Sunday heralds the new work week for me, and the requisite bagel!
Today was blueberry.
Then it was time for the other pre work Sunday ritual:
Freshly stocked with produce and dairy!
Work was a little slow today, so I got down to making some soap. I still have a business that I periodically make soap for, and she contacted me this week. It’s near cherry blossom time, so I have been making a bunch of cherry soap for her (which I can’t stand, oddly enough).
John had run some errands and brought me a little marshmallow egg with caramel. Gotta love sale Easter candy LOL.
Then it was lunchtime and I had some carrots:
Plus a green smoothie made with pumpkin, brown rice protein powder, Barlean’s Omega 3 and cinnamon.
Didn’t like this combo very much, I have to say. At least it was nutritious.
After a little more work, it got slow again , so I decided to give the bike a try! I nabbed a date and some nut butter and headed out to test the asphalt.
Look at this happy biker:
I missed it so much in the last 2.5 weeks!! The ride went well. Not really much pain, but I have real weakness in my left leg. I cannot go fast. My brain is telling my leg to push harder and it just won’t go. It’s like when you run in your dreams and you run really slow, even though you are trying to run fast (does anyone else dream like that?) Hills were a little funny that way because I just kept getting slower and slower as I went up. There were only a couple small hills, which was the plan. I actually went to see my folks (unannounced). My dad wasn’t there, but I was able to visit with my mom. Then I biked home. 6.5 miles – so good start to get back on the bike! Overall very pleased with my injury progress. Biker babe is back in action!!
Had to make a snack when I got back!
Got a call that the closing on the house is scheduled for Tuesday. I can’t believe it’s actually happening! Now I need to decide whether to try to flip another house, start a business, or keep doing what I am doing. Too many choices.
Dinner time was a constructed BBQ chicken salad since we got new lettuce to replace the produce soup I had to toss on Friday.
I’ll be working late tonight to finish up if there is work to be had, plus more soapmaking, foam rolling, and stretching. And I need to ponder an evening snack……
Yay for biker babe!
I’ve been using a foam roller for my hip bursitis/IT band issues and it’s working really well! Hurts like all get out while I roll, but I feel so much better when I’m done!
Good luck on Tues!
.-= Marisa (Loser for Life)´s last blog ..My Obsession =-.
Exing, cellent news about the return to cycling, Lori. Elixer for the body and soul
.-= Jo´s last blog ..Mmmm…rice paper rolls…. =-.
Glad to hear your return to cycling went well Lori! Have a great Sunday evening.
.-= Run Sarah´s last blog ..Home Tomorrow =-.
I was expecting some leather in this post.
That smoothie was GREEN.
Glad you were able to get out and ride your bike. Yay!
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..My Week Challenge Update #6 and Week #17 Goals =-.
So happy that you were able to get that bike ride in. Looks like your improving daily!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Eating on the road again…. =-.
can I have your leftover eggs? I didn’t get to enjoy any cadburys this year sigh.
.-= Tony the Pink Panda´s last blog ..Two Year Anniversary =-.
I know you were so glad to get out on your bike! I still can’t embrace the green smoothie. I know they are great for you but they sure do look strange!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Trying This Again =-.
They are much better made at home than the one Dr. Oz made – those were too chunky for me. Give it a shot with a banana and some spinach. You’ll be surprised. Just close your eyes and drink
Glad you got back on your bike
I had a green smoothie today too!
My husband used to make soap too! He always hated patchulli, but it sold well among the handmade soap crowd…go figure.
I always have dreams about not being able to move as fast as I want, but for some reason I’m always trying to punch people. Apparently I’m violent in my subconscious.
.-= Mallory´s last blog ..#52. Make the perfect cheesecake =-.
Hurray for the bike ride. Hip Hip Hurray
I really like green smoothies too. I’ve never tried pumpkin. I’ll need to think of some good combinations.
.-= Shelli Belly´s last blog ..Day 227 – Student Challenge =-.
The BBQ chicken salad looks so yummy!!
That’s fantastic about getting back on your bike! And I’m glad you said you didn’t like the green smoothie, because when I was reading the description it sounded kind of yucky to me. But it is getting to be green smoothie weather. I might have one tomorrow!
.-= debby´s last blog ..What’s it All About, Anyway? =-.
Good start to the week and so glad your bike ride went so well!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Giraffe Project Meet-Up! =-.
you ARE a biker babe.
some day I shall overcoming my fear of biking.
I think I could do TRAIL but in Austin? in traffic? I freeze.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..MizFit, NASCAR, & The Ellen Show. =-.
Glad to see you out and about on the bike now too! To save time commenting on your other posts: I do like ginger,I have 2 cats named Cleo and Scrappers.
.-= John´s last blog ..I’m Back =-.
I am so excited to read this! I am sure you are tickled to be back on the bike. Take it easy though!
.-= South Beach Steve´s last blog ..Ran Into an Old Friend =-.
You are a brave girl to drink that smoothie!
Such an interesting, productive life!
.-= Larkspur´s last blog ..Sore =-.
Yahoo for biking again! I am sure that was so exciting! Eager to see how you feel today, the day after. Congrats on the house that leads to many choices for you! So cool on the soap too… multi talented!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Loneliness Harms Health: Why You Need Friends; Happy Bday Casey! =-.
Congrats to getting back on the bike. Slowly, slowly..that’s the way to do it.
There is a lady I order homemade soup from in Watkins Glen. She makes a Lime Geranium and I can’t get enough of it. My favorite of all soaps.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Conditioned to ride =-.
Yayyyy for a successful bike ride! You really are healing quickly! I don’t dream that I’m going slow… but I ALWAYS dream that I’m being chased. Weird.
Now, if you don’t mind, I have some discounted Easter candy to go find
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Confessions of a Part-Time Blogger =-.
Glad you were able to get out for a ride!
.-= SeaShore´s last blog ..Quick before & after pic =-.
so glad you got to get out on a ride! yay for riding
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..A Kind Giveaway =-.
Yay to being back on the bike!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..I’m ridiculously lazy and I suck at blogging! =-.
I’m so happy to hear you went for a bike ride and that it all went well!
Looks like you’re back on track.
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Sunday April 25, 2010 =-.
So glad to have you back on the bike! Know that you are happy about that as well.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Joe Conway Memorial 5K Run =-.
I am catching up on my blog reading…
Congrats on the Shape magazine article – I will do my best to get my hands on a copy soon! I’m glad your injury is starting to heal up and that you are getting back to your workouts – I know how much you missed them. Love the back story on Pixie, by the way!
.-= 266´s last blog ..Hip Hop =-.
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been off the bike but glad to hear you are slowly getting your groove back. (I need to go back and read all the stuff I’ve missed.) Love the butterfly coffee cup. It is so unique.
Thanks about the cup – I made it at one of those paint your own pottery places!