Woke up this morning and figured I would run outside today, so I ate breakfast first. Custard banana oats!
Yum. We sat and goofed around on the computers for a long time this morning and then when I looked up to run – it was sprinkling outside! It looked like it would pass, so we waited a little bit and went out. It was windy and cold. Hit up the track, where I did 4 miles and John did 3. Here is me finished.
Don’t be fooled by that smile. What I really was thinking was “Who’s idea was this, anyway??” I even voiced that to John a couple times, to which he said “We already established that it was your idea.”
Came home and had a quick protein snack of powder mixed with water and some almond butter (really dry almond butter) before showering.
While getting ready, John asked if I wanted to go shopping! Was I going to say ‘no’?? I don’t think so! We headed out to Saratoga Springs and the mall down there. Stopped at Esperanto for a quick lunch. They just remodeled and the place is a lot nicer. Very local feeling:
Here I am all cleaned up.
And my hot date (he has windblown hair):
I had the beans and rice dish.
It was quite good, but a lot of food! I only ate about 1/2 of this figuring we would probably stop for coffee in a couple hours. I was right!
We certainly have been going out a lot the last few days. Not a lot of money each time, but it can add up.
We hit the grocery store on the way home and you can see the colorful display of Peeps! That means spring is just about here, right?
I actually love Peeps. I remember when they just used to be the yellow ones!
Could I have put more of my favorites onto my dinner plate tonight?
This was a bagel thin egg sandwich with laughing cow. Plus my 2 favorite produce partners! Not that big a fan of the bagel thin, though. It was pretty much and Arnold thin.
Speaking of berries, I got a great picture from one of my blog readers. Summer sent me a photo of her at a strawberry festival in Florida last week.
A girl after my own heart….
Chocolate update. I have been really good with the chocolate. I had one square of John’s bar yesterday and today I just didn’t feel like having any. Isn’t that weird? Maybe it is just comforting to have all that chocolate in the house or something
Question: Peep lover or do you think they are gross?
I’m swooning over those strawberries. I can’t wait until the arrive at the farmer’s market! Yes, that’s how I am with my chocolate stash. I know it’s there and I can have it whenever I want, yet I honestly don’t go for often at all. Knowing I can have it is enough sometimes.
.-= Andra´s last blog ..Friday Weigh-In and Retraining Taste Buds =-.
I love peeps and like to nuke them to make softer. I heard there were going to be chocolate covered peeps this year but haven’t seen any on the shelves yet.
.-= cindy´s last blog ..10 RANDOM THINGS =-.
Former peep addict here.
I’ve steered clear of the Easter candy so far this year, it’s dangerous. Your husband is so sweet, did he really ask to go shopping? Mine hates it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
.-= Carrie (Love Healthy Living)´s last blog ..Non-Cook Oatmeal Step-by-Step =-.
Not a part of the peep nation. Just never was my thing. I’m all about the peanut butter eggs.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Dick’s Sporting Goods Needs Me! (w/Giveaway Opp) =-.
I think Peeps are cute, but I don’t want to eat them.
Great pics…
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..The "Perfect 10" Challenge – Final Update =-.
I OD’d on Peeps one year when I was in middle school. Since then I love seeing the new colors and animals but the thought of eating them makes me nauseous. b
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..A new week, a "new" plan (Week 7) =-.
I am not a peeps fan, but my kids sure do love them! I can’t wait for strawberries to pop up here!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Freezing Can Help You Prepare =-.
If the world’ was stocked with only Peeps, licorice and chocolate covered cherries, I’d be rail thin.
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Making Adjustments =-.
In our house Peeps are very special because since you can’t buy them here in Belgium we only ever get them if someone visits around Easter.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Ten Random Things about Me =-.
I picked up strawberries for the first time this season at Costco today, so excited! Congrats on the run this AM. I am not a big fan of peeps, Mini Eggs on the other hand..
.-= Run Sarah´s last blog ..Friday Favourites =-.
