Thursday is the new bagel day! John plays poker on Tuesday nights and can’t get his butt out of bed, so we moved bagel day from Wed to Thurs. It actually works a little better for me because I am not biking after a strength workout. I had a protein drink and then we headed out at a nice clip today. Breakfast outside, even though it was a little muggy!
I just could never give up my bagels.
Good ride home and I pushed it for the last mile going 20-21 mph. We average 13.7 mph on the way home, which is pretty good. When you don’t have road bikes, you can’t get huge amounts of speed. John threw the gauntlet down when we got home that he was never going to wait for me again since I obviously have my speed back. Guess I can’t nurse an injury excuse anymore.
Just an FYI on that, I feel pretty good, and my left thigh is getting bigger again. Now it is only 1/2 an inch smaller than the right thigh. I still have skin numbness over my knee, which I am beginning to think is permanent, but the knee itself is fine. The only thing that bothers me anymore is running.
Worked job #1 for a while. This job really sucks the life out of me. The atmosphere is just not good. If someone makes a mistake, they send out a blanket email to everyone to stop doing it, so we get multiple messages a day on what we are doing wrong, so you just doubt everything that you do. I keep wondering if I am making these mistakes and it got my confidence down a little. So when I got taken off QA after a week at job #2, that really justified that I am competent, thank you very much.
Lunch time! Nothing too exciting, Just tuna salad and Wheat Thins Fiber Select (veggie flavor)
After lunch, I moved up to the bedroom and worked in there with the AC on rather than trying to cool the whole downstairs. John made me a latte after a while. I was thinking how decadent it was to work propped up in bed with a latte! There are some benefits to working at home
I had an email asking about the superfoods term that I use a lot, so I will do a refresher on those. You see that term bandied about a lot, but I am referring to the book SuperFoods Rx by Dr. Steve Pratt. These foods are nutritional powerhouses. You can click on each on below to see more about each one’s benefits. Each of these foods also have ‘sidekicks’ which are related, but not quite as good as the original. Bolded ones are in my diet a *lot*.
Blueberries (strawberries, cranberries, cherries)
Broccoli (brussels, cauliflower, kale)
Dark Chocolate
Dried SuperFruits
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Kiwi (pineapple)
Low Fat Yogurt
Oats (brown rice, quinoa)
Pumpkin (carrots, sweet potatoes)
Turkey (chicken)
Walnuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts)
Wild Salmon (tuna, clams)
Question: What is your favorite superfood (or sidekick)?
Wow, the idea of rice pudding flavored frozen yogurt just pushed all thoughts of superfoods out of my head. I looove rice pudding, and am coveting your yogurt big time.
But wrenching my head back to superfoods, I’d have to say I like and eat a lot of those, but might have to call tomatoes my favorite of the moment. I have a sliced plum tomato every morning as a part of my breakfast and many days have another sliced on my lunch sandwich.
.-= Desert Agave´s last blog ..A Session of Questions =-.
There are so many good ones it’s hard to pick! I would have to say apples, avocado (sorry), blueberries, garlic, onions, and tomatoes are my faves though.
On an unrelated note, do you agree with the decision to kick Renshaw out of the Tour?
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Not dead- and not quitting =-.
I think that was a fair decision. If it was just the head butting, that happens, but the deliberate swerve was a dangerous move that could have hurt a lot of people. Both those together and it was the right decision.
My favorite superfood would be strawberries- I never get tired of them!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..A New Me- Identity Change =-.
Avocado! Seriously, you don’t like avocado? Not even guacamole??? Wow! I love all of the berries, too…in fact, a lot of what I eat is on that list – very cool to note!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update =-.
Can’t stand avocado or guacamole. Funny that there is something fatty that I *don’t* like.
I eat most of what’s on the list, but in addition to avocado, pomegranate is also on my WillNotBuy list.
.-= Cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Living in Abundance =-.
Love that list. Most of them are staples. I ordered the book, too. Thanks for the post and the info. As usual, your day sounds great. You’re my hero!
Thanks for the list, Lori. I could use some inspiration right about now! I am in awe of your casual 25 mile day….that would be a huge day for me!
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Time for a Mid-Course Correction =-.
PS: I am so glad your leg is just about back to normal. I know that it had to be very worrisome for you.
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Time for a Mid-Course Correction =-.
