Nice workout time this morning, even though I was up too early because I couldn’t sleep! Mostly cardio bunnies at the gym today and I was all by myself in the free weight area for almost all of my workout (yay!). Then someone came in and got on the Smith machine, but I don’t care about that. Mornings all the way for weights!
- Dumbbell cuban snatch: 3 x 6 15 pounds
- Dumbbell single-leg deadlift: 3 x 6 at 20
- Barbell bent-over row: 1 x 6 at 45, 1 x 6 at 55, 1 x 6 at 65
- Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat 3 x 6 (using 8# and 15#)
- Dumbbell incline bench press: 3 x 6 at 25#
- Planks: 90 second holds 3 times
- Reverse woodchop: 3 x 6 at 50 pounds
- Bodyweight matrix: 3 times
My variant of this is to do alternating lunges for the 3rd item and not jump with them, then to do the jump squats. I could only do 12 jump squats on each repetition, though! :O It took me about 3 minutes to get through each set. Gee…. I wonder what I will feel like tomorrow. Video of someone doing the matrix at the end of this post – This lady rocks!
Came home hungry! Protein pancakes with blueberries.
Here are my goals for this week:
- Stay within calories.
- No cereal snacking!!! I mean it!!
- 3 weight workouts (1 done)
- 2 running days
- 3 biking days
- Take time to congratulate myself at the end of each day for the positive things I accomplish.
Lunch was like a little tasting plate: Tuna mixed with 40 Spice Hummus, FSTG Sweet Potato chips (amazing!), more blueberries, baby carrots. This was fun and interactive.
I have managed to consume a whole pint of blueberries by myself since yesterday! John said I was going to need to get another job to support my fruit addiction
Afternoon latte. I think our machine is on its last legs.
I had even more hummus for dinner. I cooked up some ground turkey and rolled it up in a wrap with the 40 spice hummus and spring mix. Yum!
I normally don’t have a bread-type carb at dinner, so this was something different.
Body weight matrix video – warning, lame music ahead!
And for kicks, here is someone who isn’t doing so well with the matrix – I will just put the link up because I don’t want to embarass him LOL (although he did post this on youtube). And truth be told, I am a lot more like him than the woman above!
Haha, I love that guy!! I’ve seen the first video before. When I first started doing the matrix, I would bring my “ass to the grass” so to speak. I got so pissed when I saw her legs were only parallel and I was working harder than I had too!!
Anyways, great workout AND goals Lori!! Let us know how the cereal munching goes. You will be my hero if you do it
As always Lori, your weightlifting routine just wows me. Amazing work.
I have a fruit addiction as well…and yes, it’s costly, but seriously, what a thing to spend money on, right?!?
I’m definitely going to try the body matrix, though I found a little bit of a different version: jump squats, forward lunges, jump squats, side lunges, jump squats, reverse lunge, standard squats. Either way you go (either body matrix) means I’m gonna be DEAD!! LOL
I’ve been eating a ton of blueberries this summer, too! They are so yummy. I also can’t seem to get enough of all the other summer fruit, especially strawberries and nectarines!
no cereal snacking has been a hard one for me to break.
waaaay tougher than that matrix and that sh*t is hard
I really like the lunches like the little snacking plate. Make me happy. I have pretty much stopped eating cereal the past month or so. I think the chickens might be getting some snack food pretty soon!