In an effort to be extra green this week, I decided that I was going to bike to the gym no matter what this morning. I didn’t even check the weather to see the temperature, I just bundled up and went. I knew it was above freezing because there was no frost on the car
I have 1 week left of New Rules of Lifting!
- Barbell squat: 2 sets of 8 at 85 pounds
- Dumbbell squats with heels lifted: 4 sets of 15 at 20 pounds
- Overhead shoulder press: 4 sets of 20 with 12 pound weights
- Step ups: 4 sets of 15 with 25 pound dumbbells
- Underhand grip lat pulldown: 4 sets of 15 at 60 pounds
Man oh man. I am not liking this part very much. I love lifting, but this is pretty intense. I tend to take a little more than 30 seconds between sets and that is what makes this so rough.
Walked on the treadmill for a bit and then biked home. The sun was bright and shiny, so the ride wasn’t bad at all. I cannot believe I am still getting on my bike in mid November LOL! Biking makes me so happy.
If you read my post earlier, you know I had steel cut oats for brekkie. Num, num.
I will show you a pic of my cafe au lait that accompanied it – even though the Broncos do *not* deserve to be featured on my blog right now…..
Annoying day at work today. Tough dictators makes for slowness and frustration. Ah well, not every day is quick and easy, right?
Took a lunch break for another waffle sandwich! I am so into sweet and savory right now.
This sandwich was roasted turkey breast, laughing cow cheese, and apple butter! And yes, to answer a question, I do toast the waffles.
So, my new camera is acting up. Okay, my refurbished camera is acting up. You can see what is happening on this post. That pinkish hue gets on a lot of my photos and the LED screen gets all funked up. It doesn’t happen all the time, but too many times to just deal with it. It’s under warranty, so I was on the phone with Olympus to get it straightened away to send to them. Of course, they won’t tell me if the repair is under warranty until they see the camera, but come on!
I am so addicted to taking pictures that I am panicking about not having this camera again. Although my mom is going to let me borrow her new camera.
Snack with my latte:
So yesterday evening was not a good eating time for me. You know how I blogged about wanting to eat yesterday? Well I did. I managed to have some toast with apple butter, some dark chocolate chips and pretzels and a little leftover bread pudding during the course of the football game last night. And I did not feel full! What the heck is up with that? How could I possibly not be full? Bah! So, today is really one of those days where I leaned out the calories to make up for that.
No broccoli for dinner tonight! Heehee. I did a basic sauteed chicken breast and roasted brussel sprouts, plus some applesauce.
A-1 sauce for dippin’. I am in a roasted, sauteed vegetable rut. Like you all couldn’t see that for yourselves! Although, I like my ruts. Guess that’s why I get in them!
Evening snack for MNF:
This is pretty good. Nice coffee flavor, although I don’t drink sweetened coffee, so it was a little weird to have a sweet coffee flavor in my mouth. I like the gingerbread larabar better. What I really need to do is make more of my own.
Question: Are you in any kind of rut now?
Mmm…brussel sprouts. I love them, but have never had them roasted. I will have to try that.
Sorry to hear about your camera woes and hopefully all will be well soon.
Yes, I am in a rut. The junk food eating, beat my self up rut. Must escape rut!!!
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Strong Start…Weak Finish =-.
Great website for cookies – thanks!! Yes, I’m always in a run unfortunately – with life – doing the same thing every night and knowing I should change…but not being able to …:(
ah well, too heavy, love the waffle sandwich!!i have van’s waffles here to try (and maple syrup mmmm)
.-= eatmovelove´s last blog ..Best Buds =-.
I just got out of my Fage/strawberries/Kashi rut…of course, now it’s turned into a Fage/Craisins/less Kashi rut, but hey, it’s a little different!
You should be getting a commission: I bought a box of Attune dark chocolate bars today (thanks for mentioning that they are next to the yogurt – I had been looking all over the store for them) and I also ordered the NROLW book – hoping to get myself set for the Christmas break, when my workout place takes a hiatus (like everything else in this college town).
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..I’ve Written This Post In My Head Many Times… =-.
Yes. I am in a rut. I can’t stop reading blogs. Really. I am spending too much time reading blogs. Must stop. Right after I check a couple more on my bookmark bar…
.-= debby´s last blog ..Holy Moly! Who Knew Pumpkin Seeds Could Be So Good! =-.
hmmmm rut? I think Id be more baffled if I exited my rut!
whats it like out there?
I love biking,too! I wish there was a trail near my home; the roads are just too hilly and dangerous around here (*read* people drive like idiots)!
Hmmm…I think I’m in a “hold on tight to those last 10-15 lbs.” rut
.-= Marisa (Trim The Fat)´s last blog ..Practicing Vegan =-.
I can’t believe you’re so close to finishing NROL! I hope you do some sort of wrap-up post on it
I know what you mean about this last Stage, those workouts kinda killed me too. Just so many sets at so many reps with so little time in-between. I skipped Stage 6, so I was coming straight off 4 rep workouts with crazy heavy weights. I had to go down a lot in weights for Stage 7 just to get through the workouts!
Food ruts can be a good thing, means you found a food you like! I don’t even bother photographing it as much anymore, but I still eat a pita sandwich a day. And lots of carrot sticks. That’s been going on for years now though, so not sure if I’ll ever get out of that one!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Step by Step =-.
Hey, good stuff! You did a great workout & you are making up right away for eating a bit too much. Nothing like getting right back to it with a few changes to put it back where it all belongs! Loving the pics again no matter what!
I get my pumpkin bagels at a small bagel shop here called bagels & brew.. YUMMY!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Workout Tips; Bday Update =-.
I have got to try me some of that laughing cow. and waffle sandwiches. It’s just such a simple idea, but it looks great and is better for you than other alternatives. I hope you get the camera issue resolved!
Sorry the camera is acting up — that’s too bad because I really love your food shots! They’re so yummy. It’s even got me trying out the macro setting on my camera. Hope it’s easily fixable.
.-= Ishmael´s last blog ..Three Posts in 24 Hours =-.
Yes I can’t believe that you’re still biking in November. It was -15 this morning. Wouldn’t you know that it was the day that I decided to go swimming in order to break the rut that I’ve been in. I just can’t seem to make exercise a priority. So today is the day I’m diving in.
Animal cracker! Yummy!
.-= Mary : A Merry Life´s last blog ..The Things We Tell Ourselves =-.
Oh, come on Lori! It has nothing to do with being greener! We all know your true reason for biking to the gym! Your love for your bike!!
All kidding aside, it is really nice to still be able to ride this time of year. We are lucky enough not to have any snow yet and light jacket weather. This is the kind of winter I can handle!
Keep biking as long as you can!
.-= Karyn´s last blog ..New taste experience! =-.
Wauw you’re almost finished with your program, any plans for a new one already?
I love brussels sprouts but the hub doesn’t so we don’t eat them often.