Indoor brick and monthly wrap up!

Okay, first – where the h-e-double hockey sticks did September go?  We are getting that tropical rain from Nicole today. That nixed my outdoor brick, so I drove to the gym after eating a Zone bar for fuel.

I did 2 miles on the treadmill, then 10 miles on the stationary bike, then 2 more miles on the treadmill. I was totally soaked by the time I was done. I sweat so much when I work out that it is a little embarrassing. I felt amazing, though. I started to get the high on the 2 mile of the 2nd run. I almost didn’t stop, but I certainly didn’t need to do any more than that LOL! Besides, busy day today.

I had soaked steel cut oats overnight, so they were ready to cook this morning.

Do you love my new bowl? I couldn’t resist 😀 Long-time readers know of my dear love for candy corn, which I have put a rule of none until October (although I did inhale the aroma through the bag a few times while shopping, addict that I am).

Hit the keyboard ground running today with work.  There was a recall on Johnson & Johnson metal hip replacements and my ortho account has had a ton of visits for people who have had these.  Can you imagine? It’s one thing to have a recall of something you can actually bring back to the store, but something surgically implanted??

Lunch munch:

Pretty standard quick fare, but tasty.  My bottle of hot sauce is running low…

So my goals for September (seriously – is it really over already??) were:

  • Team Challenge Ride on September 12. Done and very pleased with it!
  • Concentrate even more on mindful eating.  Not real great with this one. Before meal snacking creeping back in.
  • Do more brick training after the charity ride to get ready for the duathlon in October!  Started doing the bricks.
  • Experiment more with not recording my food every day.   My weight is up a little today, so I think I need to track more again or something.

September was a really busy month.  Birthdays and anniversaries and just lots of things.  I did go down to part time with job #1, so that means I am just working 1 job’s worth of hours.  That is nice.

Snack time:

Larabar and a latte drizzled with some pumpkin spice sauce John made using this recipe:

Tastes like fall!

Afternoon duty calls!  Blood donation time 😀  It was at Great Escape today.

How cool is that?  There were some creepy clowns in costume, and the supervisor had fake blood on his face, which was a little alarming when you are actually donating…

By donating, we got free tickets to Fright Fest this fall (replenishing my iron!):

I have never been to Fright Fest, so I need to think up a costume to wear.  Maybe I should go as Rosie?  I could do the bee again like I did for the Halloween race last year.

Then it was time to go out to dinner.  My mom chose the Irish Times for birthday eats!  I had the beef stew (breaking a local meat rule here, btw):

This was really good.  It actually was a bigger plate than this picture looks like and I brought half home for another meal.

Tomorrow I will post the goals for October.

And happy birthday to my mom!!

Love you, Mom! 😀

22 thoughts on “Indoor brick and monthly wrap up!

  1. Shelley B

    Happy Birthday Lori’s mom!

    Mmmm,beef stew. I make a mean beef stew – can’t wait for cooler weather so I can eat it w/o sweating! Speaking of sweat, nice job on the brick and how cool that your got your high on while running!
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update =-.

  2. Jane

    Happy birthday to your mom!

    My college used to have a blood drive ON Halloween. Sick, sick people. I have been going to the gym and find that I sweat rivers, too. Today was very, very drippy, but I worked hard and felt like pudding after stretching.
    .-= Jane´s last blog ..Hot 100 Here I Come! =-.

  3. debby

    Oh brother, Loir. I think you could get into some real trouble with that pumpkin spice syrup! Does John have it on the high shelves with some of your other ‘irresistables?’ Love the candy corn dish!
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Truth in Advertising =-.

  4. Amy

    Great workout! I have to tell you something funny – a good friend of mine came over for lunch and I made your chickpeas with spinach stew (without the green chile because I didn’t have one) and we both loved it but thank goodness I didn’t use the chile because we thought it was pretty spicy as it was (luckily I had cucumbers with yogurt as a side to cool us off) and then I remembered your love of hot sauce, so it made sense that it was spicy. Thanks again for sharing the recipe – we polished off the whole thing between the two of us!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..My top motivation tip =-.

  5. Fran

    Congrats for your Mom!

    That stew looks very good, jummie.

    Well done on September goals, I’m sure you will pick up the mindful eating again, you did so well at the beginning of the month.

  6. Miz

    happpy birthday mom!
    does she read your blog regularly?
    Mine? notsomuch 🙂

    great job on the goals as well. Im simply BAFFLED it’s already october.
    .-= Miz´s last blog ..Im not Jared =-.

  7. Dawn

    Wow…that is crazy about the Johnson and Johnson recall.
    I love fright much fun but I can’t find anyone to go that will ride the roller coasters with me. Take a ride on a few for me ok?

    Anyways, I am here via the hot 100
    .-= Dawn´s last blog ..Hot 100 Update =-.

  8. Dawn

    Happy Birthday to your mom!!!! Seeing her brought a big smile to my face. Way to go on the brick. I know seems time is just flying by.

  9. Lori's Mom (Kathy)

    Lori, How nice that your blog readers wished me Happy Birthday…..makes me feel special. I had a great time at dinner. Love you, too!!

  10. Cindy

    Happy Birthday MOM!!!
    awww, so sweet!

    I LOVE your candy corn bowl, I just grabbed candy corn sockies for the holidays.
    I cannot buy candy corn. I make myself sick eating it! it’s like crack I swear~

    how long did it take you to do the 2 mile run, 10 mile bike ride and 2 mile run?

    I was thinking about breaking up my lunchtime routine a bit.
    oh my gosh..where DID September go?
    .-= Cindy´s last blog ..Giveaway Winner =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      I have to have John ration out the candy corn for me, otherwise I go nuts.

      For the brick today, I ran at 5.5 mph for the first 2 miles. Approx 21-22 minutes.

      I rode the bike at 15.8 mph for the 10 miles, which took roughly 40 minutes.

      Then the 2nd 2 miles I ran at 5.7 mph. Approx 21-22 min.

  11. Pubsgal

    Happy Birthday, Lori’s Mom! Glad you had a great birthday!

    Congrats on your September goals! And wow, that’s some brick you did! I’ve never done a run-bike-run brick before, that sounds intense!
    .-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update- 9-29-10 =-.

  12. Charlotte

    I love that you eat and enjoy yummy food! I think many people associate weight loss / maintenance with deprivation. And clearly you move your body a LOT. I aspire to live that kind of lifestyle one day. I just recently found your blog, and I could tell just from looking at you – skin, body, hair, eyes – that not only have you lost weight, but you look very healthy as well. Keep it up!
    .-= Charlotte´s last blog ..Weekly Weigh-In =-.

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