Hey there! Waving *hi* to all the new readers, there’s a lot! Please say hi in the comments or send me an email Hope you stay for a spell.
The start of the weekend for me. I actually slept until 7am this morning. I decided to have a nice long workout today with an exercise buffet:
- 20 minutes on the stationary bike (see, Debby??)
Lifting workout:
- Chin ups: 1 set of 3, 1 set of 2, 1 set of 2
- Barbell split squats: 3 sets of 8 at 65
- Incline dumbbell chest press: 3 sets of 8 with 25# dumbbells
- YTWL: 3 sets of 8 with 10# dumbbells
- Lunges: 3 sets of 8 with 35# bar
- Lat pull down: 3 sets of 10 at 60 pounds
Then I hit the treadmill for 2 miles of walking and 1 mile of running with speedwork. It was nice knowing I didn’t have to hurry to get back to go to work! John met me at the gym and he took me out for my football meal. We went to Maude’s and we couldn’t have gotten there soon enough. My arm was looking pretty tempting by this point. I wanted a good protein hit, so I had a 3 egg cheese omelet. I ate everything on this plate!
So. good. We had some strange salt and pepper shakers at our table.
Not sure what’s going on at Prince Edward Island, but it can’t be good …..
This was a pretty late breakfast (1o am), so I never ended up eating lunch! You know I don’t skip meals, but I also don’t want to eat just because. So, I got other errands done.
One of my New Year goals was to do something with my hair. I haven’t had it cut in about 11 months, since I was trying to grow it out. Well, not sure I was liking it, so I went and had it trimmed up and shaped.
This way I can decided to keep growing it, or cut it back to short again. She took off probably 3 inches! That’s a bit more than a trim. I have to say that I love it When I got back, it was snack time!
Plus this:
Okay, 2 of those….. This has not really been a stellar eating day. I took some time catching up on emails and my google reader! Whew.
I mentioned the word ‘pizza’ near dinner time, and John was all over that. We walked to get a slice. This place down the road has a deal for a drink and 2 slices for $4.50. We each eat 1 slice because they are pretty big. Talk about a cheap date! I usually bring my own bottle of water since I don’t drink fountain drinks. I got in the requisite broccoli on my slice
I am actually getting the protein powder post ready to go. It will be up some time tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!
Doing some R&R tonight. I think Pixie has the right idea:
Giveaway for the Lose The Diet book ends on Sunday!
FYI: This was the charity I donated to for Haiti victims: Medical Teams International
Question: Any fun plans for the weekend?
Great haircut!
.-= Desiree´s last blog ..Merry Christmas! =-.
We were going yp visit Mallard on his business trip but I am sick
Something strange is definitly going on at Prince Edward Island. I love the idea of broccoli as a pizza topping.
.-= Whole Body Love´s last blog ..I LOVE Challenges =-.
Food and the hair look great, sounds like you had another great day!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..The rest of my week =-.
You said you might do it…and you did! Love the hair!
I just love what you do with chocolate chips. I really need to pick up a bag…
.-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..Four Little Words: A SAD Remedy =-.
Very nice haircut!
No major plans for the weekend, but I think I’ll hit the gym again tomorrow and I’m kind of excited about that.
Like you, I don’t know if the runner’s high is real, but I sure felt good doing a whole mile without stopping. Someday I’ll look forward to hitting six…can’t even fathom that now.
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but your steel cut oats with banana, nut butter and chocolate chips looks SO GOOD…gotta find your recipe sometime for the nut butter. I’ll search your site more later.
Have a great weekend!
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Weigh-In … Cautiously Excited =-.
You’ll get there with the running. I never thought I would be doing 3 miles, let alone twice that!
Nut butters are easy if you have a food processor. Just grind away until they become butter. It takes a long time, so just be patient.
Love the hair cut. Pizza looks mega yummy as well
.-= Karla ´s last blog ..Post #21 =-.
Hair looks great, you beat me to it. I think I’m going tomorrow. Breakfast looked yummy.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Almost there =-.
This must be the day for new ‘do’s! Did you check out Susan’s?! Yours looks stunning – very flattering
Your pizza looks pretty scrumptious. I’ve never thought about putting broccoli on, but I’ll have to give it a try next time I make one at home!
As for the weekend, no plans except to see The Book of Eli at some point. I love some Denzel!
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..Haiti. =-.
Your haircut looks great. I saw you did 3 chin ups in a row today. Yay you!!!
Now, I have been to Prince Edward Island a couple of times and I have to tell you those shakers are an anomaly. Every potato I saw there had a happy face!!!
