I made it through yesterday! I had one more date last night because I was hungry, but fine otherwise. I don’t know how people who weigh more than I do eat less food than 1500 calories. Maybe I will just need to get used to it again. It’s been so long in maintenance where I do just the balancing. I have really forgotten what it is like to be in true losing mode and not just dinking around mode. Know what I mean? But I can do anything for a week.
I got more good sleep last night to the tune of 7.5 hours. Yay! I had breakfast first because I wanted to run a bit later outside. I made up some pumpkin custard oats topped with pecans, honey fluff, and crystallized ginger.
That’s what I’m talking about! Yum! I love how the fluff gets all melty.
I worked and let brekkie settle, then set out for an outdoor run. It was 39 degrees and not windy, so all in all a good run scenario. I did 3 miles at a nice steady pace. It was feeling good and easy. The last 2 or 3 runs I have had have felt very different from all of the ones since I herniated my disk, which has been about 8 months now. I feel like I have turned a corner and am getting my running mojo back. I have accepted the fact that I likely have permanent numbness in my knee and that my thigh may feel tight forever, but I am getting pretty used to that. It was the running ease – relatively speaking- that was missing, and I have felt that the last couple of runs.
I am feeling good enough about it that I am seriously thinking about a half marathon next year. Maybe.
Lunch time! I just flopped an egg scramble on a pita with laughing cow and hot sauce.
There was no room for the pear on my plate, so it was on the side.
This was a dry pear… booooo….
Goal check! These were the goals set out for November:
- Lose weight this month. I am not putting a number on how much to lose, just some. I lost 1 pound this month, too bad I gained 4 in October LOL! I actually had lost more, but this was the post Tday weigh in.
- Do a turkey trot on Thanksgiving. I took part in a virtual turkey trot hosted by Alissa and did 5 miles!
- Organize my bedroom closet (scary!). I have pictures of this. I did pretty well on neatening it up, but need to purge more and keep it that way (the hard part).
- No eggnog until Thanksgiving (latte or otherwise). I made it to Tday without the nog!
Looking at that, I feel pretty good overall. I will post some December goals tomorrow.
Afternoon snack time! Homemade eggnog latte. If you missed the earlier post, here is John’s lightened up eggnog recipe!
The banana is pictured here for blog space sake, but I didn’t eat it until about an hour after the latte.
John won football picks *again*. I am going to have to get a 3rd job to pay for all these dinners unless I start winning some weeks around here! Stupid Colts. For those that wonder, John and I do have our own separate checking accounts, although the business account pays for most of our living expenses. It just makes life easier that way. Maybe that is why we are still married after 14 years?
So his choice was Pizzeria Uno. I perused the nutritional info and noticed a most annoying thing. They gave the calories for a serving size, and then noted that 2 servings came with each meal. WTF? Serve me one portion or give me the tally for the whole plate thankyouverymuch.
Anyhoo, I just went for a basic tonight. House salad with grilled chicken and blueberry pomegranate dressing- which was 2 servings. Shall I count lettuce leaves to get my single serving? Actually, I ate both portions since it was about 400 calories with the dressing, of which I used one.
Rainy evening in tonight. Here we thought the tree was safe from Pixie. Doesn’t she look all “who me?” in this photo:
Now she says, “How did that ornament get on the floor?”
She likes shiny sparkly things like her owner does…
Tonight’s evening snack/dessert. Attunes! I haven’t gotten these in a while.
Have a great night!
Calorie Breakdown: Breakfast: 489, Lunch: 330, Snack (latte and nana): 221, dinner: 410, evening snack: 90. Total: 1540
That’s brilliant that you’re feeling better while running! Thumbs up on the goal front, too. (But with that comment about the closet you’ve reminded me that my spare bedroom looks like it has exploded and needs a serious cleaning up session. I hate cleaning up).
.-= Cilla´s last blog ..Monthly Monitor =-.
So glad that the running is feeling good again! I sensed a teeny note of worry in some of your remarks over the past months.
I can unintentionally hit 1500 calories or less in a day, but I suspect my inner rebel would show her spunky head if I tried to make myself do it. Here’s hoping I don’t have to.
Kudos to you, though, for doing what it takes to counter the seasonal upswing!
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Pre-Holiday De-cluttering- Emotions First =-.
Laughing at Pixie and the tree – for year there was one soft ornament that every cat would remove from our tree. Eventually it got beat to death, but I know that look!
So glad your running mojo is back! And I’m liking the sound of another half runner in the pack.
Your salad looked great – Pei Wei is another restaurant that does that…serve a double portion but list the calorie count for one. Hate that.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Athletes Honey Milk Review and Giveaway! =-.
Glad running is working better for you. Half marathon? I bet you could totally do it.
This is our first year having a kitteh so I’m not sure how the decorated tree is going to work out. Your Pixie is so pretty.