I’m not a big fan of regular peeps, but the chocolate covered ones that just came out are fabulously delicious.
.-= Pink Panda´s last blog ..Lost in Taiwanlation #2 – Close Call =-.
Oh you’re bagel sandwich looks so good!
.-= Simply Life´s last blog ..Ginger and Tofu Noodles & GIVEAWAY! =-.
Ewwwww peeps! I hate anything marshmellow-y. I guess thats a good think, I don’t need any extra foods to love. I am drooling over the cadbury creme eggs. I have to tell myself to just walk away.
I’m pretty indifferent to Peeps but my mother loves them. She opens them out and lets them sit on the counter for a couple days to get them nice and stale. I always thought she was weird.
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..For Mushroom Lovers Only ~ Rachel =-.
I had to look up what Peeps are, we don’t have those in Holland so in answer to your question: I don’t like peeps
Good that you went outside running, just keep doing that and Spring will surely think to itself one day: allright this Lori is still coming back for a run, you know what: I’ll let the sun shine
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Friday March 12th 2010 =-.
That is a beee-yoo-tiful picture of you Lori!!!
I think peeps are another one of those American things, as I’ve never had one before. I assume they’re just marshmallow? If that’s the case, then it’s safe to say I’d love them. I’m a sucker for marshmallow!!
Like Sarah, I also bought my first strawberries of the season yesterday. Things are looking up!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Out of Hibernation =-.
Good job on the run!
I’m a Peep lover. I was cleaning out a cabinet and found an abandoned package of Halloween Peeps. They make them for every season now!
I’m also a destroyer of Peeps. They look so cool in the microwave. They get HUGE!
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Weekly Workouts =-.
Looks like a great day to me! Rice and beans are such a wonderful combo! I love Peeps, always have. But I’m a big marshmallow lover in general. There’s even Halloween and Christmas Peeps. I just want them to be an Easter thing, but I can’t always have what I want! Have a great Sunday!
.-= Andrea @ CanYouStayForDinner.com´s last blog ..Cupcakes Galore! =-.
Congrats on that drizzly run! I was out even with the time change but it was clear as a bell hear & about 43 degrees when I went out… although expecting 70ish today & may even around 80 tomorrow & Tuesday before it heads back into the 70’s again. Love that. Our winter in southern CA has been rainy & cold!
Those peeps! They are showing up for every holiday here! BUT, I always remember them from Easter time. Me, I like the jelly beans! I don’t buy any so I am not tempted!
Have a great day or should I say the rest of it.:-)
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Truth & Lies! =-.
I have went 50 years without eating a Peep, I don’t think I will start now either!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..My riding buddy =-.
I’m a peep lover. But only the traditional yellow peeps. None of those lavender or hot pink bunny peels for me. I might indulge in a peep or two on Easter, along with a little hollow chocolate palmer’s easter bunny (the only ones worth eating, IMO.
The rice and beans reminds me of one of my new favorite dishes that Vicky prepares–rice and lentils. I need to find out how she cooks these. I only tried lentils once and I overcooked them and now I am afraid to try again!
You’re gonna have to describe the taste of your protein powder concoctions. So far they aren’t enticing me.
The giant chest of strawberries looks amazing. I got some at the grocery today, but I can hardly wait til the little stands open around here to get some really good ones.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Decision! =-.
It’s the reese’s PB eggs that get me. I can’t help myself.
I love starwberries too!!! They’ve started selling local stawberries and my girls and I have been esting 2pts a week. Thank goodness they’re healthy.
I’m not a peep lover, but I always put two in our Easter basket. My friend is and I have fun buying her peeps multiple times a year, especially now that she’s moved out of the country.
Definitely makes you think spring is on the way!!!
Oh, and the Reese’s PB egg is my thing! Oh my..it is making my mouth water to think about it. Still deciding if I will be buying one this year. Or maybe just one would be good, right?? LOL
not a fan of peeps. What a fun shopping day though!
.-= Ash @ Good Taste. Healthy Me´s last blog ..Hurry Up Spring! =-.