Bagel day and vacay!

Thursday is finally here!  I woke up way too early, so I headed downstairs and had a protein drink and started on work while waiting for John to get up.  I did manage to get a good amount of work in, which is good.  No wasting time around here!

We got on the bikes and headed out at a nice clip for bagels.

Whole wheat bagel along side the new issue of Adirondack Fitness!  This is the paper that lists all local races and events coming up so we can find things to do.  It was hard to leave the patio to bike home and get back to work.

This little squirrel has been hanging around lately.  I call him Stubby.  Not sure if the got hit by a car or nipped by a dog, but he has  a tiny stub of a tail.  Makes him a little more rat-like 😯

Trying to use up stuff before we leave for the weekend, so I had the rest of the Greek yogurt for lunch.

This combo never gets old (at least to me LOL).

Regarding the barbell press from yesterday, that bar is not actually all that heavy when unloaded.  The olympic bar is 45 pounds, and once you work up to 20# dumbells, you really can move to the bar.  The real advantage to doing the chest press with DBs or a barbell rather than a machine is that it will make both sides work at the same level.  On a chest press machine, the machine will actually compensate for any weakness that one side may have, so you are really building the same degree of strength per each arm, rather than the same level of strength combined (make sense?). Machines do have their place, but I would love to see women people get on the free weights more.

John made me a latte – think I was happy to get it?


With which I paired with the last bit of bread in the house. I almost forgot to take a picture, hence the bite.

I made everything on this plate from the bread to the nut butter to the jam.  Domestic goddess – I am she.

I slogged my way through work today.  So determined to finish up without having to work really late.  4 days a week I am working 9 hours when both jobs overlap and I am not liking that, so much discussion will be had (over coffee) on our trip.  My brain is completely fried from all this work.

Dinner time!  Another case of the ‘last of’ – last of chicken, last of broccoli, last green pear.

Knocking them down like bowling pins!  Fridge is pretty empty of fresh stuff now.  You would think we were going away forever and not just 2 days, but we would be nearing the end of stuff anyway as we shop on the weekend.

I finished up work at 6:30 tonight!  Yes!! My weekend starts now!  Except I need to finish laundry, pack, and clean the house.  My mom is coming over tonight for a briefing as she is house/Pixie sitting for us.  My mom is the best 😀

But first was my prevacation treat:

Not yogurt, but blueberry soft serve from the place down the street.  When you get the kiddie cone it comes with eyes.  😀

Tomorrow morning is workout, breakfast and then leaving. I’ll be posting from Montreal tomorrow. Yippee!

I will leave you with the view of the sunset as I post this from the front porch.  It’s gorgeous.

21 thoughts on “Bagel day and vacay!

  1. Shelley B

    I like Stubby! Does he bother Pixie?

    Love the eyes on your ice cream cone…and that they give it to you even though you’re not a kid. 🙂

    I like your dedication to free weights. And how you understand the mechanics behind them. I haven’t bothered learning all of that but I should.

    Hope you have a wonderful vacation!
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update =-.

  2. Kimberley

    What a lovely sunset!

    Thanks so much for the hugs. I did go to yoga tonight and I am feeling it already. Yikes!

    Your comment made me laugh as I will be in Montreal, but not until Monday and then I only have 42 minutes between trains.

    Your mom is great and you are indeed a domestic goddess.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy Montreal!
    .-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Dangerous Liaisons =-.

  3. debby

    That is a glorious sunset! And that chicken looks particularly scrumptious tonight. Have a great time in Montreal. Can hardly wait to hear your adventures. Are you taking your bikes with you?
    .-= debby´s last blog ..This ‘n That =-.

  4. Fran

    Fantastic view from your porch!

    I hope you and John will have a great time in Montreal but I’m sure you will. Have fun.

    About the potato balls: it’s nothing more than cooked potatoes. We can buy them this size here and there called “krieltjes”. Mostly they are used for baked potatoes but I just cooked them.

  5. Pubsgal

    Hope you both have a wonderful trip! I’m looking forward to reading about your adventure when you get back.

    And that ice cream cone reminds me of a place in Michigan where they do the same thing for the kids ice cream! Love that!
    .-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update- 8-11-10 =-.

  6. Cammy@TippyToeDiet

    Have a wonderful vacation! Can’t wait for your photos!

    IMO (which is certainly not the final one, by any means), weight machines are why so many people get bored working out. When you use free weights, your whole body and mind are engaged. But then again, I’m a little bit biased. 🙂

    I wish our local ice cream places had googly eyes for their cones.
    .-= Cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Best Compliment Ever =-.

  7. Tish

    Hope you’re loving Montreal. It a wonderful city to visit and walk, but oh those hills! The walk up to the top of the park almost did me in (but I guess I was a lot less fit and thin then, that might explain it!). Enjoy. Oh, take the duck bus (or whatever they call that tour bus that goes into the water) around sunset–it was a lot of fun.
    .-= Tish´s last blog ..Monday- Monday =-.

  8. Jody - Fit at 52

    OK, I amlmost lost my train of thought looking at the bread & a bite out of it! 😉 YUM!!

    So, that kiddie cone is toooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute, the pic of the sunset is beautiful AND how exciting for a trip away!!!!

    Hey, I want to see a pic of Pixie when she first sees you come home… will it be her loving eyes, her excitement pose or her I am PO’d at you for leaving! 😉
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Homemade Pickle Recipe! =-.

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