Thanks again for all of you offering to send me pumpkin LOL! We have 5 4 cans left. No worries, we find more
I was just going to hit the treadmill today, but then I decided to dink around with weights. I missed my lifting and it’s been 10 days, so that is long enough of a break!
I decided to start with a chin up. Funny thing is, I have never actually tried one to see if I could do it. I just did the negative ones in the NROLW book. It was so hard to lower myself slowly that I never thought to just try pulling myself up. So, I grabbed the bar and gave it a try. I actually did it! I was shocked! I tried another one, and it was successful, but I had to swing my body and use momentum to get up there, so I won’t count that one. Yes!! 1 chin up
Then I did the following:
- Barbell deadlift/row combo: 3 sets of 8 at 65 pounds
- Pliet squat with dumbbell: 3 sets of 10 at 35 pounds
- Horizontal wood chop: 3 sets of 8 at 50 pounds
- Seated lat row: 3 sets of 8 at 70 pounds
- YTWL: 3 sets of 8 with 10 pound dumbbells
40 minutes on the treadmill later and it was home to lunch! I opened one of said pumpkin cans and made some pumpkin oats with cranberry sauce!
Plus cafe au lait….. yum…..
Lots more paperwork for my refinance. The appraisal didn’t come in quite where we wanted it on the rental property, so we have to bring some money to closing to cover costs. I was hoping it would appraise high enough to roll those costs in. You need a 75% LTV ratio for investment properties. That’s okay, though – the amount we will be saving in interest will recoup that in 10 months. I just wish they would all get on the same page, you know? If you have a tandem group working on the application, don’t each person call me with the same questions!
Lunch was protein packed with some plain FF greek yogurt, vanilla protein powder, strawberries and some of my cranapple spice granola
This was a cold lunch, though – and it’s cold and drizzly here! I had a chill all afternoon.
I have a sweet tooth today, so I satisfied it with some dark chocolate and Fiber Select Wheat Thins with my latte:
I so love sweet/salty combinations.
We had dinner cooking all day in the crockpot. I put some boneless pork chops and BBQ sauce in the crockpot and cooked on low all day. The meat was quite good and tender. Maybe a touch dry.
Nothing a little extra sauce can’t take care of. The comice pear was soo good today, too! Some pears are really good and some aren’t, and you never know until you bite into it.
Working a little later tonight as we are just getting files back up to speed after the holiday. Then it is watching MNF – Go Saints!!! New Orleans is my 2nd favorite football team, cause I love N’awlins so (2 months until we are there, too!!).
This is how dedicated a kitty mom I am – do I have the cat move? No – I sit on the edge of the chair so I don’t bother her:
John took this pic as I am writing this post!
Question: Those of you with pets, do you hate to disturb them?
Woot! Great job on the chin up!!
.-= South Beach Steve´s last blog ..Motivation for Monday =-.
YAHOO on the chin!!!! How exciting! Shows you how much you accomplished with your weight routine! Love the videos of you by the way!!!! And the food, I am almost ready for dinner or should I say my second to last mini meal!
Congrats again & such a cute kitty!
PS: Having a giveaway on my post tomorrow!
Those pumpkin oats look delicious, and they’re always so filling! Great job on the chin up.
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..After Thanksgiving Update and Award =-.
Lori- You remind me of myself, I want an investment property, I am currently working on papers for a loan modification for my house. Love Wheat Thins but I have to stay away from crackers for now, for my weight loss.
The food looks great. I need to find some greek yogurt.
Woohoo on the chin up!!! That is great, Lori – all the NROLW must have strengthened you more than you realize! Congrats!!!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Another Benefit to Weight Loss =-.
Congrats on the chin up! That’s fantastic- I can’t wait till I can do one.
And yes! I hate disturbing the animals when they’re sleeping. Tara, the dog, has to get up every time I move, so if she’s relaxed…I’m stuck.
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..By the way… =-.
That great about the chin up. I love the picture of your kitty. I am like that also. My dog gets so comfortable sleeping on my chest that there are times I don’t even get up to answer the phone.
YAY for the chinup! That’s awesome, Lori! Your pumpkin oats look delicious, too. I need to go scout out a can. Haha, I do hate to disturb my sleeping kitties when I’m at home.
.-= Anne K.´s last blog ..2000 Miles Later… =-.
I won’t be seeing any chinups here for a very long time. The good news about that is I have not totally dismissed the fact I won’t ever do one. It’s just going to take some time!
I don’t have any pets unless you count the kid’s goldfish. His name is Norm. I think I am allergic to dogs though.
.-= Foodie Girl´s last blog ..I Feel Bloated =-.
Pumpkin oats, yumm! I have 1/2 can in the frig waiting for me to make my pumpkin oats tomorrow!
The Chin-up–YAY, but the whole workout was very impressive.
And the pets, no, I do not mind disturbing them too much. Especially when I have a hot flash and Sophie is buried inside my robe!
.-= debby´s last blog ..Flashback…or Motivation =-.
You really are strong in every way possible Lori! I’m so impressed. No chin ups here, but maybe someday. Probably not, but you never know!
The pumpkin shortage just hit here. Yesterday I saw a note that said, “No more pumpkin until next year.” Yikes!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..How Did You Decide? =-.
WTG on the workout chica – you could kick my butt seriously :)…I wish I had pets…sadly, I feel my tiny 1-bedroom apt is too small…maybe a kitten though – would be nice company :)…and YES – cranberry orange is such a good muffin flavor – how could I forget!! Yummers.
.-= eatmovelove´s last blog ..Review: Cran-Bran VitaMuffins =-.
You did a chin up! You freakin did a chin up!! Do you know how hard and how awesome it is that you did one?!?! WOW! Way to go Lori!!
.-= Mary : A Merry Life´s last blog ..Final Assessment and Reflections =-.
I might be able to do 1 chin up! Can’t rememeber the last time I tried!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..HAPPY DUMBBELL DAY! =-.
My upper body is as strong as a limp dishrag – but maybe someday I’ll be able to do one measly chin up. Your food looks great. And I LOVE to mess with my dog! He loves it too!
.-= Leslie´s last blog ..Anti-progress or Fear of Success? =-.
Love what a dedicated kitty mommy you are! Pixie is the cutest little thing! And when I had cats, I would let them sleep in the middle of the bed, and then I would ease myself in around them! Cats are like that. Congratulations on the chin up. That is awesome!
YAY for chin ups and strong women!
That’s you!
.-= Josie´s last blog ..Mmm…Olive Garden =-.
Often Pilot will curl up on my feet and I won’t move. My legs go numb and I still don’t move. My husband thinks I’m crazy but who wants to nudge the love away?
.-= Robin´s last blog ..My Life Right Now =-.
WOOHOO! Great job on the chin up!
I have two dogs and they are so darn sweet when they are snuggled up resting. I leave them be as much as possible. When the kids are around the dogs don’t get a break.
.-= Barb´s last blog ..Emotional & Physical Baggage =-.
I’m also a fan of sweet and salty combos. It does a body good!
.-= Anne Marie@New Weigh of Life´s last blog ..Mom’s Thanksgiving =-.
Woo HOOO! Congrats on your chin-up! That’s 2 more than I can do. NROLW seems to have paid off big time!
I don’t like disturbing the pets, either. Our cat likes to lay on my son’s bed all the time (she’s 17, so we let her), and I hate putting her in the garage at night. Never mind that she’s got a heated bed out there….
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update 11/25/09 and Happy Thanksgiving! =-.