Triple B today! I woke up early today because of pain. Just a momentary gripe here, but I will be so glad to finally wake up pain free – or just be pain free period. This is getting really old. It’s better mind you, a lot better, but not much fun. Patience…..
We headed out to Panera Bread, where I had a french toast bagel.
I really took the time to slow down and eat, too. Sometimes I wolf my food down because I am hungry and it tastes good
Then we went grocery shopping, with me on crutches. I can’t walk long distances without the crutches yet, although I can get around the house and such without them. After checking in with work and it being slow (as in dead), we packed up some food and headed out to catch the Battenkill pro bikers along their route. This bike race is 124 miles long. Lunch in the car for me was some broccoli slaw sauteed in coconut oil, 1/4 cup of rice and 1 egg/2 egg whites scrambled. With some hot sauce. This was quite good!
Poor bikers – it was a cold day and rainy.
We had a cup of coffee and I ate my strawberries while waiting for the bikers. We were excited!
Poor John, I always cut his head off :D. We actually timed it pretty well (or John did, I should say). It was quite exciting. I have never seen a live bike race before. I have been to plenty of running races, but the tempo of this was so fast compared to that! Here is a video of the main group.
You can hear me start to freak out about how close the bikers came to us and you can hear them hit their brakes around the curve. It was a hard left curve. We were on the curb and not even in the road and they came so close! I actually got a little scared
That was a rush. They were so colorful, too. I can’t believe how close they ride together at that speed. Average speed is around 25-30 miles an hour on this course.
Then other small clusters came by.
They were also going fast.
Ooops – missed the biker here He just shot right past my camera.
One lonely Trek rider, way behind.
It was all over so fast. Next year, I want to go to the finish area, but it is another 1/2 hour away, so we couldn’t do that today with my work. I want to ride so bad!
Also noted were some lovely azaleas!
Had to get back to work, although it would have been nice to hang around and see the bikers come through again (they do a double 62-mile loop). Got to work and there was some to do, so I got busy. John made lattes and I had a snack to go with:
Granola nut clusters. Addictive!
John made up some of the 5-minute healthy bread from the book I bought him:
It was perfection! I had a slice with my dinner salad:
I am going to have to work some of this into my eating this week. So good. John is happy because the recipe worked! There is more dough in the fridge, so he can bake whenever he wants.
Pear for dessert:
Well, that fun today comes at a price of having to work late tonight, but it was worth it!
Tomorrow I will talk about me being in Shape and more pictures from the photo shoot we did a couple months ago!
I am also going to venture to the gym for the first time in almost 2 weeks to do some light lifting. I need to get back into some routine again.
Glad to see you are getting better!
Bike races are scary. I went to one once and I was terrified the riders were all going to wipe out going around the corner. Too nerve wracking for me to watch.
Love the flowers!
I am sure having to work at night was worth the lovely day you had.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..My Week Challenge Update #5 and Week #16 Goals =-.
Wow, that bike race was FAST!!! Poor lonely last biker…I can empathize with him, lol!
I went to Panera this morning and thought of you!
Have a great workout tomorrow – even with limitations, it will be good to get back in the gym. Just wish you weren’t hurting, still.
Oooo – what did you have at Panera? I will be glad to get back to at least sort of a routine tomorrow. Will have to see how it goes.
Ahhh!!! I saw you in Shape today!! I was standing in line at the grocery store flipping through it and there you were! I freaked out – sorry
You look uh-mazing in that photo. Dare I say, radiant? 
That video of the cyclists is crazy! It’s one of my dad’s dreams to go spectate at the Tour de France, and I always tease him about it because you have to travel for hours for 30 seconds of action.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Flashback Friday – The Chubby Years =-.
I freaked out when I saw it, too LOL! I was in Barnes and Noble and I could barely contain a squeal.
The race was so cool, scary, and exciting. It’s a lot like horse racing, if you have ever been!
I wish they had a Panera bread here!!