Forgot all about Attune bars. Thanx. I think I have one in my fridge. Not for long.
Great job tracking the calories.
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Three Weeks Down! =-.
Our cat does the SAME THING with the Christmas tree….it’s crazy!!
And you could DEFINITELY do a half-marathon, girlie! If I can do one, you could definitely do one!
.-= Destination:Athlete´s last blog ..the ups and downs =-.
I sometimes wonder if perhaps I’m not eating enough calories — it’s pretty confusing to me how much I’m “supposed” to eat and what I burn through exercise. If you are having 1500 a day, I should likely have a bit more than that. Then again, you work out a lot more than I do on a daily basis! Your consistency is what I strive for. So glad your nerve is settling down from the disc problem. Gives one hope!
.-= Ishmael´s last blog ..Channeling Sting =-.
I bet it feels good to get back in a groove with running. Your food looks yummy, especially breakfast! Love the Pixie pic. We are on the fence about a tree this year – with two cats less than 2 – not sure if I trust them yet…
.-= Kat´s last blog ..Hot 100 – Update 9 =-.
You had a great November Lori! Now on to December! Keep up the great work!
Yayyy for the running breakthrough! Happy to see that you’re getting back into it
Also, interesting to see how you manage your calories throughout the day. I need to get a better handle on my portion control again. And maybe skip the two cupcakes I ate tonight 
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Food For Thought Sundays- Protein Powder =-.
You are doing great with your calorie counting. That is also great to hear that you can recover from a herniated disc in your back. Amazing.
Pixie and the tree LOL. Guess who’s NOT having a tree this year? Next year Noah will be more grown up and sedate, I am sure.
.-= debby´s last blog ..We Are Far Too Easily Pleased =-.
Love Pixie! I’m kind of scared what Bella will do once the tree is set up. I’m afraid I have to buy new decorations next year
So good to hear you’ve got your running mojo back, I’m happy for you!
We too have separate bank accounts and 1 together for everything that concerns the house, grocery shopping and insurances. We’ve done this since we moved in together and we’re both happy with it.
Would you mind emailing me your address? I would like to sent you a Christmas card if you don’t mind.
I do love me some Attune. Sweet sweet satiating Attune
and glad you found your mojo!
Im looking ready and REARING to get back to mine, too!
.-= MizFit´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday-Birthday edition =-.
PF Chang’s is another restaurant that lists their menu items in serving sizes of 3,4 & sometimes even more. Very frustrating because I see it as another way of assuming the public isn’t intelligent enough to figure out they are trying to mask the poor nutrition and high calorie count of the foods they serve. On the positive side, guess I should just be grateful most restaurants are posting nutrition data online.
.-= Sharon´s last blog ..Happy Girl! =-.
I hate how big the portions are in restaurants. Just unnatural and it’s bait and switch with the nutritional information. I just read an article in Health magazine about healthy choices in restaurants and all the dishes they chose were double portions and to get the “right” amount, you had to eat only half.
How do you figure that 1500 calories is the right amount for you? Is that lower than your BMR? Just wondering, my BMR is 1550 calories, so I try not to eat lower than that otherwise I get too hungry and even light headed when I workout.
.-= Andra´s last blog ..Motivation Monday =-.
Mr. Helen and I have separate checking too. It has probably saved our marriage on more than one occasion – lol!
There’s just nothing like a great run is there. Happy you’ve been getting some.
I have seen a lot of people sprinkling cinnamon on their apples and pears- I must try that out! I’m glad that you are starting to feel better when you’re running again. I’m off to check out the egg nog recipe!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..An Average Tuesday =-.
Great job on your goals for this month!
.-= Beth @ Beth’s Journey to Thin´s last blog ..New Month- New Goals- Part II =-.
Mike and I keep our accounts separate too. There are things he pays for and things I pay for. So we have it worked out quite nicely. It works for us!
.-= Ash´s last blog ..Christmas Spirit =-.
Hi Pixie! What a cutie!
Lori, glad you are doing better with your running & all. Drag that you have residual effects but cool that you just work thru them! I bet the stretching you added in helps!
Weight loss.. ah yes… and as we get fitter & lighter, it is harder and well, I say it all the time.. age! You are still young though! It hit me in my late 40’s & 50 when it really started to hit home with age & how it tries to fight me big time!
Lori, my hubby & I have had separate accounts for our whole marriage.. for us, it works!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Healthy Aging – FIT Works! =-.
BIG yay on your running breakthrough! LOVE the Pixie photos as always. We’re acutally not putting a tree up this year, this is Neva’s first Christmas, and she’s WAY too kitten-y to be left unattended with a tree while we’re at work.
.-= Roz´s last blog ..Title trouble again… =-.
Tricky little kitties! I am both curious and terrified of how the kitties will react to their first Xmas tree this year…
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..So Much to Be Thankful For =-.