Broccoli even on your pizza. LOL!
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..The "Perfect 10" Challenge – Update #2 =-.
I did do 3 chinups, and they were really hard! LOL
Come over and get your award!
.-= Foodie Girl´s last blog ..My Recipe and Award =-.
Good grief, Lori–You’re really challenging me! I did 10 minutes on the bike and thought I was doing good. It always seems harder to me to do the mechanical sports instead of the real thing. And then you went over and did all that treadmill work! Oh well, I guess its better to be challenged by your exercises than to be tempted by your food!
.-= debby´s last blog ..Gratuitous “Noah” Shots =-.
I find the stationary riding to be much harder than real life riding, not sure why. These stationary bikes kind of hurt my back – so I don’t like to do them for long.
Your hair looks great. I’m getting my hair done too. Nothing like a relaxing couple hours at the salon.
What an amazing workout schedule. Great Job.
.-= Shelli Belly´s last blog ..Day 129 – Perfect 10 Great Progress =-.
Chicken Alfredo brocolli pizza? Is that what I think it is? Looks amazing :D.
.-= Tony´s last blog ..Unprocessed Pan-fried Chickpea Salad =-.
Your hair looks fantastic! Very well suited to you! I love it! =)
.-= Jo´s last blog ..Bookstore-Me & DS-Tomorrow! =-.
I love your hair, it looks great on you, it makes your face look soft! Keep it this way: love it!
Your meals look delicious as always, everyday you prove that eating healthy doesn’t have to mean you can’t eat delicious.
Thanks for the tip on the compliment card, I’ve written one with 5 lines that are important to me and I will check my card every night before going to sleep and see what the score is. This was a really helpful tip, thanks!
Love your new haircut!
Love the hair!! We are totally twinsies
Broccoli is one of my favourite pizza toppings – carrot is really good too! (although I don’t recommend strawberries :P)
I can actually say I’ve got fun things scheduled for the weekend! Including step class in an hour
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Winner Winner Chicken Dinner =-.
Strawberries would be awesome on a dessert pizza! Drizzled with chocolate??
Love your hair!!! And a good omelet, too! I don’t do such a bang-up job making them, so I love to get them when I go out for breakfast
.-= Marisa (Loser for Life)´s last blog ..Souper Giveaway =-.
I love your term of an “exercise buffet,” so much better than the alternative! The broccoli looks delish on that pizza, I need to try that! No big plans for the weekend for me! I plan on getting a workout in, relaxing, and reading for school. Sounds just perfect for me!
Have a good one!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Just an Update =-.
I am going to try to chill out this weekend. It has been a long week, and I am ready for some recovery time.
BTW, your hair looks great!
.-= South Beach Steve´s last blog ..Lose it or Lose it =-.
True, you are a cheap date – but that pizza looks totally worth it and your new hair style makes you a BEAUTIFUL cheap date!
Have a great weekend lady!
.-= Jen, a priorfatgirl´s last blog ..The Beck Diet: Discussion II =-.
Great workout. Super breakfast – I love omelettes!
Pixie is a cute.
As for weekend plans…after holiday party with our friends tonight. We always have a good time.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..A Perfect Getaway =-.
I absolutely adore your site and Pixie is so cute!I saw your site from the foodieblogroll and if you won’t mind, I’d love to guide foodista readers to your site.Just add a foodista widget at the end of this blog post and it’s ready to go.Thanks!
.-= Alisa´s last blog ..Foodista Q & A =-.
Your hair looks so cute! I like that you can still go either way with it once you decide.
Broccoli pizza looks great. Love that you always get your broccoli in!
No big plans for this weekend – my sons are heading back to college today. I’ve got plans to go running with my partner this afternoon – it’s been raining but supposed to stop. Hopefully we won’t be slogging through too many puddles!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Souper Winner and Randomness… =-.
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Love the haircut! I desperately need to get mine done!
You are making me hungry…good thing my homemade flatbread pizza in the oven.
The weekend? Started with Zumba this morning. First time…fun and uncoordinated! Not much the rest of the weekend. Gym, house, kids….
.-= Barb´s last blog ..Today’s Comments =-.
Lori, so much I want to comment about in this post but my time is a bit short today BUT cracked up that we both got our hair done! I talked about mine on the Friday post. Too funny! She cut mine shorter than I wanted but my hair grows fast.
Also, the shakers.. loved them & the kitty pic!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..10 Things That Make Me Happy =-.
Lori–forgot to comment that I love your hair!
.-= debby´s last blog ..Gratuitous “Noah” Shots =-.