Free as a bird for the weekend as of now since I finished up work! The work week went by so fast. I woke up waaaay to early today. I told myself I was going to sleep in, so that meant my eyes popped open at 6:00 am. What is up with that? My normal waking time is 6:30.
BTW – Nibbler won the throwdown yesterday. I snacked a lot last night to the tune of a Zone bar, some cashews, a piece of toast with fluff and some coconut M&Ms. Now that is a snack binge. Funny thing? I still was not full after eating all that. Certainly not hungry, but I should have been stuffed. My body is so weird sometimes.
I finally remembered to make my oats in a jar today with the almost empty jar of nut butter that has been in the fridge for weeks. About 1/2 a serving in there.
I also remembered to soak some steel cut oats overnight to cook up with a banana today and egg whites.
This was tasterrific! Steel cut custard oats have an extra special chewy creaminess to them. If I wasn’t accountable on the blog, I would probably eat some form of oats for breakfast and lunch every day.
Had a busy morning with conference call for work and a window estimate for our house. Our house was built in the 1890s and still has some of its original parts, like the windows. Old stuff is charming, but in upstate NY, that is not so charming come winter time. These are big windows, too, and we need 17 of them done. Can you whistle the tune of $6500+ for that? I can’t quite do it without choking. We are getting one more estimate, but this one actually looks pretty good. It will pay off in the long run, so we will get at least half of them done this summer some time.
Lunch break of an egg/laughing cow wrap with hot sauce. Plus a yummy pear, which I always sprinkle cinnamon on.
I wish that I could eat fruit all the time. As it is, I eat 3 servings a day at least.
Then it was back to work with my little helper:
Regarding the apple yogurt cake from yesterday.
Here is the link to the full recipe. John made the following substitutions: Replaced the oil in that recipe with a 4oz applesauce, and replaced half of the flour with whole wheat flour. Otherwise, as written. 1/8 of the cake has 220 cal (which is about twice the size of the piece in this picture).
It’s yum! I really wanted a piece today, but I went with a no added sugar day today. Instead, I had a latte:
And a date stuffed with some slivered almonds. Sweet and crunchy:
We decided to bike to dinner tonight, since it is the start of my weekend. Wanted something inexpensive and casual, which means pizza!
Cheese and white pizza. Can you say garlic? Good thing John had a slice of that as well. As you can see, I did eat 2 pieces. Really, 1-1/2 would have been fine and I left a bit of the crust. Dinner for 2 for under $10? Check! Plus a workout to boot. Then it was off to the library to get a new book out. I nixed the last one. 13+ mile ride tonight.
Going to show you a few bloom pics today, as tomorrow’s post is a special ‘what’s blooming’ anniversary for me! The old fashioned day lilies are now starting to go:
Scentimental rose. I love the smell of this one.
And I found a home for Mr. Buddha:
Tonight’s no added sugar dessert:
Sigh…. I love berries.
Make sure you come back to check out Friday’s post. It’s a milestone one!
Have a super night
What a teaser about the milestone post! The day lily is beautiful and that cake looks so yummy! Have a great weekend!
.-= Pam´s last blog ..Quick One =-.
Thanks for John’s Apple Yogurt Cake recipe. I might have to try that!
.-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..Weekly Workout Update – June 11, 2010 =-.
Hey Lori!
Just wanted to let you know I have been thinking about you for a few days! I go and look at other blogs and I see your comments…I just want you to know that I think it is GREAT how you make other people feel good about what they have done or what they are trying to do.
I know it means a lot to me! I always enjoy reading your comments! I am trying to be better about making comments. I always read, but I don’t always comment!
That cake looks AMAZING! Might have to check that out…in the mean time…can I come snuggle with your cat?
Thanks for being you! Have a good night!
.-= Janna´s last blog ..You had me at FRIED COOKIE DOUGH! =-.
Thanks! It is hard to keep up with all the blogs in my reader. I understand about the reading and not commenting on all of them. It could be a full-time job LOL!
Pixie can be rented out for snuggling, but she does come with a lot of hair….
That white pizza looks freakin’ awesome!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Weekend Report Card =-.
