Happy Friday! I was up fairly early and had my pre-workout protein drink before heading out to the gym.
Why do I look worried in the picture??
I think I may be able to convince some ladies to do free weights! The Curves in the town closed, so some of those members joined my gym. There are 3 ladies in their 60s who now work out at the same time I do, and I keep talking to them about the free weights. I’ll get them over there…
I rode the stationary for 15 minutes to warm up and the lifted:
- Incline dumbbell bench press: 3 sets of 12 with 20# DBs (40# total)
- Rail squats: 3 sets of 8 at body weight. Getting easier.
- 1/2 chin ups: 3 sets of 3.
- Reverse crunches: 3 sets of 10 (first time back with these)
- Alternating bent over dumbbell row: 3 sets of 15 (each arm) with 15# DBs (30# total)
- Cable triceps pull down: 3 sets of 15 with 30#
- Arnold press: 3 sets of 12 with 10# DBs (20# total)
- Cable biceps curl: 3 sets of 10 at 30#
It felt good today. I notice more of a difference today with leg pain, as I am not limping much. Yay!
Been thinking about pumpkin lately, so I made pumpkin custard oats topped with toasted pecans and maple butter when I got back.
Yum! It’s the start of my weekend, although I debated working a little bit to make some extra $$ today. I will probably do that tonight after this post.
After eating breakfast, I puttered around in the garden a little bit. It’s about time to bring back the Friday What’s Blooming series. I have more tulips coming up. I planted early, mid and late tulips, so there is a nice variety.
Queen of the night. One of my faves:
I forgot the name of this one.
Purty. Flowers just make me smile
Lunch break was some greek yogurt, all bran cereal, strawberries, and honey. A classic:
Beautiful weather on tap today, so I wanted to test a longer bike ride. I decided to go to the library, which is about 6 miles each way. I snacked on a date with nuttzo before leaving.
You know, I still get calluses, even though I wear gloves when lifting and biking. There go my career aspirations of being a hand model…
The path is greening up nicely:
Feeling pretty good here!
I felt good after I got to the library. A little stiffness in my leg, but no back pain. That’s good. Progress! I sat and read at the library for a while. Ended up getting the 2nd Twilight book out, even though I am not all that impressed with the series so far. I am finding myself annoyed with it. Isn’t that weird? I also got a book on cupcakes
I texted John and he agreed to meet me for a snack. I biked to Baker’s Dream, a tiny bakery, where I got a small coconut cream puff and a cup of coffee:
One of those 3-bite treats. The owner of this place is an excellent baker. I almost thought about asking her for a job LOL!
Then we biked home. I am still somewhat slower than normal. I averaged about 10 mph. I realized that what is missing is my power. That’s a nerve thing, and only time will bring it back (I hope). Successful 16 mile bike ride today, and further than I planned. That means a yogurt bike ride tomorrow is going to happen
By the time we got home, it was dinner time! John grilled up some pork and I put mine on a sweet potato with laughing cow and more BBQ sauce.
Let’s have a closer look, shall we?
Yum. John and I eat our potatoes differently. He does his sweet. I do mine savory.
Other than some work, not much planned for the evening. I will be making a pumpkin pie snack later on. Have a great night!
Question: Favorite spring time flower?
I have a question about your strength training. Do you go with a plan in mind or do you just do whatever comes to mind when you are there? I worked with a trainer for about a year and loved the strength training but now that I am on my own I find I can never decide what to do.
I work out a plan the night before. I currently do 3 full body workouts a week. I choose an exercise to hit lower body, upper body, abs, shoulders, back, triceps, biceps (not always).
I would recommend getting New Rules of Lifting for Women, or any book by Brad Schoenfeld. That will help you plan workouts.
Beautiful tulips! I love those, but I think daffodils are my favorite spring flower.
I get calluses despite the gloves, too. I wonder if chamois butter would help?
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Is This Thing On? =-.
Really glad I had already eaten dinner…the food looks drool worthy!
Yeah for pretty flowers and painless bike rides!
Have a GREAT weekend!
.-= Janna´s last blog ..May it bring me the excitement of POSSIBILITIES! =-.
I don’t know if they are spring flowers but daisies are my absolute favorite! And for the record, I hated the first Twilight book and was also quite annoyed. The other books have more plot lines that help placate that annoyance…at least a little bit
Congrats on the nice bike ride. You are well on your healed way!
Glad your back out on that bicycle! 50 MPH winds gusts here the past few day, but with my cold, I don’t think I would be riding anyhow!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..The cold is worse =-.
I’m so happy to see you back on your bike and smiling.
I love tulips because their the first to bloom but my spring flowers are lilacs.
I am a big fan of the crocus because they are usually the first spring flower I see.
I also love tulip trees in full bloom.
So glad you are feeling better and were able to take a long bike ride. You are definitely making progress.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Worthy Cause Wednesday =-.
Yummy, yummy food! Makes me hungry to look at it. Hmmm, favorite flowers? The flowers of my youth in the Pacific northwest – tulips, peonies, and delphiniums. Glad you were able to get a good ride in today. I’m going to try tomorrow, but the weather may not cooperate. Expected rains and 40mph winds, darn it.
