Lovely sunny morning to bike to bagels. Too bad we didn’t quite make it! We took a chance at not having a tire changing kit and wouldn’t you know it, John got a nail stuck in his tire and it went flat. He hasn’t even had his bike for 24 hours! This was about 3.5 miles from home, so I just biked back home, got the car, and picked him and his bike up. If somebody has a voodoo doll on us, they need to quit it.
My bagel was super, duper tasty. I forgot how tasty toasted sesame seeds are! The wheat bagels looked anemic, so I got this one.
Almost a bit over toasted, but not quite. Delicious!
Poor John, I spend a good portion of breakfast grouching about our luck. I know it is pretty small potatoes in truth, but when it all piles up at once it gets frustrating. I am usually very positive and optimistic, but lately have been less so. Must be hormones….
Lunch break and I was inspired to have some of my rye bread!
I had egg salad made with one egg. Seems like a lot for one egg, doesn’t it? I think it is because the bread slice is small. Plus a mango tango pluot. Pluots are super duper juicy. John gave me the idea to cut these up. Now no juice dribbles down my chin. Not sure why I didn’t think of that before.
I was up really early this morning, so I had that hungry feeling most of the day. I had some snacks:
And some cereal. We really need to fix the bedroom door so it doesn’t rattle when Pixie pushes on it. I have got to get more sleep.
*guilty as charged*
Of course, I would have Pixie in the bedroom which would eliminate the problem, but I do like to keep John around for some things
Latte made with coffee we purchased in Montreal at the market on Sunday morning. They roast their own coffee:
Love those big roasters!
It was dinner time and John had fixed his flat tire, so we decided to take another spin out for a cheap dinner. We went to East End Eatery. I had a side salad:
And a wheat pizza wrap with hot peppers in it!
I believe they were peperoncini- not too hot, but very, very tasty.
Getting a little more comfortable on the bike. I’ve put about 30 miles on it so far. The tire is a little more narrow that I was wanting to get, so I am a little nervous on parts of the path where the gravel is more soft. I also am getting a little chafing, which I believe is just due to the new seat hitting me in places my old one didn’t. Hope I get that callused up by the charity ride in a few weeks! Good thing I have some anti-chafing gel. Or maybe I should go commando under my bike shorts??
What’s blooming on tap for tomorrow!
I read a couple places that you’re supposed to go commando under those bike shorts. So, I’ve started doing so, though my husband makes fun of me for it. I do think it helps to reduce chafing.
Bummer about the flat tire on John’s first time out with the bike. You’re both due for some good luck soon!
Hopefully, this is your third bit of bad luck (things come in threes, etc.) & now you are DONE!
Oh, and here’s some (scary) comic relief about a proposed bike share program in Denver, which a candidate says “threatens personal freedoms”:
What a drag about the flat! I completely understand your grouching. Glad you were able to get out this evening. I’m sure you’ll get used to the new bike really soon – it’s just a little different. BTW, have you named them?
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update =-.
Sorry to hear about your bad luck! The pizza wrap looks great, I’ll have to try to create something similar at home.
.-= Run Sarah´s last blog ..Sunday at the Folks =-.
It seems like you managed to pull a very nice day out of a rocky start. That’s too bad about a flat on his first outing. Thanks, Lori for your input on my bike shoe/clip question. We went out tonight and I chose my pedals. I’m going to ride my bike in this weekend and they’ll get it all set up for me. I chose a kind that lets you get unattached in more than one direction and that has the option of a regular pedal on the opposite side. Hope to go out for a test drive tomorrow evening.
I have the same type of pedals – that way I can bike to the gym without putting on my clip shoes.
.-= Lori´s last blog ..Bagel day and more biking =-.
I was thinking about how nicely you cut your pluots up for lunch as I was eating my pluot over the sink. But they cling to the pit–how do you cut them off so nicely?
.-= debby´s last blog ..I’m Tired =-.
Pixie should never meet Dexter who jumps on our heads in the middle of the night when he decides it’s feeding time.
Go commando! Woohoo! Thrill a minute reading your blog.
Poor John. Y’all just haven’t had the luck lately. Hoping it turns around soon!
.-= Amanda @ BakingWithoutABox´s last blog ..Choco Pecan Squares- Love at First Tweet =-.
Boy, you guys don’t have much luck lately. Bummer about the flat tire. But lucky you made your day by going out for dinner, that’s always nice to do.
why am I giggling about the commando?!
I love reading about you and your bike.
Im more certain than EVER I am NOT a bike rider outside of a bananaseat and a woven plastic basket.
That would be my luck, I had several flats until I got a kit with all the necessities for riding including two spare tubes, as I have had two flats in one ride before.
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Light at the end of the tunnel =-.
I was going to comment on your last post that bad luck comes in threes- I wonder what’s next? But then I thought better of it and didn’t want to jinx you! I guess this was the third- I hope you’re done now!!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Weigh In Day =-.
Ok, I laughed out loud at your comment about keeping John around for some things! hehehe
.-= josie´s last blog ..It’s Official =-.
I hope this dark cloud of bad karma lifts for you and John soon! Whatever you do, don’t play the lottery or go to Vegas right now
.-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..When Normal Comes Calling or yelling =-.
Bad luck on that tire. Isn’t that bad x 3 at this point? So your luck is due to turn around.
That pizza wrap is making my mouth water. When I see melted cheese on top, in the middle, on the bottom, oozing out of..anywhere in between, my saliva glands go ballistic.
The weekend: short Sat. run + cake decorating and delivery + grocery shop (love it!) + sign up for Tri-Relay. Sun: tri-relay and unfortunately, a wake
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..After Run- Hoppin’ John & Voss’ Old Time Charm =-.
I’m thinking commando might cause more problems. I’d say little trips will build calluses eliminating pain.
Just a thought. Although commando might be more fun afterwards!!
Hmmm… pluots. Loved the egg salad. And I really miss bagels. Gonna have to think about that.
Vee at
.-= Vee´s last blog ..Day 51 Wed Yummy Fruit!!! =-.
OK, before I move on, we are so alike in that bread realm! Course I want some of that rye bread but I also like my breads toasted more like the bagel!
AND, another great Pixie pic! I send them to my friend that loves cats plus Pixie takes such cute pics!!!
As for your luck, why not rant here! We all understand. No ranting gets build up & that ain’t good either!
I hope that is the last of that crap!
Hope the weekend goes SMOOTHLY. I am meeting a friend that is in from Spain!!!!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Blueberry Coconut Oatmeal Muffins to Go! Homemade Energy Bars Eggs-RECALL! =-.
I don’t like to be grouchy either, but there are some times when a bit of grouchiness provides just the needed outlet to reduce the stress!
I went for a birthday bagel the other day and almost all of them were of the “dessert bagel” variety. I was so disappointed. And then I spotted the Asiago cheese. Yummy.
.-= Cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Next Stop- Food Network =-.
Sorry to hear about John’s tire but glad it all worked out ok in the end and you enjoyed your bagel. Hope you two have a wonderful weekend.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Anxiety Eating and Tips =-.
Ha, that’s so weird. I’ve gotten into reading foodie&exercise blogs over the past couple of months and never came across yours! Of course, the day I do I see that you went to my cousin’s restaurant(east end eatery :]) Small world, right?! I’ve never commented on any blog before but felt it was necessary since I thought it was so weird that the day I made a blog, I found yours with this on it! I’m glad to see another local on here!