Thank you all for the nice comments on my hair. It’s going to take some getting used to again. A year ago my hair was about this length. It grew a lot!
I had a nice carby breakfast to get ready for the bike ride today. Banana custard oats topped with some of that fresh made peanut butter and some jam.
Yum! Plus a couple cups of cafe au lait. I am going to do a nut butter primer this week some time. Just gotta find the time to put it together.
I made up some protein snacks for the ride. These are a mix of dates, cashews, unsweetened coconut, coconut oil and brown rice protein powder. Formed into balls.
These are flipping good! They are just begging to be dipped in chocolate, too. I love these! I’ll have to figure out an exact recipe for them and post. They are calorie dense, but good for fueling.
We were debating on where to ride today. This was going to be my first long ride (more than 20 miles) since I hurt my back. It was pretty windy today, but we decided to head down to Saratoga. I was a little bit nervous because of how hilly it is. We took this same route a few days before I hurt my back about 6 weeks ago. I told John that I was worried I would be holding him back, and he said that we were a team. I almost cried at that. We did pretty well. It was quite windy, and a headwind to boot. Perfect temperature, though!
( I love John’s legs. )Snack time!
Those date balls. So good. The bike route going this way is part of the main road, so it is just a wide shoulder. We got to Saratoga and stopped at the farmer’s market. I wish the Glens Falls market was like this one. It’s quite large and lots of fun stuff!
I would have gotten some greek yogurt if we weren’t riding! These are alien and scary:
Celeriac. I should try this sometime, but I don’t like celery that much, and that is what it is supposed to taste like.
We did buy some cheese, though. Had samples of it. This was sooooo good!
Spendy, so I only got a 1/4 pound. I think eating it with some crusty bread will happen at some point this week.
We were pretty hungry for lunch at this point, so we stopped off to Uncommon Grounds to have one of their fabulous bagels!
Banana nut bagel with honey walnut cream cheese. Now *this* is a bagel. Worth every carby bite. We then spent some time in town, and John got a new wheel put on his bike. We ended up riding a few miles around there and stopped to get more carbs for the ride home. This is a german chocolate cake cupcake:
We split this cupcake and lookie what was in the middle!
Scrumptious! And very rich. Good thing we split it. Although truth be told, I definitely probably could have eaten the whole thing myself.
Then we headed home. Still pretty windy. I was doing quite well until we hit mile 35. We had just made a turn and there was a steep hill. I just knew I wasn’t going to make it to the top without walking some without all my former strength, and my speed dropped too much to make it all the way up. This time I did cry. I got to the top where John was waiting and I just was so frustrated about this stupid injury that I started to cry. John said it’s okay because I am still recovering, but I just said, “but I don’t want to be anymore!” Sometimes the emotional part of this injury really gets to me. I know it will take time, but it just takes a toll on the psyche.
Anyway, we rested a little bit so I could compose myself and we continued on. I knew that the hill to home would not be happening, so we took a different route around. It added a few miles to the trip, but I was so pleased we took it. It’s much flatter and this was where my clip shoes shined (shone?). I felt so efficient and got my second wind. Yay! I could have kept going after we got back. I found my quads didn’t burn much, which I attribute to the clip shoes. And I was wearing my new padded bike shorts. My butt never hurt before riding, and it certainly didn’t hurt at all with the shorts. Cool.
Arrived home:
Total distance: 45.6 miles (Longest ride of the year to date!!)
Average speed: 12.3 going, 13.2 coming home. Pretty good with wind and hills.
Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
Top speed: 27.8 mph (Hills and kinda scary!)
Calories burned: 1380 (per odometer, I say 1200).
Assessment: I feel really good. My back is a squidge achy, as well as my knee, but it doesn’t feel injured, if that makes sense. It only gets better from here. Who needs running??
I was pretty hungry for dinner, and wanted a good protein hit.
3.5 oz of chicken with 1 oz of feta cheese and some toasted almonds. Mixed with BBQ sauce. The standard salad. I wolfed this down and my body wanted a few more carbs, so I had a small dish of rice.