Oats are definitely my favourite ‘super food’! I wish we had a good bagel shop nearby – it’s been too long since I’ve been out for a bagel.
.-= Run Sarah´s last blog ..Long Days =-.
Wow. I know I’ve seen that list before. But it makes me feel good to see that so many of them are regulars on my eats list. and SOOO many of them that I love. You know I love my homemade yogurt. And of course walnuts. I really think I could gain a hundred pounds eating walnuts. I started eating more of them when I read this article that said there was some evidence that you don’t gain as much as you would think from eating walnuts. Hey, how about one of my favorite dessert combinations–four superfoods in one. Yogurt with frozen blueberries and walnuts, and a side of one square of dark chocolate. Yummmm. Sometimes I have muessli (oats, dates, almonds, etc.) walnuts, and dark chocolate chips on yogurt for dessert. Oh yeah. I could gain a lot of weight eating superfoods LOL.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Quilt Show =-.
I’d have to say that dark chocolate is my favorite superfood, even small doses (like a medicine cup filled with 2Tbsp. dark chocolate chips, is enough to satisfy.
That would be followed by cinnamon and avocado. I could eat an avocado mashed with garlic powder and salt. LOL
Hearing how you and John go biking for breakfast makes me look forward to the day my kids are all grown, or hoping my husband has Friday’s off when he’s a dentist so we can go back to Friday breakfasts like we did one semester when he had no classes then and the kids were in school. (awfully long sentence…sorry)
Okay, off to finishing vacuuming so I can shower and get to bed. I’m going to wake up to a clean house on my birthday so I can enjoy the day!
P.s. I jogged intervals again today… Can’t seem to stay away from it.
My super foods are chicken and walnuts. I often choose broccoli over other vegies as well.
Your food looks amazing. You’d think that I’d be a bette cook since I love to eat. I need to work on this.
.-= Shelli Belly´s last blog ..Day 310 – Gym and Snorkeling =-.
I don’t want to lick the screen. Ice cream and Frozen yogurt still don’t appeal to me even after 7 months avoiding them. Out of the ones you listed cashews is my favorite!
I love that book – it makes me so enthusiastic about eating all those good foods! And most of them I really love.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Outside the box and into the dreaded back room =-.
I don’t lick the screen because I don’t like rice pudding
I eat almost everything that’s on the list so I’m good.
Seems to me that the people at job1 wants to show everybody how good they are doing their work by sending an email to everyone. I see that here too, especially those who sent a cc to the manager “look boss, I’m doing my work”
I would say pumpkin is my favorite on the list. I LOVE avocados too
I can eat them like fruit!!
I hate mass emails. That always makes me wonder if i’m doing something wrong. It’s best to just tell the culprit. How are you going to learn from mistakes?
.-= April´s last blog ..Staying busy =-.
I like all of the super foods but if I have to pick a favourite it is probably the berries…..wait…the avocado…nope wait……LOL
Great cycling! I should have gone with the group last night but just didn’t have it in me this week.
As for fave. super food: apples of course
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Rosemary Mustard Grilled Halibut and Strength Exercise =-.
You’re averaging 13.7 again? No wonder your thigh’s getting back to normal again! Go you! Glad to hear you’re feeling better, too. The running will come in time, no?
I can’t pick my favorite superfood, but I pick the one I like least: kiwi. And it’s not because I don’t love the taste. Kiwis don’t *ahem* love me…lol
.-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..Wiggle Your Toes and Breathe =-.
I like frozen yougurt …any desert..cookies too!~
Ooooo, I love everything on that superfoods list. The ability to regularly eat a little dark chocolate (and be satisfied with that) has saved me from many potential pitfalls. Dried fruit and honey are very much “proceed with caution” items for me; luckily I don’t miss raisins that much, because they seriously spike my blood sugar, even with a tiny amount.
Your bike rides sound fantastic!!! My daughter has just transitioned to two wheels and we went on our first ride together last night. I’m hoping she’ll continue to enjoy it and that she’ll become my biking buddy. We have a great bike trail in our area, very kid-friendly, but the highways to get to it are really dangerous riding. Sad that we have to drive to be able to ride safely; it’s only a mile from our house!
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly update- 7-14-10 =-.
I really like most superfoods a lot. Apples, blueberries, dark chocolate, tomatoes — MMMMMMMM!