Lifting Move of the Week – Front Raise

I woke up this morning and had a quick Luna Bar before biking to the gym. It was just getting light out.

I thought them temp was supposed to be in the 30s, so I layered up and biked. Turns out it was 29 😯

Quiet gym today. I think it will get less and less crowded as the year finishes out.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Stiff-legged deadlifts 3 sets of 10 at 80# Lower body
Seated Lat Row Reverse pyramid of 1 set of 4 at 85#

1 set of 6 at 70#

1 set of 8 at 55#

1 set of 12 at 40#

Pliet Squat 3 sets of 10 with 40# DB Lower body
Front Raise 3 sets of 12 with 8# DBs (16# total) Shoulders
Horizontal Wood Chop 3 sets of 10 (each side) at 30# Core
Good Mornings 3 sets of 10 at 45# Low back and hammies
Biceps curls 3 sets of 10 with 30# EZ curl bar Biceps
Bench Dips 3 sets of 10 Triceps
Seated Calf Raise 3 sets of 10 at 110# Calves

John texted me that he got a late start, so I filmed a video today. I keep trying to get the good morning, but it is really hard to find a place to put the camera and get everything. Once John got to the gym, we headed out to Cool Beans. Chilly ride, I have to say!

My wheat bagel:

Good company while reading the paper:

The sun was shining, which was nice, but it was still a cold ride home. Probably not too many breakfast rides left for the year.

Lifting Move of the Week: The Front Raise. This is a shoulder move, and more specifically, an isolation move for the front (or anterior deltoid for those that want to know).  It is important not to use a heavy weight for this one.  Other than it being really hard – you certainly don’t want to hurt yourself.  Raise the weights straight up in front of you to 90 degrees and lower down.  Don’t push off or use your back to lift the weights.  If you are doing that, the weights are too heavy.  I am using 5# DBs in the video and usually use 8#, but not much more.

The face in the video is probably why not many people talk to me when I am lifting.  I look pretty serious :mrgreen:

Lunch time today included baked clam strips.  They were toasty warm, which was nice after trying to warm up from that bike ride this morning!

Did you know that today is Love Your Body Day?  I will shout out now that I love my thighs!  They do everything I ask of them and more.  They are strong and carry me through life.

Snack time:

John made up brownies last night from a mix.  I was doing a no-added sugar day and boy was it tough not to eat one!  But, I knew they would still be there for today.

I kind of was snacky today.  I had some cereal:

I spied my pink picture of the day while John was doing laundry!  This is his basket:

It looks more pink in person.  Must have been the lighting.

The Breast Cancer Site
Cooked up some chicken for dinner.  I found out that the chicken sold at our local smokehouse comes from Georgia.  WTF?? Not all of the meat is local from there, so it will be on to plan B (one of the other smoke houses).

Question:  What part of your body are you loving today?

15 thoughts on “Lifting Move of the Week – Front Raise

  1. Shelley B

    Thanks for trying to get the good mornings – I still wobble with them.

    I love my legs – they are getting so solid with all of my running…it’s quite a change and I’m enjoying it!

    Don’t want to make you sad but it was 90 here today. Your bike ride would have been more pleasant, temp-wise, although you might have gotten sweaty. 🙂
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update =-.

  2. MB

    I wish I could love my thighs but I’m not there yet.

    I’m loving my collarbones now that they’re not hiding under layers of fat. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them I can’t stop touching them.

  3. Fran

    You think you look serious? Wait till you see me in the gym, I look angry 😆

    I always love my wrists, they are so much thinner compared to the rest of my body. But lately I started loving my legs too as they are so strong from all the running.

  4. Jody - Fit at 52

    It was back & leg day for me so we did a lot of similar moves.. although I did mine today, not yesterday! 😉 I don’t do as many front raises as side, rear or presses as I use those front delts a lot in my chest workout… it all evens out!

    Since I did leg day I should say I am loving those but I do like my arms so I am loving those too!

    I have not had a bagel in a long while & I want one!!!!!!!!!!!! Might have to search out the pumpkin ones! 🙂
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Butt-Glute Tightening Moves =-.

  5. A Sparkle A Day

    I do not love my thighs. BUT I SHOULD
    the day I stubbed my toe before the 5K I thanked my feet for all that they do for me and for all I put them thru!

    I like my shoulders though.
    Thanks for the video.
    did I tell you I signed up for the virtual race?

    Can’t wait!

  6. april

    Ugh I hate the front raise! LOL. That is never a strong exercise for me! Probably means I should start doing it more often 😉

    I’m loving my legs today since I worked them!

  7. Amy

    Thanks for the video – I think I look like a crazy woman in the gym, and always assumed that’s why people don’t talk to me. But lately they’ve been saying hello, so maybe I am looking less crazy??? I hope you do manage to get a video of the good mornings, because I am not really sure what those are!
    Body part I am loving today? Upper arms and shoulders, definitely!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Two Tofu Recipes for Tuesday! =-.

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