Back in regular mode today! Yesterday was a long travel day. We had a flight that left at noon (and of course you need to be at the airport early), which ended up being delayed. We took the same plane from Denver to Baltimore, which went on to Albany, so there was no real meal all day long. Just some snacks and a protein bar I brought with. When we finally arrived in Albany at around 8, we had a really snowy drive home. Yuck! A few white knuckle moments, but we made it home around 9:30 pm. I can’t believe how a whole day can be spent traveling!
While we thoroughly enjoyed the trip, it is nice to be back in our own routines. The family was nice enough to get some oats and fresh ground peanut butter for us to have for breakfast, so I ate a lot of oats while there LOL! We did eat out a lot, and John and I shared some entrees. We also ran 2 days and went to the rec center one day so I could do a little lifting. I was totally shocked that I was able to run at altitude without needing to walk. We ran approximately 3.5 miles when we went out. Took it a little slower knowing we were at altitude, plus just being a little tired from lack of sleep).
So today I woke up and needed to shovel for exercise! I ended up getting the whole driveway done myself, and I was happy to let John sleep in since he drove home last night. That was most of my exercise for today. Then I came in to see what could be scrounged up for breakfast. It’s pantry and freezer staple day as we are desperate for groceries!
I had pumpkin cream of wheat (no egg whites, though) topped with some almonds, cranberry sauce and some honey.
I found this honey at Celestial Seasonings – and you all know there was no way I would pass it up!
Love! It tastes like eggnog that has honey in it – yay!
Hit the ground running with work today. It’s like I never left…
Scrounged the freezer for lunch – fish cake and roasted broccoli with applesauce.
Gotta have the hot sauce!
Ms. Pixie is now glad to have us home. My mom took good care of her while we were away.
She seemed a little pissed at us last night, though. She didn’t want a lap or anything last night. This morning, she was at the bedroom door and squawking loudly wanting her food and to be held.
Now she seems happy to be beside me while I work, looking pretty festive, too!
John made lattes in the afternoon, which I had with some unpictured dark chocolate mint cups.
Made with Caribou Coffee, which we picked up while in CO. I miss Caribou! I feel tired today. Funny how trips can really wear you out, you know?
Scrounging again for dinner. I did have the forethought to pull out some ground pork last night, so at least we had some meat for dinner. I was snacking on chips while cooking, too. I know it is supposed to be a myth that you can stretch out your stomach, but I feel like I did the past few days.
I made an open-faced BBQ pork sandwich with laughing cow on a pita.
Plus a bowl of pears. I have decided that I only like fresh pears. Processed pears have a funny texture to me.
I am so lame that I am excited to grocery shop tonight LOL! I want strawberries and pears! So it is off to market now.
The reverb.10 thought for today:
Appreciate: What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (Author: Victoria Klein)
I enjoy your blog. Love to see what you eat.
Don’t you hate it when you get home from vacation and there’s NO healthy food in the house (veggies, fruit). I crave those things after vacation splurges too.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Working Out With My Dad =-.
I know – we just loaded up on fresh fruit and veggies and I am a happy girl now!
All day travel is soooo tedious. I always really love getting home after vaycay (Your kittycat is sooo cute).
I have come to appreciate that my body (and I) actually enjoys exercise …healthier eating is my gratitude, I think
.-= Cilla´s last blog ..Chasing the wind =-.
Oh yes, I love my routine. And, I love your routine! I’m glad you are back. Eggnog honey??? You know I am jealous of that!
Oh I don’t know what I appreciate the MOST in the past year. One thing I really appreciate today is friends. Spent the day with some old friends that I don’t see that often, and really loved the conversation and affirmation I received from them.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Faded Pajamas =-.
Welcome home!
Dang girl, that’s some serious hot sauce usage. LOL What brand do you like?
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Zombie Runner =-.
Frank’s Hot Sauce. That’s always been my favorite!
It’s hard for me to go out of my routine as well. It’s been a learning experience trying to balance it during this holiday season!
.-= Lori Lynn´s last blog ..Frigid Weekend =-.
Welcome home! I’m glad y’all made it safely home!
Trixie appears to be glad, also, but intent on some serious retribution.
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Flu Fighters Unite! =-.
Welcome back! You sure packed a lot in during that relatively short trip! And that honey? The texture alone looks so appealing…and eggnog flavor? YUM!
Glad Pixie has relented and forgiven you!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..List- ListWheres My List! =-.
So good to see you again after your adventures. And running that far in that altitude?!? Training for a marathon, honey??? Oh super cute Pixie! Welcome back. Stay warm.
.-= Amanda @ BakingWithoutABox´s last blog ..Salty Sweet Caramels – Magic Melts in your Mouth =-.
Glad to hear you and John arrived home safely. The one thing I don’t like about going away is the traveling, especially by plane, it often takes all day.
I love to go away but I appreciate my routine even more when I get back home.
traveling is exhausting huh?
I need to do it more (I pretend its money :)) but it wipes me out with the child!!
.-= MizFit´s last blog ..Five reasons you need to hopscotch =-.
Rob and I often stop at the market on the way home just so I can have fresh produce for juice the next morning, totally crave it after vacation restaurant fare.
Appreciation~ I learned that I am much stronger than I ever gave myself credit for, I show that appreciation by not letting myself down when it comes to taking care of mine and my husband’s health.
.-= Andra´s last blog ..Eating Healthfully on a Small Budget- Part 2 =-.
Welcome back & yes, sometimes we need a vacation from the vacation!
OK, I am so happy to see Pixie! Been a while
I was going to ask you if she was mad at you but you answered that & I guess she can’t stay mad for long! 
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Giving Back Post Below =-.
Glad you made it home safely!
Eggnog honey? OMG…thats wild. YUM!
Sorry you got snubbed by Pixie when you got back. Such a cat thing isn’t it? And a few hours later, they’re back to “love me!”. Awww.
.-= Roz´s last blog ..Annual Traditions =-.
Um, of course hot sauce is a must! And no, its not lame to go grocery shopping – in fact I think my new routine is to do my shopping after my WW meeting at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday – just thinking that I’ll have all that taken care of before 9:30 on a Saturday is awesome to me!
Thanks for your tips on the falafel – I’ll try it next time!
.-= Biz´s last blog ..Best Surprise Ever =-.
Yeayyy!!! Glad you guys made it home safely and had a nice trip! And I hear ya about wanting to eat healthy after a vacation – I’m always happy to get back to a sane routine with food. (Especially if we’re eating out a lot.)
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Week 4 of the Holiday Hoedown! =-.
Shoveling is one of those things that we never want to do, but it is really a great workout.
I’m cracking up at Ms. Pixie being pissed at you – only because that is how my cat is too when we leave her for awhile. I love cats.
.-= FatFighterTV´s last blog ..Seriously Mom sues McDonald’s over Happy Meal toys =-.
Welcome home. I love to travel, but coming home is always just the best–primarily because I am a creature of habit, and my routine is who I am. Your foods sound and look great. You have given me some ideas for new things to eat.
I know what you mean by Ms. Pixie being a bit pissed off at you. Animals are sooo much smarter than we give them credit for. She is glad to have her family back!
.-= Jane´s last blog ..Family Issues and Weight Gain During the Holidays-How do they Relate =-.