I loved the things all of you would say to your past selves! Thanks for the comments on my photos, too. There is always mixed feeling of shame and embarrassment in putting those up there. …
Saturday morning and out to breakfast! We took my folks out as a thank you for when we were on the cruise and they watched Pixie and the house for us. They have not been to Maude’s kitchen, so that is where we took them. I love Maude’s!
I had my usual cheese omelet!
It was weird eating here before working out, as we have only come here on a gym workout day. I actually was showered
John got a short stack of blueberry pancakes. Fluffy white things, so good, but dense.
He could only eat half of these.
I thought these shakers were pretty cute.
Thanks Mom and Dad!
We then spent some time at their house looking at photo albums and laughing at my mullet in highschool from the 80s. Needed to let breakfast digest for a couple hours before hitting the gym for my run!
I have never been to the gym on a Saturday afternoon. It was full of preeners
Busted out 6 miles today:
I would not recommend a breakfast like the above on a longer run day. I was getting a little bit of heartburn, which is really rare for me.
Segue to this FAQ:
I was wondering what you have to eat pre-workout? This is just me, and it has taken a lot of playing around to find my comfort level of food for workouts. I exercise pretty much exclusively in the mornings because my work day starts at 10 am, and I don’t always know what time I will finish. On run days, I eat a bigger snack – usually around 150 to 200 calories prior to going to the gym. This is either accomplished with a bar of some sort (balance or Luna) or 1/2 a bagel/toast with PB. Yogurt smoothies are also really good. On days where I don’t run, but do lifting, I tend to eat about 100 calories of dates with nut butter. If I have eaten a heavy dinner or had a late snack where I go to bed full, I won’t always eat a pre-workout snack on my lighter days. I have not found that much difference if I eat or not at those times. Otherwise, the snack gives me the energy I need to get through a longer workout.
If I exercise later in the day, I don’t bother eating a pre-workout snack as I have been already eating during the daytime.
After my run, I came home and had a snack:
Then a shower and some game playing:
I do like video games, but don’t get to play them as much as I used to!
And John made me this (yes, it is on the floor…):
It’s been a lazy day and I love it! It’s also been a really weird eating day. I never really ate lunch because of the big breakfast, but had a few snacks. I am craving carbs like crazy (yesterday, too). I think it is PMS, but irregardless, I am giving my body what it is wanting today. So, I kind of felt like oats for dinner!
Isn’t that weird? But it totally hit the spot. I would rather give in to the cravings sometimes rather than eat way more calories trying to eat my way around it if I can’t get satisfied. Know what I mean?
Question: Do you give your body what it craves or do you work around it?
I usually give me body what it wants/craves unless I don’t have it or its ridiculous haha. I have been craving carbs LIKE CRAZY, and I think it might be because I am eating way too many. I’m trying to pull back and see if that helps. Tonight I also was craving ice cream for dinner, but I had an omelette and now I’ll have ice cream. I’m trying to work with the cravings haha.
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..(Raw) Falafels! =-.
Aww! I was just reading your blog when your comment popped up!
happy coincidence!
Love the “will trad coffee for gossip” sign! I need one!
.-= Tamzin´s last blog ..Saturdays Workout brought to you by Cement =-.
I’ve been giving in to my cravings more and trying not to think too hard about it or beat myself up! I’ve definitely been craving carbs a lot; I think it’s cuz I need the serotonin:) I’m going to play around with it more and see what happens!
.-= Marisa (Loser for Life)´s last blog ..The Method and Madness =-.
Good run! Depends on the craving, but usually I try to go with it but not go crazy. Sometimes you just need chocolate, right?? (that’s what I usually crave)
.-= Britt @ Runnerbelle´s last blog ..The Aftermath…… =-.
I love the shakers! How cute!
I try to work around the cravings…try. I can’t wait for my cruise! That’s when I give in
.-= April´s last blog ..Let them eat cake =-.
I just found your blog and it is lovely. I really like how you combine pictures into your posts… especially the yummy food.
If I gave my body what it craved I would be 437 pounds.