Lovely flowers. Love the striped rose. I bought “Elle” and “Abraham Darby” this year. Love!
.-= Elaine´s last blog ..Tennis is Fun =-.
Looking forward to your milestone post! And thanks for the Pixie pic, too. John’s cake looks great. Good on you for the no sugar day.
That is a big gulp for the windows, but you are right, it will (eventually) pay for itself.
Enjoy your weekend! Even with the extra garlic
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Running The Numbers: Part The Fourth =-.
Nice post. I always love your flower pix. I’ll have to look into the scentimental rose–I love fragrant flowers! I think that Nibbler guy came south to my neck of the woods today. I was aghast to find myself downing a few of my granddaughter’s potty-reward peanut m&m’s today. Totally thoughtless and so out of sync with what I’m trying to do here! I’ll be here for your anniversary post tomorrow.
.-= Tish´s last blog ..Wednesday Round Up =-.
Can’t wait for tomorrow!
When my son was little, I loved showing him how to snap the snapdragons so they looked like there were making dragonish noises…
Exercise and an inexpensive dinner…genius!
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Tough Yoga Class =-.
Do you know how good you made me feel that you admitted your nibbles last night? I had a second day of class, and I took my own ‘healthy’ nibbles so I wouldn’t indulge so much, and I ate all of mine PLUS some of theirs! Aaaargh. Oh well, back at it tomorrow. Got some days at home where I don’t have so much trouble.
That apple cake looks amazing. And I LOVE the daylily. I wish I had some.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Noah and Me and Fried Rice =-.
Yeah – that was a doozy snack fest. What is up with that?
My problem is that I work at home and can still do that. Home is supposed to be safe, you know?
I had pizza today, too! Only one piece because I also had salad, but that piece was HUGE! Still, I had no trouble putting it away.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Blogger Meet-up and A Book Rec =-.
It’s so weird when snack days like that happen – at least you are aware and in control today.
I like that rose – gorgeous and unusual!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update – Say Yes to the Dress Edition =-.
I was getting a visit from your Nibbler the last few weeks. However I sent him packing a couple days ago. Figured out I wasn’t eating enough. How about you? Seeing you eat dates all the time made me buy some last grocery shopping trip….so good!
for some reason the mere PHOTO of the Buddha made my morning, Lori.
centered me.
reminded me that I DID NOT meditate yet.
Im off.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..Companies MizFit loves: Oiselle Running. =-.
I am anxious to see the milestone. Oh, and I love my berries too!
I didn’t know there was such a thing as coconut M&Ms. I hope they don’t sell them around here because I don’t think I’ll be able to resist the temptation. Damn.
I can’t wait to hear about your big milestone.
Hava great weekend. Stay cool, it’s supposed to be a scorcher.
.-= MB´s last blog ..Combined Challenges =-.
I’ve never heard of coconut m&m’s either…
Thanks for yesterday’s video of the deadlift – those moves are confusing to me, like what is the difference between the bent-leg deadlift and a squat? Sometimes I just have the feeling I am doing all those moves wrong!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Fit Friday & Go USA! =-.
Thank you for the cake link. You have 3 servings of fruit a day? I’m struggling to get one.
.-= Weijourn´s last blog ..52 Reasons # 3 =-.
so glad your week has flown by! that is always a postive….can’t wait to read about the milestone!
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..Rest Week =-.
We are having pizza tonight – the dough is rising on the porch because it is so HOT out there!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..What are SoFAS and Why You Should Care =-.
That white pizza looks amazing. I looove the texture of ricotta so white is my favorite kind. Jealous!
.-= Beth @ Beth’s Journey to Thin´s last blog ..Substitutes =-.
This food looks great. It’s so hard to avoid sugar though. I feel like it’s in everything nowadays. If you need some help, check out these 3 Ways to Reduce Sugar Cravings. Have a fun weekend!
.-= Sophia´s last blog ..Happy National Apple Strudel Day! =-.
Crap, how did I miss this…. nibblers, apple cake, flower pics AND PIXIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved it all! I am struggling with the nibblers but winning so far.. not sure for how long!
I do have your protein cookies made into bars here.. I could do that!!!!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Salsa Recipe =-.