And I want my Shape magazine to come!! I can’t wait to see you!!
Wow! That dinner salad looks amazing!! What all is in there? 5 minute bread? Did you post a recipe for that?
Way to go on maintaining a 105 lb weight loss!! Gees, you could be superwoman!
It’s the book Healthy Artisan Bread in 5 minutes. It isn’t really only 5 minutes, but it is pretty much hand’s off.
That bread looks AMAZING! How can it only take 5 minutes???
Oh, boy, I am going to be at a Barnes and Nobel tomorrow–gonna get my Shape magazine! I’m glad you are going to the gym tomorrow. BE CAREFUL!!
.-= debby´s last blog ..One thought. =-.
It really means 5 minutes of prep time. You do have to let the bread rise in the fridge, but there is no kneading at all. It was really, really easy.
I WANT THAT BREAD! YUM!!!! Hey, my sis sent me that book abut a year a go. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you survive the gym & glad you are hoping to be better! I don’t get Shape anymore so I best go check it out at the store! Congrats!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Reunion Update =-.
That bread looks awesome! It is bike racing season here too, we just had a big race that started in our town last week – it is exciting to see how fast those guys go.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..15 Down! =-.
I am sosoo eager to hear about your shape experience!!!
and see pics.
and link it.
and cheer you on.
all that.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..NO EXCUSES! exercise (part one). =-.
Wow- those bikers are super fast! I’d be afraid to be biking that fast around so many people, if I COULD bike that fast! haha I’d probably topple over and take everyone along with me!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..The Weekend =-.
I won that same bread book and none of my loaves have come out looking so perfect!
.-= Simply Life´s last blog ..Brownies with My NEW Mixer! =-.
oh lori i love this! we were both watching cycling yesterday-how fun! I MUST HAVE MISSED IT….WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FOOT OR LEG?
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..I Could Get the Bug =-.
I herniated a disk in my back, which pressed on the sciatic nerve, so I am going to be recovering for a few weeks from that. Boooo!!!
that bread looks good. I’m going to see if my library has that book.
.-= megan´s last blog ..Sunday Dinner – April 18th (Sinusy Fog Edition) =-.
John’s bread looks divine! There’s just something about homemade, warm bread – yum!
I can’t wait to hear the details! Hope you’re back to 100% soon.
I am now on my way out to pick up Shape
I am just back from vacation and catching up. I am sorry to hear about your injury and hope it heals quickly. I think I have the new issue of shape from the post office. I can’t wait to go read it!
.-= Kat´s last blog ..Spring Challenge Update =-.
Wondering how the gym went for you? Hope ok. I’m sorry you’re still hurting but hope it continues to improve. I’ve never seen a live bike race either, looks thrilling *smile*. Your bagel always look yummy.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Monday back to work and challenge info =-.
It went well! I took it easy, but it was sooooo good to get back into a routine of some sort.
That bread looks so good, like fancy bakery good. (Here is where I once again curse gluten!) All my bread attempts are so ugly.
I’m looking so forward to my Shape! Can’t wait to see you in there. I always get it way after it hits newstands. Grrr…
Glad to hear you are continually improving!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..I Love St. Patrick’s Day! =-.
So, does John have a brother? One who either lives in the Memphis area or is willing to relocate?
The race looks like fun! We don’t have a race locally, though we do have some mass rides that are fun to watch.
Keep the faith on the injury. {stern look}: And take it easy on the weights!{end stern}
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life (Book Review) =-.
Haha – no brother. I do thank his parents, though – they raised him right!
I did take it easy at the gym and had a very good workout
Glad you are slowly getting better and made it to the gym. Bet that felt great. I remember you posted about your visit to the doctor and linked to the muscle you injured — but refresh my memory again, are you healing a torn muscle, or a ripped one? In any case, I hope the healing speeds up for you, although I’d wager you are already a fast fixer-upper, considering your fantastic good health!
.-= Ishmael´s last blog ..Biking and Birds =-.