Now I am munching on an Attune bar. I feel like a bottomless pit right now. I’ll probably have some cereal later to make sure I have eaten enough today.
Hope you all had a super Saturday!
Question: Do you shop at farmer’s markets?
And yes I LOVE farmers markets 
I did 45 miles today too! WHat a great ride……Love the cupcakes too
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Congrats on your biking journey. I love shopping locally at farmer’s markets and at local farms. It’s so important to support local farmers!!!
That cupcake made me swoon. My friend and I are going for our annual pedi/brunch on the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend…pedicures then food. We will be ending up at CamiCakes, the most amazing cupcake bakery, for a treat to kick off summer. I can’t wait.
.-= Andra´s last blog ..After the After =-.
I would love to visit Farmer’s Markets every week. i’m afraid I’d spend way too much though. I think we have 2 around here but they are during the week so I never get to them.
You had a great ride…and the wind! I’m amazed you were able to cycle 45+ miles while still recovering. Fingers crossed you feel good tomorrow without any extra aches and pains. You did great today, Lori.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Ted Cooks Broccoli =-.
I sure do shop at farmer’s market and roadside stands are very popular here in the summer too.
What a great bike ride. Don’t worry about the hill, I think you have come so far since you were injured…soon you will be whizzing up and over the hills again.
John is so sweet. Of course you are a team.
Those protein snacks look good. Today I had a Clif bar and fell in love. So tasty. I think I could make something like that once I have your recipe. I will look forward to that.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Happy 18th Birthday Zachariah! =-.
That’s an AWESOME ride! My quads burned just a teensy bit reading about it!
I don’t go to the Farmer’s Market very often. They tend to require volume purchases, and I’m no longer a volume person.
We have new markets this year, though, and I’m going to try them out.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..All Quiet on the Southern Front =-.
What a ride! Your food looks so good – especially the protein balls! Yummy. I try to make it to the farmer’s market, but our local one has about five vendors. Dallas’ is so much better.
I hope you are enjoying the rest of your day – you’ve earned it.
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Blame It On The Rain =-.
I have begun shopping at our Farmer’s Market when it opens each summer. It’s just fun to mix with locals and know you’re supporting their hard work.
Nice haircut!
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Weigh-In …(1st GOAL!!) Getttin With It Update #7 =-.
WOW! This is one long bike ride. But it looks like you guys had a great time along the way. By the way, that cupcake looks delicious. YUM!!!!!!!
.-= She-Fit´s last blog ..Bikram Yoga =-.
You are truly amazing!
I love farmers markets, especially when the peaches are ripe.
.-= julie´s last blog ..Pushing myself to the limit.. and gardening. =-.
Awesome bike ride, I wish we had more places to ride around here.
.-= Ron´s last blog ..New Hard drive for the laptop =-.
That cupcake looks to-die-for!!! I’m all over farmer’s markets, I get more excited about going to them than going to the mall!
.-= Carrie (Love Healthy Living)´s last blog ..Cookie Friday Fail =-.
Nice ride. Hope to do my own long ride soon after my HM training is over.
I shop at a farmer’s market like twice a year as they’re not open when I’m able to go.
Your haircut looks great Lori and just in time for the hot weather!!!
Congrats on the long bike ride! Your eats look delish and the protein balls definitely look like something I would like to try
wow great energy balls!! thank you for sharing, I will definetely make this tomorrow for a work week snack!!!! Thank you dear!
.-= Katalina @ GreenLivingNewYork´s last blog ..Vegan Slow Cook Veggie Deliciousness =-.
Those balls sound exactly like the coconut cream larabar I just bought minus the protein powder. It would be cheaper to make them. I hope you post a recipe for them!
Awesome ride and awesome comment from John.
I try to hit the roadside stands in the summer in the county.
I don’t shop at our farmer’s market often enough.
