I have to admit, I miss my exercise routine! Today was just a 30 minute walk outside. I actually should have done more considering what I ended my day with!
Rest days are just as important as the training days, though! That is when the body makes repairs and builds strength – not on the actual day you are working out. Plus, there isn’t anything I could do this week that would get me any faster in any of the events.
Had a lovely bowl of oats this morning:
1/2 cup of oats
- 1 small banana
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- topped with 2 tsp of homemade peanut butter
Today is my Friday! Got right to work to be done as soon as possible. Lunch was had at the computer – another spinach smoothie:
several large handfuls of spinach
- 1 scoop Jay Robb strawberry protein powder
- frozen tropical fruit mix
Plus a Luna bar
John went to pick up some coffee from Dunkin Donuts this afternoon, as the dishwasher was running with our latte stuff in mid afternoon. DD is only about a mile from our house (eeek!). I wanted a skim latte with just cinnamon flavor. He came back and I tasted it. They put Splenda in it!! YUCK!!! He didn’t ask for it sweetened, why on earth would they do that? So, we ended up trading drinks as he had gotten a decaf coffee with milk. I cannot abide the taste of Splenda, so I couldn’t even choke it down if I wanted to. Should have walked back there – but it was nice of John to trade. I was pouty, so I got some of these to have with it since I didn’t get my latte:
John kindly grilled some chicken tonight while I finished up work. Plus extra so we have it at the ready in the fridge! Yay!
After dinner, we did some ‘research’ for a possible new business that John is thinking about, which led us here:
And somehow I ended up with this:
Cannoli ice cream! Cheesecake ice cream with chocolate waffle cone pieces and anise flavor. This was *1* scoop. Good thing I didn’t get 2! So delicious, though. I do love my frozen yogurt, but the ice cream is so good.
My weekend starts tomorrow and I took Sunday off of work, so I get a 3-day weekend! Yay! I didn’t want to come back and have to work after doing the triathlon, so that is worth taking PTO.
Question: Do you ever eat something that you don’t want just to not waste it?
I hate to admit it, but eating food in order to not waste it is a big weakness of mine. I hate throwing something out.
I definitely suffer from “clean plate syndrome.” I’m sure it was one of the reasons why I used to be a little overweight. Now I have to consciously tell myself that if I’m full, or don’t even like what I’m eating, then it’s time to back away from the food!
I’m getting so excited for your triathlon!!!!
oh my gosh that looks yummy!
My frugal nature is often at war with my desire to maintain a healthy body. It’s been a tough battle for me to learn that I’m worth the good stuff.
Good luck with the tri – I can’t wait to hear how it went for you.
That has always been my biggest problem… Don’t let that food go to waste.. It’s the biggest part of this lifestyle change for me. Learning to not eat the food because it is there.