Maude’s looks great and your parents looked pretty happy to be there.
Love the shakers. I went to a restaurant last summer in Collingwood and they had so many cute sets.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Happy Anniversary and Week #9 Goals =-.
Generally I give it what it wants – I just try to portion it out better than I would have in the past. I’m with you that it is dangerous to try and ‘eat around’ a real craving sometimes.
.-= 266´s last blog ..Doctor Who? =-.
I do both–give in sometimes and work around it sometimes. If I am pretty sure it will take care of my needs, I will give in. In other words, if I am craving some breakfast type thing for dinner, as long as there is some protein in it, I will usually let myself have it, and lots of times I will supplement it with a vegetable, which really satisfies me. LIke, I will have cottage cheese and fruit and a plate of roasted brussel sprouts.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Doing the Things that Scare Me =-.
Is that Fable?
I generally try to work around cravings when I know I don’t have the calories to “hit the spot”, otherwise I give myself a small dose of what it is to give me back my sanity.
.-= Pink Panda´s last blog ..Pouting Pandas Association =-.
I’ve learned to give into my cravings – I’ve realized that if not I just eat a bunch of other random stuff until I’m satisfied!
I usually give into my cravings unless they are totally ridiculous. I have found that if i’m really craving something and i try to eat around it then i end up having what i was craving anyway PLUS all the calories i ate trying to eat around it.
Loved the post, but seriously…a mullet?? LOL I canNOT see you with a mullet! Post a photo, please, pretty please??
.-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..The Spice is Right =-.
Aww, Maude’s looks like the cutest little breakfast spot! I’d love it!
Great job on your running, it’s inspiring!
And I usually try to eat what I’m craving because I realize, like you said, that if I don’t eat what I truly want I’m just going to end up eating more.
I’m glad I found your blog- it’s great!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
“I would rather give in to the cravings sometimes rather than eat way more calories trying to eat my way around it if I can’t get satisfied”
YES! It took me a looong time to figure this out. Often, I’ll munch away at random things when I’m hungry, consuming more calories than if I had just made myself a real snack. Silly. Now I try to just listen to my body, and my weight/size hasn’t budged because of it
Also, I do the opposite for pre-workout fuel! Usually 50-100 calories of sugar before running, because my tummy is suuuuper sensitive when I run. But if I don’t eat close to 200 calories before weight lifting, it will start to rumble mid-workout, and I feel really weak after! Our bodies are such mysteries. Dates + nut butter is the best ever though.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Fatty February Wrap-Up & Then Some =-.
No I try to stick to my meals and snacks that I’ve planned otherwise I would gain and gain if I eat everytime my body thinks it wants to eat
Nice Saturday you’ve had.
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Sunday February 28th 2010 =-.
Since I’ve started working out super early, I try to have something small (no more than 125 calories or so) before I hit the gym. I’ll have a Clif Kid-Z bar, 1/2 Flat Out with preserves or a small banana. After drinking 16 oz of water with a scoop of GNC Amplified NO Loaded, my stomach can’t take much else
Your breakfast looks so yummy! I love some fluffy blueberry pancakes on the weekends!
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..Saturday Stroganoff =-.
I love places like Maude’s. I’ve been pondering going to the one nearest my house someday this week. Maybe as a reward for completing the painting?
I’ll usually let my cravings run a little, and sometimes they run right out of my mind. If they stick, I figure out a way to work them in.
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Some Friday Topic Hoppin’ =-.
It depends on what my body is craving. If it is something I know I cannot control myself with, such as lasagna, I don’t give in. Other things I will, but I also weigh the consequences before I give in.
.-= South Beach Steve´s last blog ..Is Spring Around the Corner? =-.
Nice pace on the treadmill!!!
I tend to give in to my cravings, although I have to say I don’t crave crazy bad things anymore, so when I want something odd, I usually go for it. Most of the time it’s something like craving Greek yogurt for dinner.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..GLOW Run 5K Recap! =-.
Your parents are sooo cute!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Pic of me in my sexy evening attire! =-.