I was tagged by Carrie at Love Healthy Living with 10 Random Things About Me.
Here they are as they pop into my head:
1. I am 41 and have never broken a bone, and I should have several times. I think I am made of cement.
2. Mushrooms and olives cannot enter my mouth. I can’t even eat a piece of lettuce that had an olive sitting on it. My teeth literally bounce back open if I bite down on them and I can’t swallow them.
3. I get weepy every time that Sarah McLaughlin ASPCA commercial comes on TV (and it was on at least 3 times last night). I am a total sucker.
4. My nickname in undergraduate college was L.A. The initials of my first and middle names. A friend decided it was too long to say both, so she shortened them up and it stuck for 4 years.
5. When I was a young girl, I used to think a pound of lead weighed more than a pound of feathers.
6. I like to dance around, much to the amusement of my husband (unless I am doing it in the grocery store).
7. I don’t like wine, but love beer and mixed drinks.
8. I work on a PC because I have to, but I am a Mac girl at heart since the early 90s.
9. As much as I smile all the time, I am actually fairly self-conscious about my crooked teeth.
10. I am the Galaga arcade game queen, and whenever I see one of those old machines somewhere, I must play.
Random tagging to learn about these 2 bloggers!
I never even noticed your teeth in your pictures, so there ya go – your smile still shines through
I don’t like wine either. I’ve tried SO many times to drink it and convince myself it’s tasty, but most of the time it just stimulates my gag reflex. Blech.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Out of Hibernation =-.
i too get wippy with the aspca commercial-can’t handle the site of neglected or sad animals…..love that you love to dance
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..New Food =-.
Thanks for sharing! What fun interesting facts. We became Mac people two years ago and don’t plan on turning back. However, kept the PC for the kids to use…though it drives me nuts now when I have to use it.
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Perfect 10 Final Update =-.
Too funny about the mushrooms and olives!! You and my oldest daughter would get along famously!!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Thoughts on Airplane Seating =-.
Yay, you did it!
Very interesting random facts. You should be proud of your strong bones, means you’ll age well!
.-= Carrie (Love Healthy Living)´s last blog ..Chickpea Burger Recipe =-.
I’m a mac girl too!
.-= Michelle @ Find Your Balance´s last blog ..If there’s one vegetable you buy this week… =-.
I’m the exact same way about olives but I love mushrooms. And that ASPCA commercial kills me…we already have two big dogs and it kills me that I can’t just go save more!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Goals for the Week ~ Rachel =-.
Too funny!
.-= 266´s last blog ..Sitting, Sleeping, And Snacking =-.
Mac all the way!!
I cannot watch that ASPCA commercial either! I have to mute it or leave the room!
.-= kilax´s last blog ..Loving Legumes: Roasted Chickpeas =-.
That is too funny about the mushrooms and olives. Two of my favorite pizza toppings.
And I almost missed this post where you tagged me. Darn it. Doesn’t everybody know EVERYTHING about me already???
.-= debby´s last blog ..Decision! =-.
Love that! I hear ya on teeth! I smile but I am self conscious!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..What Should I Do with the Rest of My Life? GIVEAWAY! =-.
I cry like a baby during that ASPCA commercial, also. It’s so sad to see them with all of their injuries. I want to bring them all home with me and give them love!!
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