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Staying In Acceptance =-.
Yay for biking! You’ll get your strength back. I’m hoping to get some riding in this weekend. I’ve also been doing a lot of planting. I didn’t have any bulbs in the ground this year..will do that in the fall. You seem to have so many cute bakeries and restaurants around! Looks like a fun little town. Enjoy your weekend!!!
.-= Barb´s last blog ..Checking In. =-.
Hey, that’s a good day! And yogurt tomorrow is even better. I am all about the frozen yogurt nowadays. And I can’t believe I ever missed a post of yours, but I don’t remember that pumpkin custard microwave snack. Seems like an excellent idea, and I think I will try it in the next few days. Thanks for linking back to it.
Sounds like you are really doing well progressing with your lifting and your moving in general. I think I am having some sympathy back and knee pain (if I knew how to make one of those sad faces I would!
Have fun tomorrow.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Feed Your Cravings =-.
What a nice bike ride – glad you are back in the saddle!
I think it would be great if you can get those older ladies lifting…it’s never too late, and they might really like it. You are setting a good example for them – have they seen your article?
I like the idea of having you along for the 15 pound ride – or however much you want to lose…:)
Oh, and to answer your question, I would say the daylily.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Randomness – It Ain’t Pretty, Folks =-.
You go with your recruiting Lori – get those women liftin’!!!!
Oh tulips by far as my fave flowers esp. parrot tulips. Second would be a tie btwn gerbera daisies, hydrangea and sunflowers.
I still have the first Twilight book sitting in the office, unread.
And yum! anything coconut I would love – a job around baked goods would spell disaster for me! lol
Have a great weekend!
The Twilight series got better with every book i read. By the end of the second book i was hooked! LOL!
So sorry that you can’t be a hand model.
hehe. I haven’t read the twilight books but I’ve watched the movies. I haven’t been as impressed as everyone else has been, I guess. So glad that you can bike again! Have a great weekend!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Finally Friday! =-.
Have you considered becoming a personl trainer? You are so passionate about weight lifting and fitness in general I bet you would be good at it!
Glad you are getting better and able to exercise again. I bought Shape this last month so I could see your article it was very nice.
We don’t have much spring here in Florida per say so my favorite flower is still roses specfically my roses. I posted pics last week if you care to see.Have a great weekend.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..My Search =-.
Funny, but I have no desire to be a personal trainer at all. Maybe as a fleeting thought, but I don’t know how I would feel to have clients that would stop coming and wonder what I did wrong LOL.
Your eats look yummy!
Hopefully you can inspire those women at your gym to get into using free weights. Would be a great addition to their workouts.
The tulips were nice. Those are some of my favorite flowers this time of year. There are a ton of them all over the place here where I live. I have been taking a ton of pictures lately of them.
.-= CertifiablyFit´s last blog ..Weight Loss Expectations Study =-.
So glad you are getting back into the swing of things with your workouts! That looks like a really nice bike path. I have to say, I agree with you on the Twilight books – I read the first one and was really turned off and yes, annoyed. Will be interested in what you think about the 2nd one.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Look Ma, no chafing! =-.
You’ve convinced me to start lifting weights, too
Bakery = dream job
My favorite flower is gerbera daisy!
.-= Marisa (Loser for Life)´s last blog ..A Subway Giveaway! =-.
I couldn’t even finish the first Twilight book and I NEVER don’t finish a book. I hated the characters. I thought Edward came across like an emotionally abusive withholding a-hole. And the main girl in it (can’t remember her name) was just annoying. I honestly can’t imagine why these books are so popular.
That’s just my opinion and, based on books and movie sales, I am clearly in the minority.
.-= Deb´s last blog ..Pictorial Evidence =-.
I love that Queen of the Night flower!! A wonderful colour. The water drops also added an extra prettiness
I have no idea which flowers are spring ones, but lilies are my fave. In fact, I have a pot of dead lilies on my window sill right now. They shrivel just from being in my presence.
I read the Twilight series twice :\ In all fairness though, I typically only enjoy “fantasy” novels (nerd alert!) and I’m way more of a hopeless romantic than I let on. Don’t tell!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Reflections, Flashbacks, and Lessons Learned =-.
I love those flowers! I like roses but I guess they aren’t only spring flowers. Some friends of ours have tulips and they are so beautiful.
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Healthy Food and Weight Gain =-.
Big congrats on the workout & biking! So glad you are feeling better! When I saw you did reverse crunches, I was like, WOW! Good for you!
I so love tulips!!! Beautiful pics! And the trail you ride on.. amazing!
Hope you had a great bike ride today.. and yogurt!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Colorado Cookie; Saturday Funny =-.
Love your bike ride trail, it’s so gorgeous! I’m also going to have to give your pumpkin custard oats & meat over sweet potatoes a try!!
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Tulips are nice. I see them a lot in my travels in Ottawa. I mean they are the tulip capital of Canada I believe and they hold a tulip festival in May. Long story behind this that I don’t feel like typing out right now
.-= John´s last blog ..April Challenges Review =-.
My favorite spring flowers are crocus. They are cute and pretty and the first sign of spring!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Bike Route =-.