Geez it is dark when on my way to the gym now. I had a protein drink and drove there. The sun was making a beautiful arrival during my workout.
It was about 25 degrees out. Winter is a comin’!
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Stiff-legged Deadlift | 3 set of 10 at 85# | Lower body |
Dumbbell Bent Over Row | 3 sets of 8 at 25# (50# total) | Back |
Barbell Bench Press | 3 set of 8 at 55# | Chest |
Captain’s Chair | 3 sets of 15 | Core |
Bent Lateral Raise | 3 sets of 10 with 12# DBs (24# total) | Shoulders |
Triceps pull down | 3 sets of 15 at 30# | Triceps |
Stationary Lunges | 3 sets of 10 each leg with 35# plate | Lower body |
Standing single leg calf raise | 3 sets of 10 each leg with 20# DBs (40# total) | Calves and balance |
Good Mornings | 3 sets of 10 at 45# | Low back and hammies |
I worked very efficiently today and did supersets so I could get through the workout with a consistently elevated heart rate. Then it was time to pick up John and go for bagels! We went back to an old place to give it a try again. Lox of Bagels. It is a lot farther away, and we had some bad service there a few times, so it was in the dog house for a while. I had a multi grain bagel and we split a container of maple walnut cream cheese.
Now on to the Lifting Move of The Week! The dumbbell row:
This move is for your back. I will do it with one dumbell and then other times with 2. Keep your abs in when you pull up. You should feel this along the back and sides. Also called your lats!
Hope you can view this video as it is on photobucket instead of youtube. For those of you who want a smaller looking waist – this is the move for you. It helps give you the V taper by filling out the upper back, making your waist appear smaller. Yay!
I was hungry for lunch today. I had made up some bread last night, and you can almost see it under the eggs LOL!
Work was a little on the frustrating side today. Just one of those days. I had to take a break and head out for a brisk 2 mile walk (and got to deposit a paycheck while doing so, which certainly cheered me up!).
There was a latte waiting for me when I got back
You can almost see the little dark chocolate mint cup there in front. What you don’t see is the other one I already ate.
Been really on point with eating this week. Sometimes the zone is easily had and other times it is not – so I will enjoy this ride while it lasts. It definitely is easier to control my appetite when I am not doing so much exercise. Isn’t that funny how that works?
I realized I was veggie deficient today, so I decided on a big spinach salad for dinner. I have found that I like baby spinach much, much better than adult spinach, or whatever you call it. It seems much more mild. Maybe I would like the green smoothies better with the baby?
Anyway, I had cooked up some honey mustard chicken and was going to have that on top of the spinach. Then I remembered Debby making a yummy looking salad with a pear. So, I chopped up half a pear and added 1 tablespoon of feta cheese and 1 tablespoon of chopped craisins.
Very bistro, if I do say so myself! This was tasty. It’s funny how I have really gotten so I don’t eat dressing on my salads. If the toppings are flavorful enough, I don’t need it.
Snack time because I was making nut butter after dinner:
Cashews – my very favorite nut!
Another favorite nut?
Interesting fact of the day. Did you know that any breed of cat can be a calico, but calicos are only female? It is an X chromosome thing. If there does happen to be a rare male calico, they are always sterile and usually have other health issues. Now you all are ready for Jeopardy!
Interesting fact of the day, I don’t think I ever knew that!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Back on Track =-.
How did you learn about all these weight lifting techniques? Did you take a class or work with a trainer?
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Zombies Invade Portland! =-.
I read a lot of books. Best books out there are New Rules of Lifting for Women and books by Brad Schoenfeld (Body Sculpting for Women, 28-day shapeover). I’ve never worked with a trainer, but I would if I could afford it.
And we’re finally getting our summer! Upper 70s in my part of the world today, although we’re due for cooler temps and more rain this weekend.
Your bistro salad looks mighty tasty! Glad you’re feeling “in the zone” lately…I’m really struggling with this right now, but I know it’ll come back if I hang in there and am patient.
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..2010 Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Run =-.
Dumbbell rows are awesome!
I never knew that about calico’s…interesting.
.-= April´s last blog ..Taking a Break =-.
