Back to work time today. Ever get a little out of routine and it messes you up? I start every day with a glass of water. My water glass was not in the bathroom, since it was in the dishwasher, so I didn’t get started with that, and then I left my camera at home for bagel day! Ooops! I would have forgotten our reusable grocery bags if John hadn’t brought them, too.
Here is approximately what breakfast looked like:
Asiago cheese bagel! Move over Picasso….
Stopped for groceries and got a whole bunch of fruit. I wonder if I eat too much fruit? Also extra veggies (will explain later).
Had a busy start to the work day, which is a little unusual for Sundays, but I’ll take it! Then broke for lunch:
Egg puff on tortilla with laughing cow. I loves me some hot sauce!
Regarding the 100-mile bike ride. Sometimes I forget that I haven’t posted or written about something, and then mention it later to much confusion. There is no specific ride John and I are doing, but I wanted a challenge to myself this summer and that sounded like a nice way to do it. So, we are going to do a day of 100 miles this summer (after we are better conditioned for long rides). It will take us all day long, so it has to be during maximum day length. We are trying to map a route that will allow stops for rest and eating along the way. I am excited about it
Work slowed down in the afternoon, so I went for a nice leisurely walk. Have to take a rest day, so I consciously walked slower. This little guy was having a snack!
Speaking of, I came back and made lattes.
And some fruit:
John cooked up a pork loin for dinner that was oh-so-good! You will see this a few times this week, as there is a lot left.
So, regarding the extra veggies. My goal this week is to have more vegetables. That means I am going to make sure I add a serving of vegetables to lunch each day as well as having them for dinner. Seems appropriate for National Nutrition Month! Anyone want to join me on this challenge this week?
Giveaway tomorrow!
Question: Extra serving of veggie challenge anyone?
Your bagel picture cracked me up! More veggies? Yes please!
I eat vegetables at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think I am covered!
Love the breakfast pic.
The 100 mile bike ride sounds like a great challenge. I am already looking forward to you going so I can see all the pics after.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..My Week Challenge Update #1 and Week #12 Goals =-.
The 100 mile bike ride sounds like a wonderful idea!
And the bagel picture cracked me up! Such artistry . . . .
.-= Laura (G.G.)´s last blog ..Boxing and Tire Flips? Who, Me? =-.
Sorry Lori, Picasso you are not.
I did get a good laugh out of your drawings. They are better than I could have done.
I’m in for the veggie challenge. It shouldn’t be too hard as I love my veggies.
You’ve inspired me to get my bike out and actually ride it this season. The 100 mile ride sounds like a fun challenge. Enjoy the ride.
Hands down, the yummiest bagel I’ve ever seen
There must be some sort of trail or “tour” in your area that you can do 100 miles on. My sister really wants to do a 3-day ride along the Quebec/New Brunswick border. Beautiful area, but I’m a wuss!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Trainer Training =-.
I LOVE veggies so this will be an easy challenge for me!
Good luck training for your 100 mile ride this summer!
.-= Josie´s last blog ..Day 1 on Weight Watchers & a new definition of sore =-.
You know, I saw that picture and immediately thought “asiago cheese bagel” – lol!
I hear ya on feeling the need for the extra veggies – I’m in!
And I probably eat too much fruit, but it’s better than too many cookies, right? Baby steps…
Love the squirrel picture!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Randomness =-.
Great idea about the veggies, I know I don’t eat enough of them. I will see what I can do this week.
.-= Ron´s last blog ..What a beautiful day today =-.
I think I already eat enough veggies, but now I will have to pay attention. I know I eat a lot of fruit. sometimes for the discipline of it, I will limit myself to one piece of fruit per day. That is hard though. And once in a while, on a day when I am home, I will let myself eat all the fruit and dairy that i want! Hilarious drawing.
.-= debby´s last blog ..A Brief History of debby and dogs =-.
You always seem to have a lot of veggies in your lunch and dinner pictures, so I’m curious to see how this week’s challenge changes that! I’m game to join you, too, which means I really need to go grocery shopping!
But in the spirit of things and since I’m feeling peckish, I think I’ll go peel a big navel orange to snack on right now.
.-= Jane´s last blog ..An OK Weekend =-.
I don’t always have veggies with lunch (but always fruit), so this is really where I need to make sure I get them in every day.
I’m with you on the more veggies thing. When it comes to fruit and veggies I tend to choose fruit, and often wonder if I eat too much. I love veggies and try to sneak them into sandwiches and side dishs but I snack on fruit and add them to almost every meal
.-= Nora@LiveLifeEatRight´s last blog ..So Fresh and So GREEN! =-.
I will join on you on eating more veggies…though what I really need to focus on is fruit! I’ll aim for both this week!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Friday Night Thoughts ~ Rachel =-.
I’m all for extra veggies. And 100-mile bike rides! And yes, I get all messed up when my water glass isn’t where it should be. Ah, routine…(BTW, you might consider drawing more of your food photos…I’d love to see how you’d draw oatmeal :))
.-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..That’s Not My Name and That’s OK =-.
I don’t know as drawing oatmeal would be appetizing at all LOL!
Yes, that bagel pic was too funny!
Man, that bike ride sounds like a great challenge & doing it with John too. How exciting!
OK, will try the veggies thing! I buy frozen veggies these days so I always have some in the freezer. All natural & no added anything. I love the fresh but the frozen are saving me money.
Loved the pic of the squirrel too!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Keeping Women Motivated, the FJ Way; Giveaway Winner =-.
More veggies is always an awesome idea!
.-= Andra´s last blog ..The Fitness Paradox =-.
Breakfast looks very interesting.
It’s amazing squirrels can stuff their mouths with things as big as their heads. So funny.
I think we live about 100 miles from you, so go ahead and hop on your bikes and come to dinner in Utica. We’d love to see you. That way I can talk you into doing the Albany marathon in Oct. There’s always an alterior motive, isn’t there
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Will the fun never end =-.
100 miles would get me to your house, then we would have to get back LOL!
LOL love the drawing!
.-= Ash @ Good Taste. Healthy Me´s last blog ..Hiatus Over =-.
I’m so bad about getting enough veggies. I’ll try to up them this week!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..I Love St. Patrick’s Day! =-.
Guess what I had for dinner tonight? Broccoli
Every time I eat that now I think of you!
I think it’s a great challenge to do that 100 miles together with John. I can imagine you look forward to that.
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Monday March 22th 2010 =-.
I loves me some hot sauce too. The only thing I don’t put it on is cereal.
I’m trying to be more consistent with my veggie eating. Some days I blow it out of the water others not so much.
Yes, I’m in! I love vegetables, but somehow have not been getting enough lately!