New gloves and Hot 100 update

We enjoyed the concerts last night.  Here is a pic of the drums they played:

Last lifting day of the week. Wahhh…. Maybe I will think about doing a split body routine next year for some variety. I had half a S’mores Balance bar before heading out.   I started with a 1/2 mile jog on the treadmill, then set to work.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Stiff-legged Deadlifts 3 set of 10 at 75# Lower body
Underhand grip lat pull down 1 sets of 10 at 50#

2 sets of 10 at 60#

Pliet Squat 3 sets of 10 with 40# DB Lower Body
Reverse Crunch 3 sets of 15 Core
Barbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10 at 60# Chest
Calf Raise 3 sets of 10 at 140# Calves
Face Pull 3 sets of 15 at 30# Shoulders
Kickbacks 3 sets of 15 with 15# DBs (30# total) Triceps
Lower Back Extension 3 sets of 10 at 100# Low Back

By the way, here are my new gloves I got in a giveaway on Jody’s site.

I needed them, too, as my others ones were ripped (and not in a good way). They are Harbinger gloves.  They have a nice stretchy mesh, and at first I thought they felt tight (size M), but the leather loosened up after a couple wearings, and they are quite comfortable.

Here is the palm side.

I like that these are washable leather – yay!  The only thing I wish the gloves had is an absorbent pad over the top of the thumb/first finger area.  My old gloves had that and I would wipe sweat with it.  That doesn’t work so well with these gloves.   I have had a couple comments on my new gloves, too.  The black looks pretty badass at the gym. :mrgreen:

Still having some shoulder issues.  I can do pushups and bench presses now, but still no fly or incline presses yet.  Ah well.  That’s what happens in your 40s, I guess.

I then popped on the treadmill to jog another mile and then I was so ready for breakfast!  I made waffles with the apple cranberry topping, but using fresh cranberries instead of dried.

A little fluff sneaked on there after I took the picture.  Love!!

Now it is Friday and Hot 100 Update time!

  1. Maintain my weight. Scale starting to drop Tday weight.  Funny how watching portions will do that…
  2. No eggnog lattes until Thanksgiving day!   This goal is done, so I will remove it now.
  3. Do the duathlon and at least 1 more 5K race before the end of the year. This goal is also done for the year.
  4. Do stretching exercises 4 days a week at least.  Did 5 days.  I really think this makes a difference for me.
  5. Visit one new blog each week that is participating in the Hot 100 Challenge and cheer them on.  Doing.
  6. Do one no-added sugar day each week.  Completed

Doing pretty good now.  Just need to ride it out for the next few weeks.

Lunch time!  This was so good yesterday that I had it again today.  1/2 cup of cooked quinoa mixed with sauteed broccoli and a wedge of chile con queso Laughing Cow.

Easy and delicious!  That’s my kind of cooking 😀

I was supposed to meet a friend for coffee today, but that got canceled, so I went with John instead.  I had a skim latte and about 1/3 of this piece of coffee cake.

Tasty.  The cafe is all festive right now.  It’s feeling mighty Christmasy around here.

Aren’t these chairs fun?

I was spacing my work all day today, which is not a bad way to work!  Soon enough it was dinner time and I had popcorn shrimp.

With hot sauce!  I opened this bottle of sauce on 11/29.  I marked the bottle because I want to see how long it takes me to go through it.

There will be dates for a snack later.

All in all a very good food day for me.  Fridays have been tough for me lately, so it was good to continue the good eating.  We shall see what the weekend has in store…

Calorie Tally:  Preworkout: 105,  Breakfast:  520,  Lunch: 337, Afternoon snack: 226,  Dinner:  328, Evening Snack:  60  Total: 1575

19 thoughts on “New gloves and Hot 100 update

  1. Pubsgal

    Glad you enjoyed the concerts!

    “Scale starting to drop Tday weight. Funny how watching portions will do that…” <- This gives me hope. And you were right with your comment on my blog, sometimes it takes a few days to re-calibrate the food part. Yesterday and today are much more on track.

    Mmmm, the popcorn shrimp looks good, and it looks like a lot of them, too! I'll definitely have to investigate. (They looked like jalapeno poppers at first.)

    Hope you both have a great weekend!
    .-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Week 2 of the Holiday Hoedown! =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      I don’t really feel deprived, but what I am noticing is what a snack habit I had developed. I start to find myself getting up to nibble out of habit. Making sure I stick to planned snacks has been really important this week.

      I also have backed down the exercise a smidge because I didn’t want to shoot myself in the foot by reducing calories and doing a lot of exercise.

  2. Ishmael

    Love the gloves! Look super badass, imho. I notice your calories start higher and taper lower throughout the day… that is exactly what I wish I could do! I do have a nice hearty breakfast and a decent lunch, but I find that dinner creeps up into a higher calorie count than I would like. This is partially due to the B/F — he doesn’t eat much breakfast, or lunch, and counts dinner as his main meal. I would like it to be different. Guess I’m going to have to take a stand on that. Anyway, seems like you are in the groove and have your eyes firmly on the prize!
    .-= Ishmael´s last blog ..Hot 100 Update 10 =-.

  3. Helen

    I had a shoulder impingement that lasted for months. It will get better eventually if you baby it!

    Glad you answered Shelley’s question because that’s what I was wondering as the first few days of portion control are hard and you’re such an athlete!
    .-= Helen´s last blog ..Very Superstitious =-.

  4. Teresa from Texas

    New to your blog and want to do what you have done. I was wondering…. being a fan of loosing slowly, what happened to your excess skin? Just wondering if the slow loss of weight helped it shrink? And what is “fluff” and how do you make it?
    Couldn’t find it in the blog..
    kinda new to all this.

    1. Lori Post author

      I have excess skin. It’s not horrible and when clothed it really doesn’t show. Surgery is really not an option for me, so I just live with it 😀

  5. Jody - Fit at 53

    Congrats on those goals Lori! You go! Love the look of the gloves on you! I am like you too.. I would prefer that padding you discussed. I think the men’s version of that glove I now wear has more padding than the women’s & I like that as I do lift a lot! I have another pair from a different brand that are black. Most of my gloves have been black but the Harbinger ones I have now are that tan color.

    Love that workout! 🙂
    .-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Saturday Funny =-.

  6. South Beach Steve

    You’ve really done well on the challenge all the way through. Consistent is the word that best describes you.

    BTW, are new gloves like new shoes? While I always appreciate the new shoes, I sure do miss the old ones.

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