Thanks for the nice comments yesterday about my flashback fat feelings. It just nice sometimes to admit to these things and know you aren’t alone. So, I hit the gym for run day today. I set the treadmill at 5.5 mph and just chugged it out while listening to my player. I had downloaded Casandra Forsythe‘s podcast as I mentioned yesterday. You know, I liked listening to people talk while jogging. I normally listen to music, but this maybe made the time go by faster? I don’t know why that would be. It made me think some and nod my head in agreement a lot. Sometimes I didn’t quite agree with what was said. I really liked how this interview was 2 real women talking about fitness in a way that isn’t all magazine headline and ‘lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks’ kind of thing. Also interesting to note is that Cassandra is quite far into a pregnancy, so she also talks a lot about what she does and does not do being pregnant. They also brought up a great point about how women just always aren’t nice to each other (or themselves). We cannot appreciate someone for just being, but there has to be a “She’s too skinny/fat/muscular/tall/short/old/wrinkled/etc” thrown in there. Whatever that blank is. Why is that?? Quite a long interview, too. It was about an hour and got me most of the way through my run, which was 6 miles.
I was ready to eat! I wanted a fast breakfast, so it was Cream of Wheat time! Made with a mashed banana, cinnamon, and topped with the last of the pecan butter and some chips. These are regular size chips, and it looks like so few compared to the minis! They still got nice and melty, though.
There’s some chip dust on there, too, from the end of the bag. I was sad when the bowl was done.
Fun note: I received a wonderful email from Brad Schoenfeld and I about fell over! You know that I recommend a couple of his books 28-Day-Shapeover and Sculpting Her Body Perfect. Anyway, he apparently stumbled across my blog and he mentioned me on his blog! I was so flattered! Eeeeeee!!!!!!!! You all know how I loves my lifting
Still in the ‘use things up’ mode in the house. We have a lot of food! Lunch was the rest of the greek yogurt with a little agave, some Special K Protein cereal and strawberries.
I like the Special K, but I noticed it has HFCS in it. Booo…. Doesn’t stop me from snacking in it though, I noticed. LOL
Snack time involved more of yesterday’s item:
I am snacky snacky lately. I’ve been swamped with stuff in the last few days and just tend to eat. Not to mention the long run. I tell you, wish I were earning more money for how busy I am!
Dinner was a pizza made from a Josef’s Pita. These are nice and soft and make a good crust, if not a little thin.
Topped with chicken, feta cheese and a piece of crumbled bacon (couldn’t resist the last piece that John cooked…..mmmmm…. bacon).
I have made so many spelling errors tonight. I made peanut butter after dinner, and managed to slice my finger cleaning off the blade. See what happens when you try to do stuff yourself
Owie. It always seems like when I cut myself, it is where the digit bends, and that makes it hard to type. Of course, my job requires typing all day long, so I’ll probably be swearing some tomorrow LOL! Thank goodness for spell checker. Going to have some pineapple later for a snack. Good thing that is already cut up
Enter here to win some Barney Butter at Healthy Living!
Question: Do you listen to music or podcasts when working out? Which do you like better?
Wow, that is so awesome about Brad Schoenfeld! It is so cool that your that popular now. I just don’t have the readership that you do. I hope to one day though, it makes having a blog super fun and the friends you make through blogging are just wonderful. You have done great.
Sorry about your finger. I have a bad habit of cutting my fingers on a regular basis, especially when I sharpen my knives. My family jokes that I should just stick with dull spoons!
I listen to the Gateway to 8k podcast on my days for practicing 8k running. The other days it’s music but, having something else interesting would be great.
.-= Karyn´s last blog ..Birthday fun! =-.
I like to listen to music. The beat helps me to keep going!
.-= Foodie Girl´s last blog ..New Recipe, New Year =-.
How very cool that you got a shout out from Brad!!!
I have never listened to anything via an iPod while I work out. I know, weird, eh?!?
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..My Diet =-.
Wow, how great you got a shout-out – that’s awesome!!!
I only have listened to music…might think about trying a book or something similar when I transition to outside running for my longer distances later this winter. We’ll see…
.-= PTG1002´s last blog ..lack of computer = lack of posting =-.
Ouch, I hate typing with a bandadi! Speaking of transcription, any hints for someone who is just beginning to dictate? I think the transcriptionist must be laughing at me from the other side!
Well, don’t talk too fast and don’t try to spell anything out. Let the transcriptionist do that LOL!
We won’t laugh too hard, I promise
Very cool re: Brad!
I listen to music, but I’m trying to figure out how to download some podcasts! As soon as I get the technology figured out, I’ll let you know which I prefer. Grrr.
Congrats on the run! I’ve tried listening to podcasts before but I think I like music better because I can sing along in my head
.-= Danielle (Coffee Run)´s last blog ..Getting Back into the Groove =-.
Sounds like you had a great run today! My elliptical machine is in my office and I have a little 12 inch tv in there too. I tivo programs and always have a good choice to choose from. Sometimes I will listen to music. I have been meaning to download some podcasts for my outdoor walks.
.-= Kat´s last blog ..Thankful Tuesday =-.
I can’t wait until I can run 6 miles. You must feel so fabulous after that. Sorry to hear about your finger. As always your food looks great!
.-= Debra´s last blog ..3-day review =-.
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I hate having to type with a bandage on. Have you tried the liquid bandaid stuff? It helps a little. Hope the finger feels better soon.
I’m usually listen to music or watch TV while working out. I’m going to have to find some good podcasts and see if it helps divert my attention away from how much longer I have to run
Big congrats on that mention!!! How exciting! Yup, weights are cool!
I hear you on women always saying these negative things about others.. we all need to correct that. I did that a lot when I was younger.. I think it is jealousy & more..
OUCH on your finger! Hope that gets better soon!
I listen to music but I have just a little iPod shuffle so….
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..LA Boxing Giveaway; Pics of Me Boxing! =-.
Oh I’ve never had pecan butter – that sounds goood!
.-= Simply Life´s last blog ..How Do You Reduce Your Carbon Footprint? =-.
Hi Lori!
Just read your post on Monica’s blog! Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic story, you really are an inspiration! So happy I found your blog!
Hi Lori, I saw the podcast link on your blog and listened to it yesterday afternoon. I thought it was very interesting especially the part about her own struggles and how other women perceive women who lift weights. I am just starting NRL4W and so far it’s going okay. Some of the exercises look a bit daunting to me, I must admit! And my abs hurt for days after I did the jackknife on the swiss ball for the first time. Have you finished the whole book or are you still working on it?
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Just Another Tuesday Morning (not!) =-.
I’ve finished the whole book. Once you get past stage 1, it goes pretty fast, as stage 1 is the longest. If you think the jacknife is bad, wait until you do the planks!
I think I do better with music. I tend to stand still to pay attention! I’m one of those can’t walk and chew gum at the same time people! lol!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Bacon cupcakes rock! =-.
I have been so snacky too! It’s driving me crazy!
I have to listen to music. It always pumps me up!
I listen to music but I’ve been thinking about downloading some health podcasts, seems to work for you!
I would def. prefer podcasts over music if I listened to anything. Right now, I don’t listen to anything because I feel guilty ignoring my running partner (a dog! …I know, I know…).
Bah, I wish I could find waffle pretzels around here! Ever notice the shape of the pretzel makes all the difference in taste?
So cool about the Brad Schoenfeld thing!!
I listen to music when I run, anything else is podcasts. Actually I’ve been listening to only Jillian Michaels podcasts for the past few months and I’m finally almost done. Need to find a new fitness one to listen to!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Waffle Wednesday – An Ode to Waffles =-.