It’ll be Sunday by the time you get this so …
Have a great Sunday, Lori!
.-= Fitcetera´s last blog .. =-.
Hi Lori
I have been following your blog for a couple of months now and wanted to let you know that you are such a wonderful inspiration! I love riding my bike but wondered how you started to build up to such long rides? I seem to tire out quickly. The longest I have gone is 15 KM. Do you have any suggestions on how to start to build my endurance?
Thanks so much
Hi Jan – I posed an answer to this question in Sunday’s post!
Congratulations! I completely understand about wanting the recovery over NOW. I said pretty much the same thing to my honey last night when I was trying to accommodate the shoulder to a good sleep position. How fabulous is it that you’re riding 45 miles? Next thing we know you’ll be posting pics from your 100.
That is one heck of a ride Lori!
My mouth always waters when I read of you eating dates. I have never seen on in a store in our area. I have eaten them on my travels though. Mmmm!
I don’t visit farmers markets, although I ought to. We do grow a lot of our own stuff though.
.-= South Beach Steve´s last blog ..Halfway There =-.
I’m surprised they aren’t in your store? Maybe you could find the Dole brand, usually by the raisins? I love the medjools, though. Totally addicted.
I’ve had plantar fasciitis for 2 years now and it’s prevented me from doing lots of things…so I definitely understand your frustrations. You’re doing great though and making improvements every day. Time is all you need
And yes, I love the Farmer’s Market…I go all the time now and have a farm where I get my goat cheese, eggs and pork sausage. I never imagined I would be one of those people!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Weight loss week 17 ~ Dave =-.
Okay so I thought that was the cutest thing that your husband said that you guys are a team. He is a keeper, Lori. And I TOTALLY get about crying with your injury. I have had bad knees–patellofemoral knee pain–for over a year, and the situation can be beyond frustrating. I had surgery in January, and I am still in some pain. So I have sympathy. Kep plugging away.
Lori, you did awesome!!! You are so much further than you were just a few weeks ago! I could never do what you do on that bike!!!! Congrats!
Now, on the food.. man, YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: How is Pixie doing???
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Sunday Jogging; Reunion Pics! =-.
Wow! What a great bike run. Here I am “whining” about my bike ride next Wednesday of 16 miles total to and from work which is peanuts for you
I love the cupcakes, makes me want to bite them!
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Saturday May 15, 2010 =-.
FORTY FIVE MILES! You go girl. That’s an awesome bike ride. As as to your speed, I get a little scared when my speedometer hits 18 on the downhill. I know what you mean about going up hill. We have a great ride that we do two or three times a week, but it has one hill that has me spinning on the lowest gear wondering if I will keep enough momentum to get me to the crest. You’ll get all healed and be able to breeze through it.
We have a wonderful farmers market about two blocks from our house. They set up in the parking lot of the regional library. I love the corn, the tomatoes, and especially the peaches. They also have a couple bakery stalls, a couple plant stalls one of which has wonder herbs, and the Extension people who can answer questions about plants. I usually walk, which limits the money I spend, and visit the library afterward. Tuesday is a great day.
.-= Tish´s last blog ..of Pitfalls and the Popsicles =-.
I love the idea of making date balls for fuel on long rides. Much easier to transport than PB stuffed dates
Awesome work on the ride!! Getting off to walk up one hill is nothin’ You’ve come leaps and bounds in the past few weeks, I sure as hell couldn’t bike 45 miles right now and I’m not even injured.
P.S. Love the new ‘do!!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Blogger Interview Series – Tina =-.
Wow – awesome ride! I had all good intentions on going for a ride this weekend – but had to pack our house up instead
What amazing riding! Whew! …so can I have that bagel??
.-= Yum Yucky´s last blog ..I Did It! 7 Days Without Eating Sugar =-.
Great Ride!!! That cupcake looks insanely good! I love farmer’s markets! It’s even more fun now that hubby will try out new things with me.
.-= Barb´s last blog ..Yup…Still here! =-.