Looks like a lot of you use rewards points! Thanks so much for all of your comments everyone! I love logging in each morning and reading them.
Headed out to the gym today. It turns out that one of the owners did pass away this weekend. He was only 35. Very sad. The gym will be closed tomorrow and Friday. Not sure what will happen with the gym.
I did a little treadmill walking (wearing my new athletic socks!!), then hit the weights:
- Chin up: 2
- Barbell squats: 3 sets of 8 at 85 pounds
- Widegrip lat pull down: 3 sets of 8 at 60 pounds
- Pushups: 3 sets of 10
- Static lunge: 3 sets of 10 with 25 pound plate
- Prone Cuban snatch: 3 sets of 10 with 10 pound dumbbells.
- Incline reverse crunch: 3 sets of 10.
After that, I did the recumbent bike. I haven’t been on any bike at all in about a month! Mine is now officially hung up for the season
I picked John up and we headed for the Wednesday usual!
I know coffee is an addiction for me, but possibly bagels are as well. Gone are the days were we would have them 4 to 5 days a week and mine would be a cinnamon sugar bagel with cappucino cream cheese (at Einsteins). Plus sweetened coffee or a vanilla latte. Who knows how Lori got to 250 pounds? – raise your hand! It’s all about changes.
I hope to have the gingerbread cookie recipe posted on Thursday. John got it for me and I just have to put it in post form.
I had a deep-seated chill for most of the morning which tea and a fleece jacket couldn’t get rid of, so I wanted something that would warm me up from the inside out for lunch. That meant oats!
I put protein powder, pumpkin, cinnamon in it and topped with jam and almonds. It worked and kept me nice and warm for the afternoon. Is there nothing oats can’t do? Of course, this lap warmer helped as well.
She looks so irritated that I was taking her picture LOL!
So yesterday I did well on the snacking front. I did not get in 30 minutes of cleaning, though. However, spending time with John at the cafe was totally worth ditching the cleaning! Today’s mini goal is going to be to get in that cleaning after I sign off from this post and to RELAX! I can’t believe I need to schedule that in, but there you have it. I am also super behind on my google reader. I haven’t even opened it today
Ever have one of those days where you just can’t even think of what to have for dinner? I did one of those staring into the fridge things tonight. John made himself eggs and sausage, which got me thinking breakfast again LOL. I decided on a fallback standby of the waffle egg sandwich!
Breakfast foods for all 3 meals. Does life get any better?
Ornament of the day:
A nutcracker (holding a french horn). There is always a little humor with the nutcrackers for me because I went through period of playing in the pit orchestra for the annual Nutcracker performances every year and it got so I couldn’t stand the music for it anymore! It was like a nightmare every time I heard it (and it is ubiquitous at this time of year). As a joke, John has nutcracker music for the ringtone for me in his phone when I call call him. I do like the music again now, though.
Don’t forget the cookbook giveaway if you haven’t entered yet! Ends this Friday.
Off to clean and then relax!
Nutcracker music is big in our house, with our tiny dancer. However, I took her to see it once when she was 3, and she doesn’t want to go anymore, because she’s already seen it. Yet she wants me to read her the story over & over again…go figure!
Mmmm, oats! Finally bought some more oat bran and made myself a bowl of “spackle”; haven’t had that in awhile. Breakfast food is always so cozy.
And I’m sorry to hear about the gym owner. Hope it stays open, it sounds like you really enjoy working out there!
.-= pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update, 12/16/09 =-.
I keep meaning to try a sandwich made with the waffles…but keep forgetting to buy waffles! Doh!
I’m still jealous of the oats. I did end up purchasing some steel cut oats, but since they have to cook for about 25min, that’s about 20 more minutes than what I have in the morning. Your breakfast photos look SO yummy though.
How horrible about the gym owner. I hope it stays open – you really seem to like it, and besides – where else can we get video of you doing chin-ups?? ;o)
.-= PTG1002´s last blog ..update to today =-.
aw I love the kitty picture. Too cute!
.-= Good Taste. Healthy Me.´s last blog ..Merry Christmas Everyone! =-.
Your kitty is so cute
Thanks for the ideas of throwing some jam on my oatmeal. It gets pretty boring after a while!
Breakfast for all meals rocks!
That is too bad about the gym owner. Sad for his family.
There is nothing I like better than someone who uses ubiquitous in a sentence.
You and all your hard core working out rock!
Apparently my thoughts are all over the place so I will go to BED!
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..SBD-Day 5 =-.
Got use those big words sometime, right??
Sorry about the gym owner also. I am sure the gym will stay open.
Your meals today all look so delicious. I think I will go right now and put a crock pot of steel cut oats on for the morning. (extras cause my kids love them too!)
.-= Karyn´s last blog ..Good news but lazy! =-.
I love your breakfast-themed day! And of course Miss Pix – she is so cute!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update and Please Help Me With a Costume! =-.
‘Breakfast foods for all 3 meals. Does life get any better? ‘ cracked me up. Because that is EXACTLY how I think. And it makes me laugh because I used to be proud that I could skip breakfast and not eat until 1pm. And I always said breakfast is my least favorite meal of the day. NOT ANYMORE, that’s for sure!
Man, the weights you do really impress me!
.-= debby´s last blog ..Let’s Try This Again =-.
Sad to hear about the gym owner, 35 is way to young to pass away.
As usual your food looks delicious. I’ve bought bagels too today so I’m going to have one for lunch which I’m going to prepare now
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Wednesday December 16th 2009 =-.
You have so many great combinations for your oats. I love them this time of year too, so warm and so filling!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Wednesday: Weigh In Day =-.
Thanks! I should do an oats ebook or something LOL!
So sad about the gym owner! Way to young!
Congrats on that workout & always love the pics! Food looks yummy!! That cat is so cute!!!! And love seeing your ornaments!
Try to stay warm! I am headed back under the heated blanket after my crazy hour gym workout!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Weight Loss Help, Sugar, NO and More! =-.
do you use plain protein powder for your oatmeal? or flavored?
I depends – the protein powder is flavored, but not sweetened. Normally I like the plain powder in oats because I have another flavor already, like pumpkin or banana. But you can use any flavor – it will come through in the oats!
I love your bagel days! I can live vicariously though you!
I have yet to find a gluten free bagel that isn’t like eating a hockey puck! lol!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Fat Girl Spins! =-.
Well, I am enjoying a day off and pondering on if I want to do any cleaning myself. hmm.. probably not!
.-= Foodie Girl´s last blog ..Nervous =-.
when you said the owner was 35 my heart sank. I mean it’s tragic no matter when we go…but 35 is sad. This person had his/her?? whole life ahead of them.
I love the part about your husband teasing you with the nutcracker ring tone! good times!
and bagels and coffee…been a while for me! yummy!
.-= Cindy´s last blog ..Hey Good Lookin’ Whatcha Got Cookin? =-.
I love bagels. They rock!
.-= Anne Marie@New Weigh of Life´s last blog ..Thankful Thursday =-.
How sad about the owner. Really sad. I’m sure they won’t close the gym though.
The nutcracker music always reminds me of when my girls did ballet. It was such a special time.
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Recipes for Winter Warmth =-.
Aw, that is so sad about the owner of your gym!! Hopefully they won’t have to close it.
I love breakfast food days. Who says there needs to be time limits on food?
I’m super behind on my Google Reader too, hence me commenting on old posts 
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Answered – The Final Round =-.
Nothing wrong with eating breakfast all day… I can do the same.
.-= Ron´s last blog ..That’s why I don’t buy it !!!! =-.