Oh, man, that salad looks tasty! Glad you are in the zone. Like you said, enjoy that wave while it’s lasts!
And just because I’m trying to sneak up on it a bit – I spent some time in the weight room myself today. Just dipped my toe in the water, so to speak.
.-= Roxie´s last blog ..Finding The Path =-.
Yay – throwing around the iron is a lot of fun
Great gym moves. You look teeny tiny too! Lifting clearly agrees with you.
.-= Ishmael´s last blog ..All Hallows Eve =-.
Is that the same move that you had us pair with a deadlift? Because I have been doing that and enjoying it very much recently. Much more interesting than my plain deadlifts. I have gotten back to the gym and am loving the way the ‘iron’ makes me feel.
Yes I knew that about calico cats. I was fascinated by color genetics in animals when I was a kid, still am a little bit.
Glad you liked that pear salad. Oh you are better than me. I really like a little bit of dressing in each bite. I put the dressing in the bottom of the bowl and toss the leaves around in it, and then put the toppings on. Except BBQ chicken salad, that doesn’t need any dressing. And yes. I love the baby spinach. Very neutral tasting. I was all set to have a salad on my drive home tonight, and then I remembered I had put the rest of the baby spinach in the freezer because it was past date. Some blogger shared that you could do that so it wouldn’t go to waste, and you could add it to eggs or smoothies or anything like that.
Fun post, Lori.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Astounding Oatmeal =-.
Good tip about putting fresh spinach in the freezer from Debby! I prefer baby spinach too, but in green smoothies I often use Romaine lettuce.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Finally a quiet day =-.
Your salad looks very good indeed and I think it tasted good too.
Cashews are my favorite too but I don’t buy them often because once I start eating them I can’t stop and then it’s not so healthy anymore
I didn’t know that about calico cats. Funny the information we file away huh? I love trivia like that.
That salad looks really good- I need to pick up some feta cheese and make that! Yum!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Weigh in Day and Surprise! =-.
Hi Pixie!
Lori, we did a lot of the same moves as this morn I did back & legs/butt… so I bet you can guess are similar moves.. and I did the Captain’s chair too! I tell people about that smaller waist thing too because my waist is actually bigger than people think… my ribs come right down into it but because I work my back, people always think my waist is smaller.. works for me!
OK, I know you are hiding that homemade bread from me!
And the salad looks delish!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Bicep Beauty! More on the Arms =-.
You know, I used to make myself eat a certain amount of veggies and fruit each day and was really resenting it. Now, I sort of let my appetite dictate what I do and guess what? It all evens out! I notice that if I have nothing all day, I really do want almost a vegetarian dinner or the next day all I do is eat vegetarian. Weird. And now you’ve given me my dinner for tonight following my Muay Thai class – I have all those salad ingredients!
.-= Helen´s last blog ..Tuesday Ten =-.
I always make green monsters with baby spinach – I think they are WAY better with the baby kind, but its also a lot more expensive.
.-= Beth @ Beth’s Journey to Thin´s last blog ..Black Beans That Will Change Your Life =-.
Who knows, maybe the calico thing will come up at Quiz Night some time!!! Fun! Pixie is SOOO cute!!!
.-= Roz´s last blog ..New Word Wednesday 12 =-.
First off, LOVE the first sunrise picture – can’t have too many pics of sunrises, sunsets, trees and clouds in my book!
Thanks for posting your routine too – I may steal it!
And yes, that does look like a bistro salad – I love having fresh fruit in salads, the hubs is happy with just iceburg lettuce!
.-= Biz´s last blog ..My name is Biz and I am Obese =-.
Great video. I love the back exercises! Always wonderful to see Pixie. Mmm, pear or apple in salad. Good crunch. Love the Gaelic knots. Is that your wedding band?
.-= Amanda@bakingwithoutabox´s last blog ..Skinny Biscuits =-.
I love salad with pear! So tasty.
They pair (pun not intended) well with feta and blue cheese too. YUM!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..New Cafe in Town! =-.
What a great looking sunset!
BTW, every time I see your cat I can’t help but to wonder if our cats are long lost cousins.