Today was open water swim day! John and I decided to bike, which actually may not have been the best choice. Moreau State Park is only about 8 miles by bike, so definitely a good ride. However, the weather wasn’t so cooperative later. Anyway, fueled up with brekkie of banana oat bran with almond butter and my precious cafe au lait!
Nice ride, and the weather started out gorgeous. I shed my jacket part way there and had just the trisuit on, so my upper arms waved at all the cars on the road What a fantastic park, too!
The nieces fishing with my sister:
Colleen and I did laps in the lap section of the swimming area. So, it wasn’t totally open water, but there were no lanes, just a roped off section. I am quite the drifter, I have to say – which could be a problem come triathlon day LOL! I hope Colleen and I are in the same swim heat so she can steer me! It definitely felt very different than the pool, colder (but not too bad) and choppier, especially when the wind picked up. It was nice to not deal with chlorine today. And my triscuit suit is great! It really streamlined my bottom half, and I swear I was faster, but it could just be my imagination.
Later in the day, Devon said “Mommy, there is something on your shoe.” Her shoes had been laying on the ground for a while. We looked and saw something molting:
Kind of gross, yet interesting. So, we just watched for a while (a long while).
Isn’t that cool? You don’t get to see that very often. Wonder what would have happened if it had landed on anyone else’s shoes? Definitely a cool thing for the girls to see, too.
It poured on us a few times, so we had to bum a ride home and put the bikes in the van. Of course, a couple miles from the park it was sunny and beautiful, so we would probably have been okay biking home (wimps!!!).
So – I give Triscuit a thumbs up so far on bike and swim! Comfy.
I was going to post a granola recipe I made and brought to the picnic, but maybe not after the dragonfly pics LOL!
Those dragonfly pictures are so cool – what a treat to get to see that happen!
Glad to hear that Triscuit is working well for you!
WOW – what an amazing thing to be able to capture!
Sounds like your OWS went really well. We’re hoping to do a little practice maybe at the end of July…I think my biggest fear is not being able to see the bottom. Well, that and drowning. ;o)
I know – I really just want to make it to the other side of the lake in one piece and still breathing LOL!
Wow, that was so awesome, seeing the dragonfly molt in action! What perfect timing!
Very cool pictures of the dragonfly. My family has always enjoyed the bugs and nature in general. I am sure we would have watched this whole episode too.
Those are great pictures! How cool that you guys got to see that! Thanks for sharing it.
wow that is totally cool!!!
Really great pictures, I love going on bike rides. Especially when the scenery is so nice!
What a gorgeous swimming spot! Is that where your triathlon will be? That’s pretty nice that they had a lap section, I kept running into playing children when I did mine
Sounds like we had similar experiences, a little colder and choppier but not that scary. And I agree, it was a nice change from swimming in a chlorinated pool.
Okay, those dragonfly pics are awesome. I’ve always been the type of girl who pokes bugs instead of squealing at them
I’d still love to hear the granola recipe!
No – this is a different place than the tri, although I am pretty sure it is similar, since we are swimming across a lake (or rather in an “L” across.
Thanks for sharing the dragonfly pics, Lori! Amazing, I’ve never seen that before! And I’m so glad you like your trisuit. Plus, you really look cute in it. I swam for the first time yesterday (in my swim shorts!) I’m afraid I”m not much of a swimmer anymore. Oh well, something else to work on!
Very cool Pics, sounds like you had a great day!