Nice and cool this morning – so refreshing! I was so hungry when I woke up today. Had the very last piece of Ezekiel bread with the last of the apricot jam and PB for my snack. Tasty stuff.
Here are some more stealth shots of my new gym.
I’m in in the last couple workouts from Stage 4 of NROLW.
Today was B:
- Deadlifts: 1 x 8 55 pounds, 1 x 8 65 pounds, 1 x 8 75 pounds
- Bulgarian split squats: 3 x 8 35# plate
- Underhand grip lat pulldown: 1 x 8 60#, 2 x 8 at 70#
- Reverse lunge with forward reach: 3 x 8 10# dumbbells (yay!)
- Prone cuban snatch: 3 x 8 10# dumbbells (super yay!)
- Crunches, reverse crunches, lateral raise
- Back extension machine (instead of prone cobra) 3 x 8 at 90#
I decided to do the back extension rather than the cobra because I am tired of that one. I’m feeling strong and it feels so good!
Texted John (I can’t believe I have actually sent some texts recently!) to meet me and bike onward to breakfast! Speed on the way there, just under 12mph.
Someone there wanted my coffee. I love this guy – one of my favorite Christmas specials
And the brekkie!
Biked home. Speed on the way home hit 13.5 mph. Think it was the bagel and the carb boost? Indeed.
Light on work this morning, which is a good thing because I was meeting someone at noon. Noon is lunchtime for me, normally – so it was an ‘on-the-go’ lunch. Been a while since I have had one of these!
Some cereal snackage when I got back (oooooppppssss…..).
More delicious coffee after trying to get into a work rhythm. If I didn’t actually see blood come out when I do donations, I would assume that my veins are full of coffee.
John grilled steak for dinner – yum! Haven’t had steak in forever. I so love our local smokehouse.
Usually I go and get a bunch of chicken (I’m cheap). John went and came home with a $8 per pound steak! One piece of meat that is really worth paying good money for is steak. Never buy cheap steak. Other cuts, yes – but not steak. So good.
So, I am feeling a little aimless without having a goal since I am not doing the half marathon, although finishing NROLW is a good goal! I’m doing a couple 5Ks, but it’s not quite the same. I saw a duathlon in the paper in October this morning, and I just might go ahead and do that. It’s 2.2 mile run/16 mile bike ride/2.2 mile run. I think that might be a good way to send out the active season. I had an odd desire to to a brick the other day (what was I thinking??), so maybe I should do it.
Or really, what I should do is buckle down and take off the last 10 pounds instead of dinking around.
MST3K from Netflix tonight!
Question: What are your lunches (or any meal) on the go?
You know my answer to that one – pitas! I guess they have to be pre-made, which takes time. But it’s basically a huge salad I can eat with my hands
Otherwise, it’s usually a bar, piece of fruit, nuts and or cheese.
Oh! And my roommate finally found her popcorn maker and gave it to me! Hopefully there will be some fresh roasted coffee in my future
Ah…. fresh roasted coffee! Yum!
Luna bars, cheese, almonds…luckily I don’t have to eat lunch on the run very often!
You had an urge to do a brick? Did you check to see if you had a fever?!?
What is a brick? I should probably know this from reading your blog.
I have a couple of things–one is a lunch box and the other is a salad bowl, and they both have those blue ice things in them. So I can take pretty much anything I want. Which is usually cottage cheese and some fruit. Sometimes I have roasted green beans to take with me. And once in a great while I still have a luna or clif bar. But not too much any more. Of course, I have those lo-bars that I love. And sometimes, usually when I have a long ways to drive, I weigh out 100 calories worth of sunflower seeds. Takes forever to eat, and seems to keep the hunger at bay.
Debby – a brick is where you do 2 ‘events’ in a row. It was part of training for the triathlon. So you would do a swim and then a bike ride. Or do a bike ride and then a run right after. It’s transition training, but also a heck of a good workout!
Oh I loved the duathlon! It was my fave athletic event to date and I tell anyone who listens about it. I did a similar distance. It was the Mermaid Series. Check out the website if you haven’t yet
I need goals too – they keep me chuggin’
Meals on the go? Usually a larabar and a few slices of turkey wrapped around a light string cheese or greek yogurt with berries and a bit of granola.
Go for it! That duathlon sounds like a perfect end to the season! Bricks always make me feel like a real athlete- especially when I run past people I just saw while biking. I always wonder if they think I’m crazy. I probably am a little bit crazy.
The duathlon sounds like an awesome goal!
I’m on the last 10lbs too!!! My weight seems to be moving now which i’m sooo happy about! My fave meals on the go, hmmm… I don’t really eat “on the go”, but i’ll say fruit, trail mix, etc… nothing out of the ordinary. 
Lol – love the coffee pic.