You just have to laugh

My sister sent me these. Tell me, does a copy editor get paid?

What goes around comes around!


Did we elect these people??


f3Civil War planes? Let me know how that works out.


I’m saying *GREAT* paint job.


“We had no idea anyone was buried there.”


I didn’t know we could choose.


This one says it all.


What are the odds of that?


Please, anyone, if you’ve seen this man ….


Come on, that’s just mean!


I would have guessed 19.

8 thoughts on “You just have to laugh

  1. Susan

    Bahahaha!! I love these! Reminds me of Jay Leno’s “Headlines” segment, which is always my favourite!

    One funny one happened when I was covering city council a few weeks ago… Our mayor declared our city’s first ever “Pride Week.” It was a big deal, as gay/lesbians in the area have been trying to get one for a while. After making the pronouncement, all the organizers jumped up from their seats and started hooting and applauding. To which the mayor responded “I’m so proud, blahblahblah…Thanks for coming out.”

    Everyone in the media room roared with laughter. He was thanking them for showing up to the meeting, but well, you get it 😛
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Flashback Friday: B&A’s =-.

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