so I was able to hop on the bike trainer and get in the cardio I missed from oversleeping today. Gotta be flexible, right?
<insert unpictured latte here>
I think I made a mistake by buying some honey roasted peanuts at the store. I had a couple handfuls while making dinner.
More fresh produce with dinner! Well, the broccoli is frozen, but who’s counting?
I topped my pork burger with A1 instead of hot sauce to change things up. I’ve never felt so alive!
I’ll be working some tonight with the work shortage in the afternoon. While I appreciate the flexibility of my job, I kind of wish I had concrete hours. I tend to snack more when I start and stop working a lot.
John made some wheat bread today. I had to have a piece and put some eggnog creamed honey on it!
Yeah, good stuff. I need to try making my own creamed honey. I was going to make today a no-sugar day…. ooops.
Back to work for me!
Question: If you eat tuna, what brand do you like?
We used to buy this organic tuna but I can’t remember the name of it- but it was DELICIOUS. I have been craving honey roasted peanuts lately but have been trying not to buy them! I have a hard time staying out of them!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..A Pictureless Weigh in Day and Realizations =-.
Woooo on the 100 pound squat!!!! I’m up to 90lbs now and it feels like it’s taking foreverrr. My life goal is to squat with my bodyweight on my back.
Great Good Morning video. That’s one of my favourite hamstring moves, so I always keep my legs straight. That way I have to wobble around the next day
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Food For Thought Sundays- Sardines =-.
I hear you on the squat. My goal is to be at 6 reps of 100# by the end of the year and I might just squeak that in! It took a long time to move from 95# to 100.
That is so funny you recognize newbies at the gym!!!! I recognize the normal people I see day to day there too. Gym rats?
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Working Out With My Dad =-.
I love the bags of tuna in olive oil. I can’t remember the brand though.
“I topped my pork burger with A1 instead of hot sauce to change things up. I’ve never felt so alive!” <-that made me LOL! (And I'm sure has my co-workers wondering about my sanity….)
Favorite tuna? Whatever is on sale. (I prefer the albacore tuna to the chunk light tuna, so that's why I look more at price than brand.) I love you produce haul! What are you planning for the cranberries?
Yeay for strength training! I bet it felt good to get back to the gym after your vacation.
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Week 4 of the Holiday Hoedown! =-.
I like to just make cranberry sauce to eat and put fresh cranberries in my oatmeal. We are doing a sweet potato/cranberry dish for Christmas, so I wanted to make sure to get a bag in case they were out of stock next week.
Sweet potatoes AND cranberries? Droooool…that sounds like a great combo. The dried ones have more sugar than I like in my fruit, but I was pleased at how well they worked when minced in protein pancakes.
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Week 4 of the Holiday Hoedown! =-.
(Pancakes + cranberries was an idea I got here, too, by the way! You’re a trendsetter!)
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Week 4 of the Holiday Hoedown! =-.
Bumblebee is my go-to tuna, but I also use CoS as a back-up. One of them is almost always on sale when I need it. (Missed the $0.49 packets last week. Bummer.)
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Flu Fighters Unite! =-.
Yay for Clemmy’s! I rejoice in their return every winter. I had a question and I knew you’d be the perfect person to answer it. I just returned to spinning after a long break and, eek, did it hurt! Do you wear padded shorts/pants when biking. How do you overcome the.. ahem.. crotch/booty pain?
The pain will go away with time. If you take an extended break from biking, you will need to build up the sit bone calluses again. I do wear padded shorts for my indoor trainer as well now, although I don’t really need them if I am only riding for 1/2 hour. They do make it extra comfy
Yep, just gotta do it. It took me a couple of weeks. Once you get reacclimated, try to go once a week. Any less, and you tend to lose tolerance. (I’m kind of dreading the process-I haven’t been to spin class in months, and I need to get back.)
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Week 4 of the Holiday Hoedown! =-.
I usually try Bumblebee though Starkist has a spicy version I like for a quick mini-meal. I tried CoS but (surprise) thought it was watery too. I love the clementines. Bought a 5lb box tonight and I’m the only person in the house that will eat them. Preserves, much? Lol. So glad to see you again!
.-= Amanda @ BakingWithoutABox´s last blog ..Salty Sweet Caramels – Magic Melts in your Mouth =-.
Thanks for the video on the good mornings – I’ve been wanting to see you do them because I always feel so awkward when I’ve done them…glad to see that feeling just seems to come with that move! You did a great job showing the correct way (and what not to do) – thanks!
I don’t eat seafood so no help there, sorry. But your “I feel so alive” snarky comment cracked me up! Have a good evening!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update – Running Club Fun Times Edition! =-.
Good video demonstration. I like the quilt in the background too!
That will still be nice to have a woman there, won’t it? Although I have to say that there are some regular women at the gym that use the machines that I don’t care for that much. I just do my own thing. Get in, get out.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Faded Pajamas =-.
Nothing wrong with buying too much fruits and veggies! Funny that the cranberries are the exact same brand as we can buy here
Thanks for your tip about the weight training, appreciate it.
I’ve been thinking about that before I made the schedule but Thursday isn’t a good day for going to the gym, have to do my grocery shopping that day and sometimes Bella is at home which means I have to take her out when I come home from work instead of going to the gym immediately. My intention is to do a short run on Thursday morning before work.
I thought about doing the weight training on Monday but that would mean running on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning and I found out by experience that’s not a good combination.
I’m going to see how this works and can always adjust the schedule. I found a workout plan for strength training that starts easy and builds up the exercises.
I really appreciate you thinking with me, it’s very helpful. Thanks!
I like Trader Joe’s brand of tuna, the no added salt white packed in water, but I also love the Italian tonno in olive oil, makes a spectacular white wine tuna sauce for pasta. Have you tried the salmon in the pouch? Such a nice alternative to tuna.
.-= Andra Ruscoe´s last blog ..Eating Healthfully on a Small Budget- Part 2 =-.
I always buy the Chicken of the Sea fillet packed in water. I make a great salad with it that has lite mayo and a bunch of different veggies, onions, celery, radishes and whatever else looks good to you. Then I use that round bread that is flat and starts with an O
I WANT THAT BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, with my back issues, I was doing the right kind of good mornings this morn in my workout. I used much lighter weight than normal, obviously due to the injury BUT I could do them & that is a good thing as I keep rehabbing away!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..My Aching Back Post Below =-.
With tuna the only thing i pay attention to is that its water packed and it has a dolphin safe label. I was surprised that no one else here mentioned that. Oh well its probably a joke anyway but i like to think i’m helping a little. Kinda like my trip to the recycling center once a month!
You are totally making me laugh what with all the oohing and ahhhhing over your food and being back in routine. And may I say that for frozen broccoli, it looks pretty darn good!
.-= Helen´s last blog ..Do You See What I See =-.
I bought a ton of fruit the other night… only to get home and find a 20lb box of fruit that my Aunt sent us for Christmas… there is WAY TOO MUCH fruit in our house right now LOL.
I would always buy empress light chunk tuna… but the store doesn’t carry it anymore
Doesn’t a big “stock up” of fruit and veg feel GOOD!!! I love that you took a photo!
Have a great day!!!
.-= Roz´s last blog ..Annual Traditions =-.